First Interstate Custer Area Fund | South Dakota Community Foundation

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First Interstate Custer Area Fund

Learn about the CSA in Custer, SD.

Needles highway in South Dakota

Founded in 1998 Giving Back to the Custer area

The First Interstate Custer Area Fund officially partnered with the South Dakota Community Foundation in 1998 as a way of supporting nonprofit and charitable projects and organizations in and around the community. In 2009, they accepted a challenge from the First Interstate BankSystem Foundation to raise $10,000 each year for five years. In return, they would receive a $10,000 match from the First Interstate Foundation and a $25,000 match from the SDCF at the end of the five years. To date, $332,000 has been contributed to the fund, while the board has distributed over $158,000 in grants back to the community since inception.


The First Interstate Custer Area Fund has distributed $159,000 back to nonprofit projects and programs in Custer. For more information about applying for grants please contact the advisory council.

Our Contributors

Generous supporters to the First Interstate Custer Area Fund have given over $332,700 since 1998 allowing for $159,000 in grants to be given back to the community. Thank you to the individuals and businesses below for helping us make Custer a better place!

Allen & Gail Trask
Allen's Home Furnishings
Black Hills Corporation
Black Hills Electric Cooperative
Bruce-Tenn LLC
Chamber of Commerce-Custer
Chester & Mary Gausman
Curt & Kristy Schmitz
Custer Community Center Inc.
Custer Development Corporation
Custer Lions Club
Custer Rotary Club
Custer State Park Resort Company
Custer Title Company, Inc.
Dorothy J. Delicate
First Western Bank-Custer
Gerald Baldwin
Gertrude Trask
Golden West Telecommunications
Gregory & Cynthia Mayes
Hazel Heggestad Rounds
Helen Davis
Helen Davis Estate
Heritage Village Inc.
Jan Gray
John Bissell, Jr.
Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom
Korczak's Heritage, Inc.
Lloyd or Sandra Kreitz
Lois Test
Lylas Smith
Pacer Corporation
Pat & Linda Walker
Paul Nettinga
Ronald & Karol Foust
Ruth Ziolkowski
Schmitz & Hanson, Inc.
Schmitz & Hanson, Inc.
Statewide Real Estate Services, Inc.
Sun Mark Inn Inc.
The Flintstones
The Real Estate Center of Custer
Womens Financial Coalition
Zonta Club of the Southern Black Hills

Custer Lions Club
Gertrude Trask
Helen Davis
Helen Davis Estate
Sarah L. Elmen Kopp
Golden West Telecommunications
Bob and Lori Sutton

Allen & Gail Trask
Allen & Kimberly Canete
Beta Sigma Phi/XI Alpha Omega
Bruce & Kathlene Larsen
Clay & Susan Studt
Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
Custer Regional Hospital
Custer Rotary Club
Custer Title Company, Inc.
Custer's Gulch, Inc.
Dallas Wilkinson
Daniel L. Custis
Donald & Karen Kraus
Dorothea Edgington
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
Gary & Rosemary Chappell
Gertrude Trask
Gregory Gunderson
Jason & Roni Petik
Jerry & Kelly Wheeler
Joan Houlihan
Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom
L.F. & Rachel Nepper
Larry & Jean Matthesen
Leonard & Oonagh Wood
Michael & Bonnie Tennyson
Pat & Linda Walker
Paul Nettinga & Nancy Smith
Phil Lampert
Reindl Construction, Inc.
Ronald & Joyce Spear
Terry & Marcia Graber
The Flintstones
Tim & Darla Creal
Verlyn & Kathy Scheibe
VFW Post #3442

Allen & Gail Trask
Allen & Kimberly Canete
Clay & Susan Studt
Colleen Hennessy
Custer Regional Hospital
Daniel L. Custis
Dick & Sue Brown
Donald & Karen Kraus
Dorothea Edgington
Dorothy J. Delicate
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
Gary & Rosemary Chappell
Gerald Baldwin
Jason Petik
Joan Houlihan
John & Nancy Gausman
Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom
Larry & Jean Matthesen
Michael & Bonnie Tennyson
Pat & Linda Walker
Paul Nettinga & Nancy Smith
Phil Lampert
Terry & Marcia Graber
Verlyn & Kathy Scheibe
Wilkinson Vision, Inc.
Xi Alpha Iota
Xi Alpha Omega

Allen & Gail Trask
Allen & Kimberly Canete
Beta Sigma Phi/XI Alpha Omega
Brian & Janet Boyer
Clay & Susan Studt
Custer Regional Hospital
Dallas Wilkinson
Dania Phelps
David & Julie Mendelowitz
Destination Dentistry
Dorothea Edgington
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
Gary & Rosemary Chappell
Gerald & Karen Baldwin
Jerry & Kelly Wheeler
Jim & Elaine Emery
Joan Houlihan
John & Nancy Gausman
Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom
Larry & Jean Matthesen
Michael & Bonnie Tennyson
Pat & Linda Walker
Paul Nettinga & Nancy Smith
Phil Lampert
Quality Health Resources
The Real Estate Center of Custer
Verlyn & Kathy Scheibe

Dakotamart, Inc.
Dallas Wilkinson
Destination Dentistry
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
Gerald & Karen Baldwin
Jenny Behlings
Jerry & Kelly Wheeler
Joan Houlihan
John & Nancy Gausman
Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom
Korczak's Heritage, Inc.
Larry & Jean Matthesen
Laughing Water Restaurant
Lon & Carol Edwards
Michael & Bonnie Tennyson
Paul Nettinga & Nancy Smith
Phil Lampert
Ruth Ziolkowski
St. John Baptist Catholic Church Women of St. Johns
Verlyn & Kathy Scheibe
Xi Alpha Omega

Allen & Gail Trask
Allen & Kimberly Canete
Beta Sigma Phi/XI Alpha Omega
Bradeen Real Estate & Auctions, Inc.
Custer Regional Hospital
Custer Rotary Club
Dallas Wilkinson
Daniel L. Custis
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
Gerald & Karen Baldwin
James & Kristie Meyer
Joan Houlihan
John & Nancy Gausman
Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom
Lon & Carol Edwards
Michael & Bonnie Tennyson
Paul Nettinga & Nancy Smith
Phil Lampert
South Dakota Community Foundation
Studt Construction, Inc.
Verlyn & Kathy Scheibe
Women of St. Johns
Claude & Dorothy Vershure

Meet Our Board

  • President: Curtis Tyler
  • Vice President: Nathan Wiederhold
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Donna Cullum
  • Jenny Behlings
  • Don Kraus
  • Misty Fish
  • Bobbi Schmidt

Support the Custer CSA Help Custer thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

648 Mount Rushmore Rd.
Custer, SD 57730

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.