Corsica Area Foundation
Learn about the Corsica Area Foundation.

Founded in 2001 Giving Back to Corsica
The Corsica Area Foundation was established in 2001 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit causes in the Corsica area. At inception, the board accepted a challenge to raise $50,000 in exchange for a $12,500 grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation. After completing that challenge, the Corsica Area Foundation accepted another challenge to raise $50,000 in 2007. This challenge was met by 2009 with the help of contributions toward the Hoekstra Beukelman Scholarship Fund and Doug Luebke Scholarship Fund. Today, the Corsica Area Foundation has received over $113,000 in contributions and has given back $21,600 in grants to great community projects!
The Corsica Area Foundation has given over $21,000 in grants to nonprofit and charitable projects in and around Corsica. If you are interested in applying for grant funding, please contact the advisory council.
Our Contributors
We only exist thanks to the generosity of our faithful contributors and investors.
Alan & Debra Nagel
Bank of the West - Corsica
Braley Law Office
CHS, Inc.
Corner Market
Corsica Implement Inc.
Dean & Cornelia Hamburg
Dennis & Mary Neugebauer
Donald & Elvinah Zwier
Donna DenBesten
Dr. L.L. Menning
Elroy Gruenewald
Elwood & Jamie Rexwinkel
Farmers State Bank
First Dakota National Bank - Yankton
Fred Breukelman
Gary, Dwayne & Rod Van Roekel
Gordon & Doris Kredit
Isakson Chiropractic Health Center PC
John E & Arla M Living Trust Veldheer
Land O Lakes Foundation
Manley & Laurel Peterson
Marjorie Therrell
Marvin & Zona Brink
Midwest Cheese Distributing
Norman Ligtenberg
Peter & Lucille Noteboom
Richard & Marsha Bordewyk
Roger Bordewyk
Schmucker, Paul, Nohr & Associates
Sidney & Ruth Hoekstra
V & S Trucking
Aspen Custom Homes
Avera Queen of Peace Health Services
Bank of the West
Bank of the West Insurance Agency
Corner Market
Corsica Area Foundation
Corsica Grain & Feed
Corsica Hardware
Dakota Tom's, Inc.
David Hansen
Dean & Cornelia Hamburg
Denise Vanderpol
DM Construction
Donald Bosma
Donald Oakland
Douglas County Memorial Hospital
Douglas County Publishing, Inc.
Edna Sprecher
Edward & Joyce Star
Elwood & Jamie Rexwinkel
Farm Aid MFG., Inc.
Farmers Alliance / United Energy
Farmers State Bank
First Dakota National Bank - Yankton
Good Samaritan Society-Corsica
Gordon Kredit & Kathleen Peterson
It Outlet, Inc.
James & Carol DeBoer
Jeremy & Natalie Wright
Joann Schrank
Joseph Isakson
Keith Sprecher
Kevin & Suzanne Menning
Lowell & Merna Bye
Midwest Cheese Distributing
Norman Ligtenberg
North Western Energy
Noteboom Implement, Inc.
Peter & Lucille Noteboom
Prime Time Express, LLC
Richard & Marsha Bordewyk
Roger & Phyllis Bordewyk
Russell & Doris Metzger
Schmucker, Paul, Nohr & Associates
Scott & Sheryl Muckey
South Dakota Community Foundation
South Dakota Horse Sales, Inc.
Sylvia Zomer
Tim & Pat Leischner
Van's Dray & Recycling
Vernon Degeest
Von & Sue Denning Trucking, LLC
Bank of the West
Corner Market
Corsica Area Foundation
Dan & Jeanne Noteboom
Dennis & Mary Neugebauer
Douglas & Bonnie Reimnitz
James & Carol DeBoer
Joseph Isakson
Keith & Joyce Sprecher
Laron & Natalie Groeneweg
Michael & Jodi Schrank
Norman Ligtenberg
Richard & Marsha Bordewyk
Roger & Phyllis Bordewyk
Ronald & Rose Lauck
Steven & Kerri Soulek
Trent & A. VandenHoek
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Kris Van Zee
- Rose Lauck
- Tom Gerlach
- Nathan Hinker
- Gary Van Roekel
- Vern DeGeest
- Roger Bordewyk
Support the Corsica CSA Help Corsica thrive for generations to come.
Contact Information
135 E Main St
Corsica, SD 57328
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.