Legacy Society | South Dakota Community Foundation

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Legacy Society

Recognizing those who have made a legacy for South Dakota.

Farm sunset

Creating a lasting impact for South Dakota SDCF Legacy Society

South Dakota Community Foundation’s Legacy Society honors and recognizes those who have committed to supporting South Dakota through a planned or current gift to the Foundation. Sharing their abundant blessings, Legacy Society members provide funds to affect positive change for communities and nonprofits forever.

One of the greatest joys in my life has been meeting generosity in the faces of South Dakotans near and far who believe that together we can transform our state…for good.

Stephanie Judson, President and CEO
The Bowar Family, Parkston, SD

No one knows a community better than those who call it HOME. Hometown Heroes

Our Hometown Heroes are recognized for their generosity in providing resources to enhance the quality of life in their community. They have created funds to change and enrich the lives of their neighbors, while signifying their faithful commitment to the place they call home.


Abbott House FoundationMitchell/Rapid City
American Bank & TrustHuron
Keith & Carolann Anderson*Britton
Shirley BaasMitchell
C. Douglas & Marlas Balvin*Huron 
First National Bank Pierre
Bankwest Pierre
William P. & Judy M. BartholowHuron
Miles & Lisa BeacomSioux Falls
Beck Motor CompanyPierre
Beth and Jim BenningSpearfish
Robert & Judy BensonTripp County
Black Hills Corporation Rapid City 
Booth SocietySpearfish
Patrick* & Catherine BowarParkston
Boys & Girls Club of RosebudRosebud
Bruce Brandner Herreid
Jerry BricknerHoven
Mark & Christine BucheMitchell
Adrienne Buel* and Delbert & Florence Olson*Lake Preston
Dean L. & Rosemarie BuntrockColumbia
Doug & Linda BuriMilbank
Castlewood Education FoundationCastlewood
Anson E. & Sheron M. ChapmanHuron
Cheyenne River Youth ProjectEagle Butte
Paul and Muffy* ChristenHuron
Jim & Janice ClarksonHarding County
CorTrust BankStatewide
Lawrence* & Virginia CossMiller
Kay CrawfordHot Springs
Janet CroninGettysburg
Clay & Karen CudmorePierre
Sharon CutlerSioux Falls, Hill City
Dacotah Bank Aberdeen
Dakota ProvisionsHuron
Dennis & Linda DaugaardStatewide
Earl Davis Rapid City 
John B. Davis Sioux Falls 
Marion & Lee* DenekampGary
Jim & Sarah DeWittSioux Falls
Kristine & Dave DownsStatewide
Tom & Becky DravlandStatewide
Dana & LaDawn DykhouseStatewide
Robert and Emily Entwisle*Huron
Dr. Dennis & Dorothy* EppFreeman
Jeff and Linda EricksonSioux Falls
Farm Credit Services of AmericaStatewide
Frank Farrar*Britton
Feeding South DakotaStatewide
Donald & Susanne FeistRapid City
William L. & B. Joan FergusonTripp County
First PREMIER BankStatewide
First Savings BankStatewide
Leroy & Charlene Foster Pierre
Rod and Glenna* FoubergAberdeen
Randall F. FranssensPlatte 
