Beresford Area Foundation
Learn about the Beresford Area Foundation

Founded in 1999 Giving Back to Beresford

Welcome to the Beresford Area Foundation website. Even though we are an agent of the SDCF, we are able to accept and administer charitable gifts, give good grants to our local nonprofit groups and organizations, and also give scholarships to hopeful young people from our region. Our volunteer board members work hard to ensure funds are going to groups and organizations that need it most.
The Beresford Area Foundation was created as a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization associated with the South Dakota Community Foundation to serve as a vehicle to create a community savings account to promote the commonwealth of the greater Beresford community. The Foundation’s mission is to create a means to invest the legacy from our past to build a bridge to the future.
Since inception, the Beresford Area Foundation has given back over $391,000 to the community. Below is a list of all grantees and the amount they have received since we started making grants in 2002.
All Grants Awarded
Our Contributors
We only exist thanks to the generosity of our faithful contributors and investors.
Jim & Colette Abbott
Thomas & Patrica Adam
Craig & Ann Akland
Daryl & Marlene Akland
Rick Akland
Selmer & Eleanor Akland
Wayne & Sharon Akland
Charles & Carolyn Allen
Ameriprise Financial - Gift Matching Program
Jerome Amundson
Robert Amundson
LeRoy & Deborah Anderberg
Craig & Gail Andersen
Duwayne & Carol Andersen
Vernon & Beverly Andersen
O. Larry Anderson & Marilyn Pruitt
Kirk & Janet Anderson
O. Larry Anderson
Ronald & Kay Anderson
Terrance & Mary Anderson
Troy Anderson
Troy & Valerie Anderson
Wavrin & JoAnne Anderson
Daniel & Kathleen Andre
Elva Andrews
Bradley & Sarah Antonson
Applied Sotfware
Curtis & Mavis Austin
J.D. & Maylou Austin
Lee Ann Babb
Ronald & Darlene Babb
Bradley Bak
Tamara U. Baker
First Federal Bank-Beresford
Bank 360
Doyle & Crystal Barnes
Alyce Bartlett
Richard & Jeri Behringer
Gary & Jane Benson
Beresford Area Foundation
Beresford High School 50th Class Reunion
Beresford Medical Clinic
City of Beresford
Robert & Pamela Berg Jr.
Michael & Jane Berger
Dan & Deborah Bergland
Alan Bergren
Bethesda of Beresford
William Bierbaum
Charles & Nancy Binnie
Jerry & Patricia Birgen
Karen Birgen
Robert & Karel Birnie
Phyllis Blumer
Marc & Lisa Bogue
R. & C.F. Bogue
Alen & Carol Bonine
Larry & Kathryn Bork
George & Phyllis Bovill
Boyce, Greenfield, Pashby & Welk, L.L.P.
Lance & Barbara Brady
David & Kathy Broadwell
Dexter & Kay Brock
Mr & Mrs B M Broderick
Lori Brosz
Allen & Gloria Brown
G.D. & L.L. Brown
James S. Brown
Robert & Elaine Brown
Alan & Patricia Bruinsma
Mark & Norma Brunick
Meghan Bucy
Charles Burke
Wayne & Lois Burkhart
Adele Buum
Michael & Karen Card
Carol Carlson
Chuck & Cindy Carlson
Clarence & Lucille Carlson
Eldean & Carol Carlson
James & Kimberly Carlson
Kent Carlson
Layne & Patricia Carlson
Marvin & Delores Carlson
Michael & Kelli Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Carlson
Stuart Carlson
Stuart & Karen Carlson
Cortland & Engie Carnes
Dennis & Kathleen Chandler
Eldred & Beverly Chicoine
Ruth Christensen & Faith Christiansen
Craig Christensen
Darcy Christensen
David & Susan Christensen
Duane & Dianne Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Marlow Christensen
Rick Christensen
Ruth E. Christensen
Ruth Christensen
Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund
James & Kathryn Cink
Brian & Amy Clausen
P.C. Clay Chiropractic Center
Clay Union Bar Association
Doris Clay
Harold & Doris Clay
Joyce Clay
Patrick Cleberg
Patrick & Barbara Cleberg
Dale & Valonta Cleland
Keel Coddington
Charles & Ann Cole
The Community Depot, Inc.
Harold & Karen Conklin
Mike Conklin
Mike & Debbie Conklin
Gary & Kathleen Conradi
Dan & Edna Cotton Jr.
Crase Coin Amusement
Edward & Caryl Crozier
Ross & Tracy Crum
Current Solutions, Inc.
Wayne & Ladell Curtis
Danforth & Meierhenry, LLP
Lana Danielson
Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, L.L.P
Richard or Jean Morrow Davis
Day Morris Law Firm LLP
Deacons Fund for Congo United Church
Mr. Duane W. Deane
Mrs. Betty Delay
Tim & Ann Delay
Tom Diefendorf
Tom & Tricia Diefendorf
Shelby & Lisa Docken
Sally C Dolan
Robert & Sally Dolan
Robert H. Dolan
R.H. Dolan
Jack & Lois Doyle
Phyllis Drury
Dennis & Marie Duncan
Devin & Christy Duncan
James & Elizabeth Dunn
Robert & Jerilyn Dvorak
Jack & Beverly Ecklund
Jeanette Edman
Jeffrey Edman
R.A. Eiesland
Greg & Lorys Elesland
Helen Ellefson
Gary & Theresa Emigh
Glen & Carla Eng
Dan & Mary Engebretson
Kenneth & Carol Engelhart
Thomas & Linda Erickson
Richard Ericsson
Charles & Janet Eschen
Ed & Sue Evenson
John & Sandra Fahlberg
Wesley Fahlberg
Family & Friends
Patrick E Memorial Fund Farley
Farm Credit Services of America
Farmers Union Coop. Assn.
Farrar Family Community Development Fund
Patrick & Susan Feathers
James & Joyce Fedderson
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Fedderson
Verla N. Feldmann
Mary Jane Fenn
Bernadine Field
Bradley & Joan Field
Brian Field
Fiesta Foods
John & Judith Finger
Peter Finger
Virginia Finger
First Dakota National Bank-Yankton
The First Insurance Agency
First Midwest Bank-Centerville
First Savings Bank-Beresford
Dan & Dr. Mary Carpenter Flynn
Jason & Lynne Forbes
F.H. & Phyllis Forton
Carol J. Fountain
Steven & Jolene Frick
Frieberg, Nelson & Ask, LLP
Charles & Diane Frieberg
Evonne Frieberg
Robert Frieberg
Rudolph & Nelson Frieberg
Thomas Frieberg
Thomas & Jill Frieberg
Jay Frink
Jay & Mary Frink
Richard Fylling
Frederic & Lois Gellerman
David Gerdes
David & Nancy Gienapp
Richard & Anita Girard Sr.
Richard, Sr. & Anita Girard
Gaylan & Gale Gors
Helen K. Grace
Linda Mickelson Graham
Russel & Ann Lynn Graham
Richard & Marjorie Grasser
Billie Greenfield
Chet Groseclose
Gene & Vicki Gross
C.A. Grunewaldt
Archie Gubbrud Family Trust
Gubbrud, Haugland & Gillespie, Prof. LLC
John D. Gubbrud
Gunderson, Palmer, Goodsell & Nelson LLP
Steve & Deb Gunderson
Wynn & Lorraine Gunderson
Galen & Marilyn Hadley
John F. Hagemann
Craig Hagen
Robert & Elizabeth Hamilton
Eldon R. Hansen
Gary & Kathy Hansen
Jeff & Katherine Hansen
Jerry & Joyce Hansen
Ethna Hanson
Evelyn Hanson
Doyle & Donna Hardie
Kathleen (Bardovi) Harlig
Evelyn Harris
Jim & Nini Hart
Sara K. Hartford
Karen Hattervig
Nancy Hayen
Robert & Kimberly Hayes
S.R. & Josephine Heath, Jr.
Marilyn Heinemann
Tom & Jane Heinz
Connie Hermanson
G H & Ann Hess
Jerry & Kathleen Hill
Russell & Phyllis Hinkle
Robert & Roberta Hofer
Mark & Vicki Hogen
Mildred E. Hogen
Vernon & Diane Holmes
Patricia Homandberg
James & Kathleen Hood
Richard Hopewell
Mark & Janelle Hoven
Howard & Elizabeth Hubbell
Dane & Veronica Iverson
D. Scott & Lynelle Jackson
Jerald & Susan Jackson
Lawrence & Leslie Jackson
Oscar & Adele Jackson
Martin & Nancy Jacobson
Steve & Stephanie Jacobson
Scott & Rosie Jamison
Esther Jenkins
Jensen Insurance & Real Estate
Cameron & Betty Jensen
Charles & Rochelle Jensen
John & Betty Jensen
Joyce Jensen
L. Paul Jensen
Mark & Jonda Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. L. Paul Jensen
Randall & Susan Jensen
Sophus & Marjorie Jensen
Susan R. Jensen
Terry & Judith Jensen
Virgina Jensen
Andree V. Johnson
Bruce Johnson
Dorothy Johnson
Jane Nutter Johnson
Jerry & Betty Johnson
Joan Johnson
Marilynn Johnson
Milton & Virginia Johnson
Ronald Alfred Johnson
Ronald Johnson
Roxy Johnson
Virginia Johnson
Maxine Jones
Dennis & Kristi Jons
Paul & Julie Jordahl
Georgene Jurgensen
K & N Electric
Ben & Teresa Kaltenbach
Earl L. Kellett
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Raymond Kennedy & Karen Guberman
Dale & Barbara Kennedy
Grace Kennedy
Helen Kennedy
Howard & Alice Mae Kennedy
Russel Kirkebak
Buell & Ruth Kittelson
W.F. & Janet Klawiter
Robert & Michelle Klocke
Eleanor Klostergaard
Marlin & Roberta Klostergaard
David & Deanna Knudson
Glyndon & Mary Knutson
Charles & Caroline Kornmann
Dave & Anita Kostboth
Larry & Jean Kracht
Darlene Kribell
Scott & Nancy Kruse
Gary Lambert
Jerome B. Lammers
John & Diane Landon
Royal D. Lankhorst
Mr. & Mrs. E.G. Larkin, Jr.
David & Esther Larsen
Lee & Karen Larsen
Morris & Connie Larsen
Ronald & Jean Larsen
Katherine Larson
Keith & Laurel Larson
Laurel Larson
Richard & Lois Larson
James & Irene Latendresse
Glen & Paula Lawrensen
Leon Lease
G N & P O Lebrun
Thomas & Dorothy Lemonds
Don & Ilene Lerseth
Ronald & Bernice Lerseth
Lewis Family Drug
Esther Lewis
Paul & Linda Lewis
Lily Chapter No. 135
Michael & Julie Limmer
Richard & Mary Lingberg II
Richard & Corrine Lingberg
Kenneth & Lois Lippmann
Lois Quinn Lippmann
Richard & Ruth Lone
Patricia Loucks
Gary & Karen Lounsbery
Carol Lovdahl
Phyllis Lundberg
Arlene Lundquist
Mark Lundquist
Mangels & Associates
Dennis & Sally Manning
Thomas & Patricia Manning
Maurice Marshall
Caryl Mathison
William J Matousek
Mary Ann McAtee
T.M. & Vickey McAthie
Nancy McCahren
Dolores McGill memorial
Bill & Mary McGill
Dolores McGill
Michael & Pamela McGill
Victor McGill
Vince & Sherry McGill
Roger & Wima Mckellips
Bern & Candis McPheely Donor Advised Fund
Jim Means, & Roberta Ambur
Randy & Sheryl Meister
Avis & Leon Messler
James Messler
Roger & Marilyn Messler
Don Miller
Douglas & Mary Miller
Elaine Miller
Robert & Michele Miller
Todd & Patricia Miller
Michael & Gloria Mitka
Randy & Kathy Moller
Bradley & Sharon Moore
Bruce & Mary Moore
Lt Col Ronald & Mrs. Lois Moore
Steve Morgan
Ric E. & Julie Morren
Kim Mortenson
Theodore Muenster
Larry & Debra Muller
Veronica Muller
Joseph & Rosemary Mullin
Gloria Mullinix
Jeremiah Murphy
John F Murphy
Michael J. Myers
Mabel Neary & Susan Teresinski
Carl Nelson
Craig & Leslie Nelson
Don & Karen Nelson
James Nelson
Kevin & Dyan Nelson
Larry Nelson
Mr. Darnell & Mrs. Ann Nelson
Thomas & Jean Nicholson
J.A. & J.K. Hummel Nicolay
No Name
Alta Jean Nordquist
Pat Norin
Charles & Lois Norling
Jeff & Jane Norling
Norwest Bank
Dorthy Nothdurft
Jacki Nothdurft
Melvin & Dorthy Nothdurft
Erik Nygaard
Everett & Joan Nygaard
Everett & Joan Nygaaard
Everett Nygaard
Jay Nygaard
Joan P. Nygaard
Janice O'Connor
Mary M. Odland
Orvin & Marie Oien
John & Sharon Olbertson
Sharon Olbertson
Dale R. Olson Excatating
Delmer & Ferne Olson
Jeff & Heidi Olson
Larry & Jennifer Olson
Larry & Tami Orr
Rick & Cindy Orr
Elaine Ortmeier
Mark Osthus
Brent Palmer
Brent & Ashley Palmer
Gary & Linda Pashby
Lawrence & Theresa Patnoe
John & Betty Paulsen
Joan Pedersen-Nygaard
Peoples Bank - Hawarden
Howard Peterson
Lee & Shannon Peterson
Lloyd & Joyce Peterson
Tracy & Lois Pierre
Bruce & Ruby Plate
William & Lola Pollard
Terry & Susan Prendergast
Printers Inc.
