CorTrust Bank ALM (Artesian, Letcher, Mt. Vernon) Community Foundation
Learn about the CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation

Founded in 1999 Giving Back to Artesian, Letcher, and Mt. Vernon
The CorTrust Bank ALM (Artesian - Letcher - Mt. Vernon) Community Foundation is an organization formed to attract and distribute gifts of capital to charitable agencies for community betterment. It was initially funded by CorTrust Bank with a match from the South Dakota Community Foundation for the benefit of the Artesian, Letcher, and Mt. Vernon communities. The first grants were awarded in August 2000.
The CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation encourages and welcomes memorial gifts, bequests and gifts of capital. The income generated from investment of these funds is then made available for grants. Donors may restrict their gifts to certain types of grants or to certain communities, or they may designate them as unrestricted.
The CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors that consists of people from the Artesian, Letcher and Mt. Vernon communities. The Board meets two times a year and reviews grant applications.
The following organizations have been recipients of grants to date:
February, 2024
Friends of Sanborn County 4-H, $5000 towards tables, chairs and racks for the Sanborn County 4-H Building
August, 2023
Forestburg Lutheran Church for $500 towards a new steel church roof
Letcher Youth Program for $2,500 for Letcher ballpark dugout improvements
February, 2023
Mt. Vernon Fire Department for $1,000 for tables and chairs in the new fire hall
Town n Kountry Blue Group 4-H Club for $2,000 for playground equipment at the Forestburg 4-H Building
Artesian Fire Department for $1,400 for firemen safety lighting equipment
August, 2022
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery ($500) for servicemen cross improvement project
City of Artesian ($4,350) for concrete storm shelter
February, 2022
Fedora Fire Department ($1,500) for new wildland coats, pants and gloves
Letcher Youth Program ($2,000) for new Teener baseball equipment
August, 2021
Town & Kountry 4-H Club ($1,740) for heavy-duty trash cans for Letcher
Sanborn Central School ($2,500) for folding chairs and chair storage dollies
August, 2020
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($1,450) for 5 wildland helmets
February, 2020
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($1,780) for 2 sets of safety gear
Sanborn Central School ($1,500) for cardio room treadmill
August, 2019
City of Mt. Vernon ($3,000) for traffic radar signs
February, 2019
Artesian CIA ($5,000) towards community building kitchen improvements
February, 2018
Mt. Vernon Economic Development Group ($1000) towards event center seating
Mt. Vernon Area Historical Society ($1000) towards historical society setup costs
Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports ($800) towards stands and bb guns
August, 2017
Kaci Bechen ($850) for CPR manikins
City of Mt. Vernon ($2000) towards mosquito fogger
February, 2017
Town & Kountry Kids Blue Group 4-H Club of Letcher ($3000) toward pea rock and curbing edge around the new playground equipment behind the Letcher Community Center
Town of Artesian ($500) toward Artesian Campground improvements
August, 2016
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($3000) toward a new thermal imaging camera
Artesian Volunteer Fire Department ($1981) for new wildland gear
February, 2016
Letcher Volunteer Fire Department ($800) for poker chips for annual poker tournament fundraising event
Forestburg Community Development Corporation ($2500) for new outlets, a water hydrant, and banquet tables and canopies to be used at the annual Melon Festival at the old ballpark in Forestburg
August, 2015
Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports ($250) toward safety glasses and kneeling pads
City of Mt. Vernon ($1000) toward external entry to city office
Sanborn Central Elementary School ($314) for playground cart
Sanborn County 4-H Leaders ($1000) toward new pens at the Sanborn County 4-H Grounds
February, 2015
Sanborn County 4-H Leaders ($1500) toward new hog, sheep and goat pens at the Sanborn County 4-H Grounds
Mt. Vernon Senior Citizens ($450) toward replacement and installation of new kitchen flooring in Mt. Vernon Citizen's Building
Sanborn Central School ($800) for new banquet tables
Letcher Summer Youth ($1400) for AgriLime for Letcher Ballpark
Hard to Beat Green Valley 4-H Club of Fedora ($800) for upgrading sheep and goat pens at Howard 4-H Grounds
August, 2014
Fedora Fire Department ($1500) toward the purchase of new protective gear
February, 2014
Letcher Community Development Foundation ($1000) for wireless internet service for Letcher Communty Center
Sanborn Central School ($1000) toward new gym scoreboards
Artesian Fire Department ($1500) toward new furnaces
Mt. Vernon Youth Football ($1500) toward new equipment storage facility
August, 2013
Artesian Fire Department ($3200) for bathroom renovations in Artesian Community Center
Forestburg Community Club ($750) for Forestburg Ball Park renovations
February, 2013
Letcher Community Development Foundation ($500) for new summer youth baseball and softball equipment
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Artesian ($500) for new trees
Fedora Fire Department ($1000) for two air pacs
Hard to Beat Green Valley 4-H Club of Fedora ($429) for a Sheep Learning Lab Kit
Fedora Development Corporation ($277) for a sign identifying the Fedora Scoreboard at the new High School Basketball Hall of Fame in Sioux Falls
August, 2012
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($902) for grain entrapment rescue tube
Letcher Community Development Foundation ($289) for sign posts at Rossy Park in Letcher
February, 2012
Letcher Community Development Foundation ($1000) for tables and chairs at Letcher Community Center
Trinity Lutheran Church of Storla ($500) for tables
Mt. Vernon Baseball Association ($885) for speakers and ball field drag
Sanborn County 4-H Leaders ($1,000) for replacment materials for livestock unloading area at Sanborn County 4-H Building
August, 2011
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($2000) for light bar and tank
February, 2011
Mt. Vernon Baseball Association ($2000) for electrician's installation of new light poles
Fedora Fire Department ($750.00) towards defibrillator
Letcher Community Development Foundation ($600.00) for projector
August, 2010
Mt. Vernon Baseball Association ($2000) towards construction of new concession stand
Fedora Fire Department ($635.96) for new tables
Town of Letcher ($600.00) towards frisbee golf course
February, 2010
Mt. Vernon Senior Citizens ($580) for new equipment and repairs for their facility
Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Department ($1000) towards new chassis for rescue unit
First Lutheran Church of Artesian ($1000) towards rebuilding of church destroyed by fire
St. Anthony (Brisbine) Cemetery of Artesian ($1500) towards cemetery directory
Mt. Vernon Public School ($500) towards multi-purpose building at new football field
Sanborn County 4-H Leaders Association ($1050) towards new appliances at Sanborn County 4-H Building
Artesian Volunteer Fire Department ($550) for new AED defibrillator battery and construction of overhand on overhead door of fire hall
February, 2009
Mt. Vernon Senior Citizens ($750) for new equipment for their facility
August, 2008
Town of Letcher ($3000) towards new bathroom and storage facility at Rossy Park
Forestburg Community Development Corporation ($500) towards new welcome sign
Artesian Fire Department ($500) towards new radios
February, 2008
St. Michael Catholic Church of Mt. Vernon ($650) for furnishings for new fellowship hall
Letcher Volunteer Fire Department ($850) for water pump motor for grassland fire rig
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($1000) towards tank for grassland fire rig
Artesian Legion Auxiliary ($500) for concrete repairs around Artesian swimming pool
Town of Artesian ($1000) to move well pump at Artesian swimming pool
August, 2007
Weslawn and St. Scholastica Cemeteries in Letcher ($2,575) for construction of cemetery directories
Mt. Vernon Park Board ($1,400) for purchase of bleachers at new ball field
February, 2007
Fedora Fire Department ($500) for tables, chairs and window coverings for new fire hall
Artesian Senior Citizens ($2,500) for air conditioning in the Artesian Community Center
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($500) for equipment
Artesian CIA ($500) for chair carts for Artesian Community Center
August, 2006
Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Department ($2,275) for grass truck pump
Artesian CIA ($2,500) for new tables and chairs for community center
Forestburg Community Development Corporation ($500) for ballpark stump removal and cleanup
Sanborn Central Parent Action Team ($250) towards cost of a Tell It to Me Straight program and dinner
Letcher Community Development Foundation ($800) towards new Main Street banners
February, 2006
Fedora Volunteer Fire Department ($2,000) towards meeting room addition to fire station
August, 2005