Lee & Jackie FrickeySpearfish
Michael A. & Mary E. Fuchs Huron 
Linda Mickelson GrahamSioux Falls
Gary and Connie GrittnerPierre/Fort Pierre
William Roger GrohsMitchell
James & Dianne GropperHuron
Barry and Marilyn GrossenburgWinner
GROW South DakotaStatewide
Wayne Gustafson*Rapid City/Dupree
Wayne & Gwynn HansenPhilip
Duane and Barbara HarmsBrookings
Jim & Jane Harrenga Estelline
Jim and Nini HartMiller
Charles and Kathryn HartRapid City
Helpline CenterStatewide
Hoch FamilyTyndall
Marcia and Blake HoffmanSioux Falls
Sharlene Hoffman Aberdeen
Boyd and Dody HopkinsArtesian/Letcher/Mt. Vernon
Marilyn HoytHuron
Oscar M. & Edna A. Himrich*Selby
Huron Hockey AssociationHuron
Huron Regional Medical CenterHuron
Harvey & Cynthia JewettAberdeen
Estate of Norma JohnsonLyman County
Scott and Julia JonesPierre/Fort Pierre
Richard JonesPierre
Richard Joy Miller
Matt & Stephanie JudsonPierre
Elmer Karl Gregory 
Tim* & Amy KesslerAberdeen
Dan and Arlene KirbySioux Falls
Douglas & Rhonda KludtHuron
Jerry & Karen KroetchPhilip
Maree LarsonBrookings
Dale & Bonnie* LarsonLangford
Margaret LehrHuron
Deanna LienRapid City
Jim & Vicki Lust Aberdeen
Barry & Teri MackHuron
Steve & Karen MarcusHuron
Doug & Clarie MarshOnida
Tom & Anne* McColleyHot Springs
Gary and Deb McKellipsAlcester
Mark & Kristol McKieRapid City
Jerry & Sandra Mencke Huron 
G. Mark & Cynthia MickelsonStatewide
John & Joy MillsBrookings
Ralph Mitchell*Platte
Mitzel & Sons, Inc.Herreid
James Mollison Pierre/Fort Pierre 
Donald Naddy*Britton 
DeMaris NesheimPhilip
Joe H. Neumayr*Gettysburg
Ronald & Linda OlingerPierre/ Fort Pierre 
Tom and Michele OlsenWessington Springs
Susan PaulTyndall
Sherman and Kimiko Petersen*Irene
POET, Inc.Sioux Falls
John and Penny PorterSioux Falls
John and Jane RasmussenSisseton
Redfield School FoundationRedfield
Don & Kelly RobyWatertown
Safe Harbor FoundationAberdeen
Linda & Herb* Saloum Sioux Falls
Hugh Schilling*Britton
Terry and Nancy SchiltzHuron
Nathan & Julie Schwandt Rapid City 
SD Ag & Rural Leadership FoundationStatewide
SD Coaches FoundationStatewide
SD Farm Bureau FederationStatewide
SD High School Activities AssociationStatewide
SD High School Coaches AssociationStatewide
SD Lions FoundationStatewide
Norbert and Jane SebadeWall
Doug & Lynn SharpWatertown
Richard SievertHuron
Paul* & Ann SigelmanWatertown
Darrell SimmonsParkston 
Special Olympics South DakotaStatewide 
Jack & Donna SteeleStatewide
Charles & Margaret StonebackSioux Falls
Jeff & Marcia SveenHuron
Bertha Turnquist*North Brown County
Vic and Ethelyn UttkeSpearfish
Verendrye MuseumFort Pierre
Robert* & Jo Anna Poppe WarderHill City/Murdo
Jeanne WeigumMobridge
Western Dakota Tech FoundationRapid City
Robert & Frances Wheeler*Lemmon
Mary Lou WilhelmRapid City, Custer
Mark & Kristin WilliamsonBritton
Curt & Susan Wischmeier Aberdeen
Gerald & Anita Wisner* Parkston 
John Zilverberg*Highmore

