Alpena Community Foundation
Learn about the CSA in Alpena, SD.

Founded in 2001 Giving Back to Alpena
The Alpena Community Foundation was established in the year 2000 to support charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Alpena area at the recommendation of a local Board of Directors. Stan Kopfmann and the SDCF teamed up to challenge the community with an initial match challenge.
Even though we are an agent of the SDCF, we are able to accept and administer charitable gifts, give grants to our local nonprofit groups and organizations, and also give scholarships to hopeful young people from our region. Our volunteer advisory council works hard to ensure funds are going to groups and organizations that need it most.
The Alpena Community Foundation has given back $17,419 to the community since inception. For more information about grant opportunities, please contact our advisory council members.
Our Contributors
We only exist thanks to the generosity of our faithful contributors and investors.
Thanks to the following contributors, over $72,800 has been donated to the Alpena Community Foundation allowing for $17,400 in grants to be distributed back to beneficial projects. Thank you for your support!
Adolph & Clara Sveen
Al Neuharth
Albert & Joyce Schmidt
Alpena Commercial Club
Alpena Community Foundation
American Bank & Trust
American Legion Owen Kunze Post 116
American State Bank
Arnold & Nila Baltzer
Baruth Farms
Bernard & Mary Baysinger
Bobby & Jewel Kopfmann
Bottling Company of Pepsi-Cola
Brian & Tonya Whitmore
Bruce & Ruby Plate
Burl & Yetta Gray
Charlotte Poole
Christen Hohm Lusk Greater Huron Area Foundation
City of Alpena
Clara Sveen
Dakota Water Softening
Dean & Nancy Slostad
Diana & Paul Heidgerd
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Donald & Linda Hirsch
Douglas & Ruth Johnson
Dr. Paul H. & Carol Hohm
Dr. Robert & Holly Hohm
Edward & Hazel Sparks
Eldon & Claire Grace
Elwood & Sharon Bahr
Gaylan & Peggy Losing
Gene & Christina Smith
Gene Evensen
Geneva Plate
Gordon & Mary Teveldahl
Greg & Rachel Steele
Harlowe & Myrna Baruth
Harold & Eldora Hasz
Harry Baltzer
Hegg Insurance
Helmuth Neuharth
Ivan Bartels
Jerry Neuharth
Joan & Pryor Meintjes Emily Pryor
Joyce N Kitzmiller
Julian Peterson
Karla Mees
Karolina Marsh
Keith & Ruth Kukuk
Kelsey Service Agency
Kenneth & Norma Peterson
Kim & Julie Kistler
Kimberly & David Deines
Lloyd & Audrey Kempf
Loyde & Marilyn Adams
Mark & Karen Scherschligt
Maxine & Wilbur Krause
Maynard & Delores Molstad
Mid-Dakota Rural Water Systems Inc.
Mr & Mrs George Frye
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Aisenbrey Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Peterson
Norene Bard
Norma Peterson
Norwest Bank
Pearl Burg
Peterson Brothers Construction Inc.
P-K Construction
Ray & Mary Jane Scherschligt
Richard & Marjorie Jensen
Richard & Ruth Brammer
Robert & Deanne Keleher
Robert & Marcy Hall
Robert & Tasha Stahl
Robert Haibeck
Roger & Lois Aye
Ronnie Baruth
Rosalta & Peter Schorzmann
Roseanna Haibeck
S.R. Nelson Family Trust
Scott & DeVonne Losing
Shirley Hahn
South Dakota Community Foundation
Stan Kopfmann
Steve & Jolene Passenheim
Steven Meyer
Tawney Kludt
The Freedom Forum
The Scoular Company
Thomas & Virginia Baltzer
Treva Hopper
Vincent I. Grace
Violet Booth
W.W. & Margaret Thompson
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wayne & Carol Blake
Wells Fargo Bank-Huron
Wilbur Houmes
Wilbur Houmes
William & Donna Collins
William & Doris Keiner
William & Helen Leighton
William F. & Doris L. Kukuk
William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation
Wyann & Delayne Tebay
Yvonne Tripp
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Rob Baruth- President
- DeVonne Losing
- Rick Tebay
- Stan Kopfmann
Support the Alpena Community Foundation Help Alpena thrive for generations to come.
Contact Information
Alpena Community Foundation
21979 396th Ave.
Alpena, SD 57312
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.