Day County Community Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

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Day County Community Foundation

Learn about the Day County Community Foundation.


Founded in 2001 Giving Back to Day County

Mission Statement

Through an established Advised Fund, the foundation will have the authority to accept contributions and through provisions of these funds will enhance programs that address community needs for perpetuity.


The Day County Community Foundation was established in 2001 to create a sustainable resource for charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Day County area at the recommendation of a local board of directors. An initial challenge was accepted by the board to raise $75,000 by 2005. In return the South Dakota Community Foundation would donate $25,000. The challenge was completed within one year.

In December of 2011, the SDCF was adding another $25,000 to the Day County Community Foundation after donors helped meet the second challenge. This time for $200,000. A third challenge successfully garnered another $50,000 in support from SDCF in December 2016 when Day County Community Foundation raised $300,000 in just a year and a half.

In addition to the Day County Community Foundation, there are 27 funds at the South Dakota Community Foundation working for nonprofits in Day County communities. As of January 2019, cumulative grants given back to Day County nonprofits from the DCCF and its subfunds has surpassed $192,850.

These funds include:

  • Webster Class of 1989 Fund
  • Webster Area School Foundation
  • Webster Centennial Fund
  • David C. Reetz Scholarship Fund
  • Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund
  • Zoar Church & Cemetery Fund
  • Webster United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
  • Virginia C. Barry Book of Golden Memories Fund
  • Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund
  • Day County Legacy Fund
  • Virginia C. Barry Family Fund
  • Glen T. & Anna May Carlis Family Fund
  • Bill & Rosanne Bisgard Family Fund
  • Webster Alumni Foundation Fund
  • Roger & Kathryn Sannes Family Fund
  • Day County Arts Council Fund
  • Harry & Denice Knapp Family Fund
  • Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Day County Online Education Fund
  • Day County Food Shelf & PACH Program Fund
  • Gerald M. & Mary Sletten Fund
  • Phyllis Hanse Family Funds


Grants from the Day County Community Foundation support nonprofit organizations and groups that are addressing community needs in Day County, South Dakota. These grants are selected by a volunteer advisory council.

Please review our application process and grantmaking guidelines before you begin your application to verify that your project is eligible to receive a grant from Day County Community Foundation. Questions may be directed to any Foundation advisory council member or email.

DCCF Waubay Senior Citizens Center Grant Award Presentation

Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis:

  • 1st Quarter: February 1 - March 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by April 30.
  • 2nd Quarter: May 1 - June 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by July 31.
  • 3rd Quarter: August 1 - September 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by October 31.
  • 4th Quarter: November 1 - December 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by January 31.

Day County Community Foundation Advisory Council will use the following criteria in awarding grants. Please use this as a guideline to determine the eligibility of your project for funding by the Foundation.

  1. Volunteerism: Projects that involve significant and continuous volunteerism support will be considered more favorably over projects with paid staff.
  2. Partnerships: The Foundation should not be the sole funding source of any project and may make awards contingent on proof of other funding sources; however, funding percentage of total project is at the discretion of the Foundation. Grants may also be made in the form of a challenge, to be met dollar-for-dollar by other sources. The Foundation prefers to be the last funder. Grants expire one year from the date awarded; if that should happen, the Foundation welcomes the project to reapply.
  3. Discrimination: Applicants proposing services exclusively to one gender, age, or race will be closely scrutinized for discriminatory practices. Funding will be based on the needs of the individuals being served.
  4. Innovation: The Foundation’s goal is to fund a mix of ongoing, established projects as well as new, innovative projects that address a community need or concern.
  5. Fund Distribution: Funds will be distributed to projects that meet the needs of the Day County area best. The Foundation favors capital projects with a long-term impact on a large number of people. All equipment must be maintained for a minimum of three years. The Foundation will not fund other endowments.
  6. Project Longevity: Projects may be ongoing, or begin and end in the same calendar year. While applications for multi-year funding are encouraged, there is no promise of funds for future years.
  7. Seed Grants: Start-up fund applications will be more favorably looked upon with documentation that indicates a need for the project, support for the project, and the ongoing probability of its success.
  8. Technical Assistance: Consultant and technical assistance may be funded only if essential to achieving project objectives.
  9. Loans: The Foundation will not issue loans.
  10. Trips: The Foundation does not fund trips, camps, entertainment, membership expenses and/or ongoing operational costs of organizations.
  11. Public/Private: The board will concentrate on funding public non-profit organizations, but not to the exclusion of organizations that meet these grant guidelines.
  12. Exceptions: The Foundation may allow for an exception to these guidelines upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried by 2/3 of voting members present.
  13. Grant Review Process: Applications will be considered and prioritized according to these guidelines at the Foundation’s regularly scheduled board meetings. The Foundation’s full board will review applications and make awards.
  14. Communication with Applicants: The Foundation will notify all applicants in writing on or prior to the announcement date. All decisions will be held in confidence until announced by the Foundation Board or their duly appointed spokesperson.
  15. Final Evaluation: Following the grant award, projects will be required to submit a report to the Foundation explaining the use of funds and success of the project. Photos and news articles encouraged.