Laurie Prosser
Don & Beth Rasmussen
Raven Industries
E.M. Resel
Eileen Reynolds
Clinton & JoAnn Richey
Suzanne Ries
Lee & Diane Rist
Robert & Carolyn Riter
Ryan & Lisa Ronning
Elizabeth A. Rosenbaum, P.C.
Thomas & Susan Roust
Blaine & Patricia Rudolph
Daniel & Sandy Runyan
CMSGT. Paul & Robyn Runyan
Paul & Robyn Runyan
Arthur & Lana Rusch
Nancy Fran Ryger
Mr & Mrs William K Sahr
Lyle Savey
Gary & Amy Schaap
Gary L. Schaap
Ray & Doris Schaap
Michael & Linda Schaffer
Vincent & Phyllis Schaffer
Rick & Joni Schempp
Sherree Schmiedt
D.J. & L.J. Schultz
Richard & Frances Schulz
Timothy & Patty Schwasinger
Ruth E. Scott
Wayne & Nancy Semmler
Mary A. Shaw Newcomb
Shawd Neighborhood Dental Clinic
James & Dolors Shekleton
Donald & Bonnie Shennum
William & Betty Shubeck
Jay & Keiz Shultz
Irene Siberell
Philip & Marcia Sietstra
Thomas & Marilyn Simmons
Daniel & MRG Simon
Shelby Simonini
Sioux Corporation
Sioux Valley Hospital
Waldemar & Marjorie Sippel
Rita Skiles
Paul & Julie Skrzypek
Eugene & Mary Skyberg
Douglas & Barbara Smith
J. Monte Smith
Mr & Mrs Boyce E Smith
Donald & Kathryn Snoozy
Martha Soter
SD Community Foundation
South Dakota Literacy Council
South Dakota Trial Lawyers Assn.
Spielman, Inc.
W.J. Srstka, Jr.
Craig & Mary Steensland
Amy Steere
Richard & Marlys Stensaas
John & Nancy Sternquist M.D.
Orland & Harriet Sternquist
Frank & Sondra Stickney
Donald & Christine Stiger
Estate of Carl E Stoen
Shirley Strand
Mrs. Josie Strom
Donald & Joelle Stuessi
Matt & Janeice Sudbeck
Allan & Christy Suing
Bob & Lori Sutton
Jeff & Marcia Sveen
Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Swanson
Thure & Darlyne Swanson
Frances Memorial Fund Swee
Roda Sweeney
John & Jean Tangren
W.R. Taylor M.D.
Patricia Teeman
Tendaire Industries, Inc.
Charles & Leila Rossner Thissell
Daniel & Carol Thissell
David & Sandra Thissell
James D Thissell
Jim & Kathy Thompson
Larry & Phyllis Thompson
Leon & Betty Thompson
Phyllis Thompson
Ted J. Thoms, Broker
Jim & Kathy Thomson
John & Nane Thomson
Daryl & Marlene Thorson
Karen Tiede
Tieszen Law Office Prof. L.L.C.
Paul Tollefson
Tornberg Farms, Inc.
Donald & Diane Tornberg
Gordon & La Dell Tornberg
Mike & Ann Tornberg
Dick & Judy Travis
Richard & Judy Travis
Brian & Terri Treiber
Ron & Becky Treiber
Robert & Ranae Truman
C.R. Tschudy
Nancy Turbak
Douglas & Susan Tuve
Twentieth Century Club
Twentieth Century Study Club
Mrs. Elizabeth Ullmann
Mary Ulrich
The University of South Dakota Foundation
Milton Ustad
P. Chris Viereck
Charles & Janet Von Eschen
George & Rita Vondracek
W.K Kellogg Foundation
K. Rosalie Waggener
Lyle & June Wagner
James & Molly Walters
Karen K. Wanamaker
Gary & Nancy Ward
Wass Home for Funerals Inc.
James & Ruth Weaver
Jim Weber
Viola Weber
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Roger & Susan Werth
Lowell & Norma Wetrosky
Douglas & Chris Wevik
Eldean & Eleanor Wevik
Richard White
James & Karri Wiederrich
David & Carol Willey
Richard L. Willey
Jeff & Sheryl Wirt
Richard & Jeanne Wold
Roger & Diane Wollman
David & Charlene Wolsky
Pete Womack
Cory & Jill Worth
James Woster
Rosanne Yost
Dione Young
Larry & Corinne Young
Joni Youngwirth
Gary Lee Yttreness
Jerry & Carla Zeimetz
Warren & Carol Zweifel
Nancy Zyburt
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Meg Andersen –
- Dustin Degen -
- Shawn
- Kay Grosvenor
- Chris Hart –
- Zach
- Michael J. McGill -
- Jane Norling
- Brian Peterson -
Support the Beresford Area Foundation Help Beresford thrive for generations to come.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.