Artesian Volunteer Fire Department ($2,000) towards materials for converting the Artesian gym to the Artesian Community Center
Mt. Vernon 125th Celebration Committee ($800) towards new banners for Main Street
February, 2005
Sand Creek Archery Club ($5,000) towards materials to re-side old Forestburg gym
Sanborn Central Health Council ($500) towards purchase of new exercise equipment
Sanborn Central Ag Department ($494.50) towards the purchase of new equipment
Letcher American Legion Auxiliary ($888.60) towards the purchase of new tables for the Letcher Community Center
August, 2004
Sanborn Central Ag Department ($409.98) towards the purchase of new woodworking tools
Sanborn Central Computer Department ($1,743.01) towards the purchase of new computer lab tables
Forestburg Improvement Association ($250) towards general town cleanup efforts
February, 2004
Mt. Vernon Stampede Wrestling ($754) towards the purchase of new equipment
Artesian-Letcher School Rebel Booster Club ($3,900) towards the purchase of floor coverings in their new school
August, 2003
Artesian-Letcher School ($1,500) towards the purchase of Labpro equipment
Town of Letcher ($1,800) towards the purchase of a new dock at Letcher Lake
Trinity Cemetery Association ($500) towards the purchase of new fencing around the Trinity Lutheran Cemetery
February, 2003
Letcher Amateur Baseball Association ($2,000) towards replacement of the backstop at the Letcher Ballpark
Sand Creek Archery Club ($3,000) towards repairs on the Forestburg Gym which is used for youth and adult archery events
August, 2002
Town of Letcher ($3,000) towards new floor tile for the Letcher Community Center
February, 2002
Mt. Vernon American Legion ($2,000) towards repairing the part of the Mt. Vernon Legion Building that was damaged in a storm in the summer of 2001
Mt. Vernon Preschool ($500) towards the purchase of equipment
August, 2001
Westlawn Cemetery of Letcher ($1,500) towards the purchase of a new fence
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association of Artesian ($1,500) towards the purchase of a new fence
Mt. Vernon Public School ($2,500) towards the purchase of new playground equipment
February, 2001
Mt. Vernon Fire Department ($4,100) for purchase of a defibrillator
Artesian Fire Department ($1,000) for purchase of new radios
August, 2000
Letcher Community Club ($6,000) for the purchase and installation of new playground equipment at the Letcher Ballpark
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association of Artesian ($1,875) for the construction of a new cemetery directory
Town of Artesian ($2,000) towards the construction of a new basketball court near the Artesian swimming pool (lapsed due to project not being undertaken)
Our Contributors
Since inception the Cortrust ALM Foundation has received over $106,000 from supporters like you! As our fund grows, so will the amount available for nonprofit projects and programs in Letcher, Artesian, and Mt. Vernon. Thanks to the following individuals for helping us build a sustainable asset for our communities:
Beck & Hofer Construction
Evelyn & Carl Braa
Michael J. Clark
CorTrust Bank-Mitchell
CorTrust Bank-Webster
Doyle Crane
Elaine Dahl memorial
Gregory Dice
Stephen Egger
Employees Mit. Art. Let. MtVer. Banks
Family & Friends of Olga Peterson
Fedora Class of 1966
Natalie Fridley memorial
Loretta & Francis Grassel
Martha Reed Helland
Robert & Arlis Hetland
Arlo & Vicki Hintz
Jim & Karen Hoffman
Hopkins Financial Corporation
Julie Johnson
Ron & Kristi Knust
Mr. Dean Lee
Allen L. Revocable Trust Lewis
Margaret Looby
Walter May & Alan May
Terry & Jerry Meek
Ilene Moody
C.P. Buck Moore
Melvin & Raeburn Moore
Beverly Morris
Tom & Bev Morris
Mt. Vernon Fire Dept.
Milton & Sandra Nelson
Robert & Joanne Nelson
Doug Nurnberg memorial
Darrell & Judy Olson
Joyce Olson
Donald & Karen Page
Chuck & Wendi Peer
Mildred Hendrix
Roger & Dianne Petersen
Precision Computer Systems Inc.
Tona Rozum
Jeffrey & Lynne Smith
SD Community Foundation
Judy Spencer
Wesley & Sherri Stekl
Don Threadgold
Doris Threadgold
Tobin Transfer & Storage
LaVern Walter memorial
Lowell & Judy Wormstadt
Meet Our Board
We have a great group of volunteers leading the efforts for our foundation:
- Gibi Page and Jeff Ebersdorfer of Artesian
- Sherri Stekl and Janet Maeschen of Letcher
- Cheryl Hohbach and Lori Kluth of Mt. Vernon
- Terry Torgerson, Brad Haiar, Jeff Tiede and Barb Metzinger of CorTrust Bank
Support the Artesian, Letcher, and Mt. Vernon CSA Help our communities thrive for generations to come.
Contact Information
137 N. Main St.
Artesian, SD 57314
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.