Doland Community Foundation
Building a sustainable asset for the Home of Heroes

Founded in 2015 Giving Back to Doland
The Doland Community Foundation was established in 2015 for the sole purpose of creating an endowed fund to build financial resources to assist with capital projects that address community needs and that impact and enhance the quality of community life for residents of all ages.
The Challenge
The volunteer group of leaders who established the Doland Community Foundation also accepted a challenge from the South Dakota Community Foundation to raise $100,000 for their endowment fund. In return, the SDCF will grant them $25,000 toward their perpetual fund. This is where YOU come in. We need Doland residents, alumni, businesses and visitors, to support the Doland Community Foundation. Your contributions are tax deductible and will give back to our community forever.
Applications for grants will be awarded in April and October of every year. The grant application is available by using the link below. Grant guidelines are also available below. The guidelines help applicants understand DCF’s granting priorities and process. More information is available by contacting a DCF board member or by emailing
If your organization is an IRS verified organization and has a Federal Tax ID Number, your organization will be able to receive a direct DCF grant distribution. If your organization is not an IRS verified organization, it can still be eligible for a DCF grant, but may require some additional documentation upon approval.
Organizations that are awarded grants must complete a brief "Grant Review Form" within 60 days after expenditure of grant funds. A link to that form is below. Failure to submit the Grant Review Form may negatively impact future grant applications.
Please download and save the grant application to your computer and fill it out completely. When completed, email is the preferred method of grant submission; however, mailed applications will be accepted if email is not possible. Email the grant application to, or send by US Mail to: Doland Community Foundation, 40674 178th Street, Doland, SD 57436
Applications must be RECEIVED via email or regular mail no later than March 15 for the April award and September 15 for the October award round. The DCF is not responsible for lost, delayed, or misdirected mail or emails.
Doland Community Foundation Grant Application
Our Contributors
Giving to the Doland Community Foundation is easy and the South Dakota Community Foundation is there every step of the way to facilitate your gift.
Thank you to the following Donors who have already made a commitment to their community!
Jeffrey & Jean Albrecht |
Daniel & LeAnne Bawek |
Bonnie Wagner |
Jeff & Vickie Felderman |
Duane & Phyllis Divich |
Craig & Debora Schroeder |
Craig & Debora Schroeder |
Jeffrey & Jean Albrecht |
Daniel & LeAnne Bawek |
Roger & Shirley Schuller |
Bonnie Wagner |
Duane & Phyllis Divich |
David & Judy Mendel |
Gary & Ruth Felderman |
Daniel & LeAnne Bawek |
Craig & Debora Schroeder |
Anonymous |
Dale & Darla Langendorger |
Jeffrey & Jean Albrecht |
Bonnie Wagner |
Duane & Phyllis Divich |
Drayer Family Trust |
Lindsey Wagner-Oveson |
Duane & Phyllis Divich |
Bonnie Wagner |
Doland Community Cantata |
Bonnie Wagner
Duane & Phyllis Divich
Bonnie Wagner
John & Jodine Drayer
Northern Electric Cooperative Inc.
Lon & Jacquelyn Denison
Francis (Tal) & Fay Lockwood
Patricia Manolis
Chris & Sue Divich
Duane & Phyllis Divich
Don & Rosemary Rounds
Heartland State Bank
Pat Mendel Memorial Fund
Great Western Bank
Tip & Alyce Miles
Darlene Fitzmaurice
Farmers State Bank - Turton
South Dakota Community Foundation
Marion Clements
Erwin Wipf
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union
Boyd-Wagner Agency
Terry Mason
Monte & Ruth Mason
Tara Jo Hansen- Leinen
Lloyd & Deloris Battest
John & Amy Christenson
Harold & Darla Loewen
Barry & Pam Kaufman
Vohn & Dianna Decker
Darrel & Karen Hahn
Darlene Kahle
Keith & Josephine Kitzman
Steven & Elizabeth Hofer
Doris Weber
Dennis & Sylvie Koslowski
Stephanie Courington
Dan & Jane Bucks
Monte & Joann Troske
Darcie Decker
Kevin & Danielle Teigen
Laurie Gehner
Thomas Albrecht
Randy & Rose James
Juanita Gregersen
Chad & Lisa Dockter
David Holmes
Harvey & Ruth Caldow
Greg & Linda Morgan
Joe & Renae Lehman
Richard & Diane Rahm
Delores Johnson
Darrel & Cleola Lewis
Leroy & Marilyn Fuerst
Angeline Tschetter
Arlette Muehl
Gloria Thiesen
John & Jodine Drayer
Welch Family Trust
Rachel Winter
Trudee Schur
Melinda Lindskov
Bernadine Stahl
Marodean Decker
Jeffrey Vogel
Gregory & Cyd Rahm
William Menne
Gary & Donna Armstrong
Hugh & Linda Holmes
Melinda Lindskov
Jeffrey & Jean Albrecht
Julianne Schneider
Boyd-Wagner Agency
Daniel & LaAnne Bawek
Doland School District - Merlin Hahn Memorial
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Bonnie Wagner
- Gary Deckert
- Amy Hofer
- Deb Schroeder
- Jeremy Weiseler
Support the Doland CSA Help Doland thrive for generations to come.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.