First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation
Learn about the CSA in Tripp County, SD

Founded in 1995 Giving Back to Tripp County
The First Fidelity Bank/Tripp County Community Foundation operates under the guidelines of the South Dakota Community Foundation and was set up to encourage philanthropy in Tripp County. In 1995, First Fidelity Bank offered to make a $50,000.00 donation to each community in which a First Fidelity Bank is located to encourage donations to a perpetual endowment which is maintained by the South Dakota Community Foundation. The funds were to be donated on a matching dollar for dollar basis with private donations. The Winner/Colome locations combined their funds and met the challenge by raising matching funds in the amount of $100,000.
Under the Tripp County Community Foundation umbrella, we have several funds specially designated for scholarships, special interest groups, along with undesignated funds used for community grant making. The total net assets currently exceed $2,000,000. All our funds have come through private donations and memorial gifts. This was accomplished through the efforts of very generous Tripp County residents.
The First Fidelity Bank/Tripp County Community Foundation funds are permanent endowments of which ~ 4.5% of the 4-year rolling fund balance is made available annually to be used for grant making to non-profit organizations or causes designated in the fund agreement. The principal invested is never used, only a portion of the earnings are made available for distribution. This ensures that the funds in this foundation will benefit our community into perpetuity. Since the establishment of this foundation, we have made community grants and scholarships in excess of $500,000.

Requests for grants by eligible institutions are encouraged and application forms are available from board members or by download below. Selection of grants recipients occurs in the spring and fall of each year.
Please read the Grant Guidelines carefully before completing the grant application below.
Bikes for Kids
Boys Scouts
Avenue of Flags
Clearfield Community Hall
Colome Athletic Boosters
City of Winner
Colome Fire Dept.
Dakota Sr. Meals
Clearfield Youth Center
Hamill Community Hall
Out of School Program
Colome Baseball/Softball
Rosebud Rod & Arrow
Tripp Co. 4-H & Fair Board
Family Tree Society
Tripp Co. Historical Society
Tripp Co. Library
Senior Citizens Center
Winner Quarterback Club
Winner Ministerial Assoc.
Tripp Co. Centennial
Winner Volunteer Fire Dept.
Witten Fire Dept.
Tripp Co. Veterans Memorial
St. Mary’s Hall
Winner American Legion
Wewela Community Hall
Winner Community Pool
Winner Resource Center
Winner Community Playhouse
Winner Summer Rec
Winner transit
Native American Advocacy
Generous supporters of the First Fidelity & Tripp County Community Foundation have contributed over $408,000 to the fund allowing for $282,520 to be given back to the community in grants. These funds will always be working for the betterment of Tripp County. We are extremely grateful for your support.
Alice Daughters
Beverly Albanese
Charles Hellmann
Chuck & Norma Keiser
Dan Flynn & Mary Carpenter
David J. Wonnenberg
Dorris L Keach
Dr. Kelly Krizan
Ellen Bailey
First Fidelity Bank-Colome
First Fidelity Bank-Winner
G. E. Shoemaker
Gene & Pat Grossenburg
George & Laurie Kenzy
Gladys Woidneck
Grace J. Neyens
Grossenburg Cattle Company, Inc.
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Joan Rae Hauf
Keith & Gracia Goodhope
Keith C. Goodhope
L.C. Charitable Trust Vogelgesang
Lillibridge Family Fund
Louise Matousek
Mary K. Lammers
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Calhoon
Patricia Knust
Robert & Judy Benson
Robert & Karen Scheinost
Ron & LaWaynie Hossle
Rosebud Concrete, Inc.
South Dakota Community Foundation
Timothy Dean
Tony L. Berg MD
Town and Country Junior Womens Club
W. J. Schramm
Wyman Family Randall
Arthur Schlaikjer
Chuck & Norma Keiser
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company
First Fidelity Bank-Winner
First Fidelity Tripp County Area Foundation
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Keith & Gracia Goodhope
Matousek Family
Rosebud Concrete, Inc.
Tripp County Area Foundation
William J. Matousek
Winner High School Class of 1938
Al & Esther E. Barnes Estate
Boy Scouts Troop 100
Chuck & Norma Keiser
Colome Centennial Committee
Elaine Wolf
Employees First Fidelity Bank Winner
First Fidelity Bank-Winner
Goodhope Cattle
James & LaVonne Randall
Jim Richey
Joel Leyden
Kathryn Little
Keith & Gracia Goodhope
Keith C. Goodhope
Loren Murren
Marsha Risseeuw
Melvin Butterfield memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Calhoon
Robert & Judy Benson
Rosebud Concrete, Inc.
The Shannon family
Tripp County Centennial Committee
William J. Matousek
Ameriprise Financial - Gift Matching Program
Animal Clinic, LTD
Awesome Accessories
Brian & Tari London
Bryan & Kimberly Hespe
Bryon & Vicki Foreman
Charles & Beverly Axtell
Chris & Misti Burns and Jack & Marlene Burns
Chuck & Norma Keiser
Clinton & Kim Vanneman
Cody & Rachel Haiar
Craig & Dawn Covey
Curt & Tami Comp
Darrel & Deanna Kaiser
Dr. Daniel L. Peters
Dr. Daniel L. Peters & Lenore Peters
Dr. Tony & Kay Berg
Dunk Tank proceeds
Dwight & Rhonda Hossle
Engel Trucking, Inc.
Family Tree Society
First Fidelity Bank-Winner
George LaCompte memorial
Goodhope Cattle
James & Jean Drake
James & LaVonne Randall
Janet Fenenga
Jason & Candice Sachtjen
Jason & Jessica Beehler
Jason Bartels
Jeffrey & Sharon Schramm
Joel & Melinda Leyden
Joel Leyden
Jorgensen Land & Cattle Partnership
Keith & Gracia Goodhope
Kelly & Kay Meiners
Kelly & Kay Meiners
Kenny & Carlene Cloud
Kyle & Sate Hammerbeck
Malon & Alona Burtz
Mardell Antes
Midwest Radio Corporation
Office Products Center, Inc.
Robert & Judy Benson
Robert & Karen Scheinost
Ron & LaWaynie Hossle
Rusty & Penny Heenan
Ryal Vanneman
The Family of Alice Daughters
Thomas & Bobbe Schramm
Whiting Law Office
William J. Matousek
Winner Family Dentistry
Winner Gymnastics, Inc.
Winner High School Class of 1957
Winner Rotary Club
Meet Our Advisory Council
Lynnelle | Anderson | (605)842-3202 |
Charles | Axtell | (605)842-3107 |
Judy | Benson | (605)842-2240 |
Danielle | Cahoy | (308)223-9507 |
Dawn | Covey | (605)840-1334 |
Gary | Fenenga | (605)841-1757 |
Barry | Grossenburg | (605)840-1305 |
Chuck | Keiser | (605)840-2048 |
Joel | Leyden | (605)840-1929 |
Rita | Neyens | (605)840 -0165 |
Eric | Pollard | (605)321-0339 |
Jeff | Schramm | (605)840-1343 |
Kim | Vanneman | (605)840-2751 |
Kara | Zeigler | (605)530-7406 |
Support the Tripp County CSA Help Tripp County thrive for generations to come.
Contact Information
P.O. Box 111
Winner, SD 57580
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.