Ty Eschenbaum Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.

Fund Details

The Ty Eschenbaum Foundation was founded in 2011 and has grown and impacted lives in many ways ever since. From its inception, Ty has granted scholarships to youth cancer survivors, following his own battle with, and victory over, leukemia and dozens of complications in the years following. Years later, after the sudden loss of the love of his life, Autumn, the foundation began supporting Make-A-Wish kids in her memory, as children were her passion. When Ty's brother, Calder, left us tragically in 2021, the third pillar of the foundation was established- supporting missionary causes in honor of his strong faith and inspiring work ethic. Our goal is to be a beacon of light and bring a promise of hope to those who need it most- walking by faith through this life we have been given, serving and supporting others through their own difficult journeys. 
