Alcester Community Foundation
Learn about the CSA in Alcester, SD.

Founded in 1997 Giving Back to Alcester
The Alcester Community Foundation was founded in 1997 when South Dakota communities were offered a challenge by the Northwest Area Foundation in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The community of Alcester, and a volunteer group of leaders, applied for the challenge and was chosen as one of twelve communities in South Dakota to begin building a sustainable asset in an endowment fund for their community, or a Community Savings Account.
Today, this fund has given back over $1.1 million to the people of Alcester and continues to grow. Money raised here, stays here. Always.

The Alcester Community Foundation awards grants to non-profit and charitable organizations in our city and its neighboring communities to support economic development, human services, health, education, and cultural programs.
Ways to Give
Sometimes donors have questions about how to give back to their community. If you would like to give back to Alcester, but are not sure where to begin, contact the SDCF.
Gifts may come in many forms:
- Cash
- Check
- Commodity (grain, corn, cattle)
- Land (offset capital gains tax)
- Automatic Bank Transfers
- Cars, Coins, Collectables
- Gift of Stock
- Gift of Insurance Benefits
- Gift of Retirement Benefits
- Remember Alcester in your estate
We only exist thanks to the generations of generous contributors and investors like you. Our Contributors
McKellips Investment Co.
Roger McKellips
State Bank of Alcester
Thomas Vogel
Lowell & Margaret Pearson
Preston Evans
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
JaNice & Clarence Hanson
Verna Feldman
M.J. Howerton
Donald Kratochvil
E. R. Winters
Alcester Class of 1941
Roger McKellips
G. Wayne & Lila Reinmuth
Frank Scroggs
Alcester Sorority
Morningside Manor
Alkota, Inc.
Custom Coils Inc
Alcester Contribution
Roger McKellips
Morningside Manor
Carl & Hilma Oden
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
Alcester Community Foundation
Alcester Community Foundation
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
John D. Gubbrud
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
John D. Gubbrud
John D. Gubbrud
Alcester Community Foundation
Janice Oden Hanson
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
Adele Bumm
Alcester Chamber of Commerce
Alcester Drug
Alcester Health Services Foundation, Inc.
Alcester Lion's Club
Alcester Lodge
Alcester Village
Alliance Communications
Alpha Soroity
Anderson Pharmacy, Inc.
Anderson Pharmacy-Canton
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
Ardis Thormodsgaard
Arlo & Bev Eggen
Bernard & Phyllis Bergdale
Beverly Swanson
Bob & Lori Sutton
Bob & Michele Starke
Brad & Joan Peterson
Bruce Nilson
Calvin & Carolyn Braastad
Calvin Waddell Family
Chad Trudeau
Chancellor Golf Team
Charles & Robin Haugland
Clifford Family Anderton
Clifford Family Oden
Courtland "Skip" Swenson
Dale & Marilyn Hagen
Darlene Crawford
David & Kathy Broadwell
Dean Johnson
Dee & Jim Sommervold
Delores Wennblom Anderson
Dennis & Mary Treiber
Donald & Betty Cooke
Donald Abraham
Douglas Costar
Dr. James Costar
Dr. Larry Meadors
E. Neil Johnson
East Plains Telecom
Eldean & Eleanor Wevik
Erna Gunnare Estate
Estate of Mildred Ziegler
Estate oF Roma Rowley Anderson
Ethel Family Kratochvil
Ethel Kratochvil
Farmers Union Cooperative Association
Florence Peterson Trust
G. Wayne & Lila Reinmuth
Gary & Deb McKellips
Gary McCormick
Gene Lykken
Gregg Oden
Harold Stubbs
Haugland & Peterson, LLC Gubbrud
Helen Sommervold Family
Inez Holthe
Jack Osterloh
JaNice & Clarence Hanson
Janice Frid
Joe Manning
John D. Gubbrud
Joseph Isakson
Karen Lewis
Kathy Osterloh
Kevin Goldammer family
Larry Olson
Lavina Borghorst
Leann Knudson
Leona Peterson Beuckens
Leslie Kratochvil
Lily Chapter #135 Order of Eastern Star
Lloyd Family Lundberg
Lovina Oden Borghorst
Mahlon & Delores Johnson
Malcom Kratochvil
Marjory Eilers
Marvin Westin
Mary Jean Rogness
Mary Lou Hagen
Maxine Memorial Kratochvil
Melvin & Doreen Ronning
Merlyn & Sherran Sommervold
Millie Gubbrub Family
Mrs. Archie (Florence) Gubbrud
Multiple contributions
Nora Tollefson
Norma Lewis Brown
Patrick E Memorial Fund Farley
Paul Buum
Preston Evans
Richard & Jack Merrick families
Richard Merrick
Roger McKellips
Rogness Family
Ron & Becky Treiber
Ronald Paulson
Roy Kundert
Russell Johnson Family
Russell Johnson Family
Ruth Carlson LaBarr
Ruth Johnson
Sharon Intagliata
Shirley Chose
South Dakota Community Foundation
Southeastern Electric
State Bank of Alcester
State Bank of Alcester
Steve Wilson
Stewart & Kim Shefte
Stuart & Muriel Leafstedt
Tom Cole
Twila Herzog
Velma Groon
Vera Peterson
Vere Larsen
Warren & Lois Stenstrom
Adele Buum
Anderson Pharmacy, Inc.
Carl & Helma Oden Family Fund
Charles & Robin Haugland
Gary & Deb McKellips
Gubbrud, Haugland & Gillespie
Gubbrud, Haugland & Gillespie
John & Christi Wegh
John D. Gubbrud
Linda Sundvold Family Trust
Melva Leafsted memorial
Roger & Wilma McKellips
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Jerry Joachim-President
- Christi Wegh-Secretary/Treasurer
- Jaimey Schempp
- Larry Anderson
- Charles Haugland
- Warren Johnson
- Tim Rhead
- John Gubbrud
Support the Alcester CSA Help Alcester thrive for generations to come.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.
Mailing Address:
Alcester Community Foundation
P.O. Box 524
Alcester, SD 57001
Or fill out the short form below: