Explore grant options through the SDCF.

South Dakota Community Foundation Helping Nonprofits Help Others
SDCF is excited to announce the launch of our new online grant portal, GOapply.
Please note: all new applicants need to create a new account in GOapply, and approval of new registrants is needed before you are able to sign in as described in the GOapply User Guide.
As we transition to this new system, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we adapt and work through any bugs in the new system. Thank you.
The South Dakota Community Foundation offers an array of grants to help state nonprofits realize their dreams and continue investing in their communities. Nonprofits may use this page to apply for grants, get information on starting an agency endowment fund for their organization, or ask us questions!
Your nonprofit organization is vitally important to South Dakota individuals and families. Just as you look out for them, we look out for you. We offer a variety of grants to support the work of nonprofits across the state.
SDCF Grant Opportunities:
- South Dakota Fund Grants: The South Dakota Fund is our unrestricted fund that makes grants in support of culture, economic development, education, financial literacy, health and human services. If your organization supports any of these focus areas, a South Dakota Fund grant might be a great place to start.
- Beyond Idea Grant: The Beyond Idea Grant program supports community-based problem solving in South Dakota. The program aims to develop, test, and spread ideas that make the region better for everyone and inspire, equip, and connect leaders to more effectively lead equitable change.
- Bush Prize: South Dakota: The Bush Prize award celebrates organizations that are highly valued within their communities and have a track record of successful community problem solving. Bush Prize: South Dakota is offered in partnership between the Bush Foundation and the South Dakota Community Foundation.
- Nonprofit Savings Accounts: The SDCF wants to help spark sustainability for South Dakota nonprofits by partnering with organizations and their donors to build endowment funds. Nonprofit organizations will have the opportunity to receive SDCF challenge grants each year. The funds raised and the SDCF match will be invested to provide annual support to selected nonprofits forever.
- Local CSA Grants: The SDCF partners with local communities to provide them with a community savings account (CSA). A CSA allows a community to invest and grow its endowment with the help of the SDCF, while the local board raises money and selects grant recipients in the community.
View Foundation Partner Grant and Donor Lists here.
Ready to get started? Apply for a Grant

South Dakota Fund Grants
SDCF's Unrestricted Grantmaking Program
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Beyond Idea Grants
Community-based problem solving in South Dakota.
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Bush Prize: South Dakota
In partnership with the South Dakota Community Foundation and the Bush Foundation
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Nonprofit Savings Account Challenge Grants
Creating a legacy for nonprofits in our state.
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Local Grants
If a community has a Community Savings Account (CSA) with the SDCF, nonprofits can apply for funding directly from the local CSA advisory council.
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