Honoring two South Dakota families Christen-Larson Heritage Circle

Paul and Muffy Christen

Christen-Larson Heritage Circle celebrates the generosity of South Dakotans who believe in transformational change through personal giving. Members of the Christen-Larson Heritage Circle join the Christen and Larson families who have given generously and inspired others to support nonprofits and communities in our state.

Dale and Pat Larson

Dale Larson and his late wife, Pat have quietly supported some of South Dakota’s greatest philanthropic endeavors for decades. Both couples have instilled the spirit of generosity in their daughters to continue to support charitable organizations and programs that help meet basic human needs such as food, clothing, shelter and education.


American Bank & Trust
Loren J. Ammann*
Avera Health
Dr. Reuben & Marlowe* Bareis
Dennis & Linda Batteen
Miles & Lisa Beacom
Boys & Girls Club of Brookings
Mark & Christine Buche
Doug & Linda Buri
Paul & Muffy* Christen
CitiBank South Dakota
Jim & Janice Clarkson
Coeur Wharf Resources 
Lawrence* & Virginia Coss
Fred & Luella Cozad*
Dacotah Bank
Dennis & Linda Daugaard
Earl Davis
Delta Dental of South Dakota
Jim & Sarah DeWitt
Jeff & Linda Erickson
Donald & Suzanne Feist
First Dakota
First National Bank
Paul & Mayme Green Foundation 
Gary & Connie Grittner
Barry & Marilyn Grossenburg
Calvin & Mary Hayenga
Hoch Drug Foundation
Boyd & Dody Hopkins
Marilyn Hoyt
Huron University Foundation
Scott & Julia Jones 
Mansour Karim*
Elmer & Kay* Karl
Dan & Arlene Kirby
Ralph* & Helen Kranz
Jerry & Karen Kroetch
Dale & Patricia* Larson
Bruce & Deanna Lien*
John* & Linda Lillibridge
Tom* & Dr. Cynthia Lillibridge
Madison Central School Foundation
Gary & Deb McKellips
Norm McKie
Gail & Delores Miller
Harvey E. & Mary Lou Mills*
Mitchell Technical College Foundation
Donald Naddy*
DeMaris Nesheim
Nordby Family
Rebecca Christen Pohlad
John & Penny Porter
Kathryn Christen Mitchell Ramstad
Charles & Lois Ann Rose 
T. Denny Sanford
Sanford Health
Hugh Schilling*
SD Ag & Rural Leadership Foundation
SD Dental Foundation
SD Hall of Fame 
Ed* & Peg Seljeskog
Doug & Lynn Sharp
Robert Smetana Living Trust
Dimitrios Smyrnios
Spearfish Volunteer Firefighters Foundation
Preston & Rebecca Steele
Bob & Lori Sutton 
Tessier Family Foundation
Tiger Educational Foundation
Torness Family
Sam F. Weller Family Foundation
WINGS Foundation
Gerald & Anita Wisner*
John Zilverberg*

Professional advisors playing a key role in philanthropy Key Club

The Key Club recognizes and thanks our professional advisors who have inspired their clients to give back and improve the lives of their fellow South Dakotans. Earning the trust of donors and partnering with SDCF staff, these advisors promote philanthropy through legacy building.

ScottAbdallahSioux Falls
EvanAnemaSioux Falls
JenniferBunkersSioux Falls
JustinDiBonaRapid City
JaneFarrellHot Springs
Gary FenengaWinner 
SamFergusonSioux Falls
RodneyFreeman, Jr.Huron
MandyGaikowskiSioux Falls
G. Todd GarryWebster 
KayceGerlachRapid City
PatGoetzingerRapid City
BradGrossenburgSioux Falls
Jonathan GuenthnerMitchell
Rich HinsethRapid City
CurtJensenRapid City
McLean ThompsonKerverRapid City
Andrew KnutsonSioux Falls 
CraigKrogstadSioux Falls
Sarah RichardsonLarsonSioux Falls
AronMartzRapid City
Jonathan McCoyRapid City 
RossMenkeSioux Falls
BarbMillerHot Springs
KimMortensonFt. Pierre
WillMortensonFt. Pierre
StanleyNaseHot Springs
HeathOberlohSioux Falls 
MichaelOrtnerHot Springs
JeffPartridgeRapid City
CaseyPetersonRapid City
Scott PetersonValentine 
Richard PluimerSpearfish 
MikePorterRapid City
JohnRaforthRapid City
ChuckRiterRapid City
MarliSchippersRapid City
NateSchneiderRapid City
KurtSolayRapid City
DarwinSprikSioux Falls
BobbiThurySioux Falls
Jay TolsmaMitchell
JaynaVossSioux Falls
Gary WardViborg
Patricia EricksonWheelerHuron
Todd WilkinsonDeSmet

What will your legacy be?

The South Dakota Community Foundation’s Legacy Society honors and recognizes those who have made planned gifts to the SDCF. It’s our way of thanking our donors now for their efforts to make South Dakota a better place in the future.

Being a SDCF Legacy Society member connects you with other like-minded donors who are interested in improving South Dakota. We hold events throughout the state each year to build relationships, celebrate philanthropy, and thank you for your support of South Dakota nonprofits and the SDCF.

Planned gifts can take many different shapes. The SDCF can help you:

  • Include a donation in your will or trust
  • Designate a donation through a life insurance policy, IRA or retirement plan
  • Select family members and advisors to stay involved with gifts and grants

As always, giving through the SDCF also reduces the work you have to do to set up and maintain a fund. It may also help the funds more easily transfer from a person's estate to the charity after their death. Taking steps to make a planned gift now also has tax advantages.

Legacy Society Statement of Intent

Create Your Legacy With Us Today

If you're considering a planned gift or if you’d just like to talk about what’s possible, contact us online or give us a call at 800.888.1842.

Visit Our Planned Giving Site