View Recent Awards >

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Phyllis Hanse was a beloved resident of Webster, South Dakota, who was passionate about music, youth, her church, and her community. When Phyllis passed away in 2016, she left a legacy of generosity for the Webster community that will last for generations to come.

Phyllis was an only child herself with no children of her own but was a favorite among Webster Area School students. She was passionate about supporting youth programs -- especially education and music -- and enjoyed attending local music and sporting events.

Phyllis was also an active and engaged member of the local St. John’s Lutheran Church in Webster and was a large part of their music program. She taught piano lessons in the area for many years.

In line with her love for youth, Phyllis established the Hanse Family Fund at the South Dakota Community Foundation to provide financial support to the public library and youth activities in Webster as designated by the donor.

Application Process

Please review our application process and grantmaking guidelines before you begin your application to verify that your project is eligible to receive a grant from the Hanse Family Fund. Questions may be directed to any advisory council member or email.

Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis:

  • 1st Quarter: February 1 - March 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by April 30.
  • 2nd Quarter: May 1 - June 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by July 31.
  • 3rd Quarter: August 1 - September 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by October 31.
  • 4th Quarter: November 1 - December 15 by 5:00 PM. Announcement by January 31.

Grantmaking Guidelines:

  1. Applications will be directed to an advisory council of three individuals. The final decision will be made by Day County Community Foundation Board of Directors following the review of all applications received and the advisory council’s recommendations. Funding to Webster Public Library will be based on need in cooperation with Day County Community Foundation Board, Webster City Council, and Webster Public Library Board.
  2. Funding for youth activities will be based upon the following priorities:
    • Capital improvement projects to include infrastructure and equipment
    • Investments in programs which will have a long-term impact on youth of the community
    • As an example, trips, camps, entertainment, membership expenses and/or ongoing operation costs of youth organizations do not fall in line with these priorities and Phyllis Hanse’s philosophy.
  3. The percentage funded of the total project will be determined at the discretion of the Foundation and advisory council.
  4. Applicants must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in Webster, South Dakota.
  5. Applications must impact those that are 18 or under.
  6. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with a Foundation board member prior to submitting an application.
  7. The organization will also refer to the Day County Community Foundation general grantmaking guidelines.

All grantees must submit a final report to the Foundation following project completion.

Apply Now

South Dakota Day of Giving returns for a third year, kicking off at midnight on Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020 and continuing until 11:59 pm that night. Giving Tuesday is a global giving movement celebrated the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Donations of all sizes add up to a big impact on Day County! Giving also includes your time, voice, talent and goods. Encourage your friends and family to support a cause, coordinate a donation drive, offer your expertise, join a board, or volunteer your time.

Share your experience on social media and tag @DayCountyCommunityFoundation and use the #GiveBackDayCounty hashtag.

Nonprofits participating from Day County:

  • Day County Community Foundation
  • Webster Area Development Corporation

Find additional causes in the Day County Nonprofit & Charity Directory below.

To support Day County Community Foundation, donate online, drop off at Todd Garry's office, or mail to:
Day County Community Foundation
PO Box 6
Webster, SD 57274

Thanks in advance for your support of the important work nonprofits do in Day County and #ForSouthDakota!

#WowWebster #SparkDayCounty

Advisory Council

  • Amanda Dohn-president
  • Rita Johnson-VP
  • Tom Sannes
  • Todd Garry
  • Allegra Duerre
  • Shannon Lee
  • Kim Sinner

Photo Credit: Amanda Fanger, Reporter & Farmer

Support the Day Co. CSA Help Day Co. thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Day County Community Foundation
P.O. Box 6
Webster, SD 57274

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Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.