Freeman Community Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

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Freeman Community Foundation

Share your vision into the future.

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Founded in 1998 Giving Back to Freeman

Thanks for your interest in the Freeman Community Foundation (FCF). This website is for visitors to learn more about FCF and how you can share your vision into the future for the community of Freeman.

If you are new to the FCF, you may want to start out learning more about FCF's history, mission, and vision for the future. We also encourage you to meet the Board of Directors of FCF.

The community foundation concept only becomes a reality through the generosity of the donors who believe in the mission. We are happy to recognize those donors and those who are memorialized and honored with gifts that keep on giving.

If becoming a donor is of interest to you, we offer ideas on ways to give and tips on giving wisely. We also try to answer some of the questions people ask when considering the variety of reasons to give.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspects of the Freeman Community Foundation are the grants that are made possible. Here we give you an opportunity to see some of the recipients of past grants awarded. If you are curious how your organization could benefit from an FCF grant, we encourage you to check into how to apply, look at the guidelines, and consider submitting an application.

We are very proud of the fact that FCF has been able to direct 100% of donor contributions into the endowment fund. To be able to keep donations from being used for operations, we also want to say thank you to the friends of FCF that have made that possible. For more information on the financial status of FCF, take a look at the current financial report.

Be sure to stop by again to find out about current FCF news and events as well as new donors and grant recipients. If you have any questions or comments please contact us, and we will be happy to personally respond.

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Mission Statement

The mission of the Freeman Community Foundation is to attract charitable donations and distribute grants for the purpose of benefiting the social and economic well-being of the community.

About Freeman Community Foundation

Freeman Community Foundation (FCF) is a charitable organization specifically designated for supporting non-profit entities within the Freeman community for recreation projects, cultural projects, youth projects, service projects, educational projects, etc. Five percent of the principal on the organization's endowment is available each year to be awarded as grants to these groups. As contributions to the fund continue and the principle on the endowment increases, the interest available to the community for granting continues to grow. This organization provides an opportunity for people to leave a lasting legacy to the community in their name or in the name of a loved one. For information regarding a donation to the FCF or to submit an Application for a grant, you may contact a FCF board member. Applications for grants may be submitted at any time during the year and are due by May 1 and November 1 for consideration during that grant cycle.


The Freeman Community Foundation was formed in 1997 as part of a challenge grant with the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF). If the Freeman Community raised $100,000 by July 1, 2000, the SDCF would add $50,000.00 to the Freeman account. Merchants State Bank committed to match all contributions up to $25,000. By July 1, 2000, the FCF had a balance of $108,695. With the challenge match from the SDCF, the Freeman account increased to $158,695.

The Foundation received a significant gift in the Spring of 2008 from the John R. Walz Estate, totaling over $333,000. This gift increased the endowment of the FCF to nearly $500,000. Estate gifts can play a huge role in raising the community impact of the FCF; however, each gift, regardless of size, furthers the Foundation's mission.

Today, the Foundation’s endowment totals nearly $550,000 and makes nearly $20,000 available for projects in the Freeman community each year. In addition to funding grants, the Foundation has committed to funding two $1,000 Service Scholarships each one – one at Freeman High School and one at Freeman Academy. Recipients of these scholarships have demonstrated voluntary contributions to the social and/or economic well-being of Freeman.


1997 - Freeman Community Foundation is founded
2000 - Challenge grant met, endowment established, and first grant awarded
2002 - FCF reaches 5th year & awards 5th grant for cumulative grant total of $4,500
2007 - FCF reaches 10th year & awards 21st grant for a cumulative grant total of $33,830
2008 - John R. Walz estate gift raises endowment total to nearly $500,000
2010 - FCF Service Scholarship established and first scholarship awarded
2012 - FCF reaches 15th year and awards 50th grant and 5th scholarship for cumulative grant total of $100,682
2014 - FCF endowment reaches $554,000 and cumulative grant award totals $125,000


The most rewarding aspect of the foundation is the good that is made possible through the funding of worthwhile projects. Although there is typically more demand than funds available, the grants that can be funded have a positive impact on the Freeman community and will continue to benefit projects year after year.

Here are a few examples of the grants awarded by the Freeman Community Foundation. Click here for a listing of all grants awarded by the Freeman Community Foundation.

First Circuit CASA Program - $500

Freeman Baseball Association - $5,000

Freeman Volunteer Fire Dept - $ 5,000

Growing Dreams Learning Center - $ 2,000

Grant Making Guidelines

Freeman Community Foundation (FCF) will strive to support a broad spectrum of projects intended to improve and enhance the Freeman community. Determination of recommendation for approval will be based upon need, creativity in addressing community concerns, community volunteer support, and accountability. FCF funds will NOT be awarded to subsidize normal operating expenses. FCF will NOT consider any loan requests.

As a general guideline, no more than three years of sequential grant funding shall be awarded to any one grantee for the same purpose. If projects require substantial funding to accomplish objectives, applicants should indicate intent to request additional funding in subsequent grant cycles. No guarantee of continued funding will be committed until future grant applications are reviewed. Previously funded projects with good track records should be favorably considered in subsequent grant decisions.

The Freeman Community Foundation encourages match funding. When the Board perceives the need for more local involvement and support of a given project in order to establish ownership by the community, it may require challenge grants in any proportion. Grant funding may be contingent upon acquisition of the required matching money.

Applications received from a partnership of two or more organizations will be considered if their proposal meets the guidelines of the Foundation. However, communications and accountability must be established with one organization.

Grant applications will be considered twice each year. The deadlines are May 1 and November 1. The Grantmaking Committee will review all applications, prioritize the applications, and make its recommendations to the full board. The full board will review the recommendations of the Grantmaking Committee and submit a request to South Dakota Community Foundation for funding.

All applicants will be informed in writing within two weeks of the Board meeting as to the status of their application. The Board will hold decisions in confidence until publicly announced.

A final evaluation report shall be submitted to the Foundation immediately following project completion where Foundation funds were used. Applicants shall inform the Foundation in writing of any significant changes in grant applicant status, organizational status, or project implementation information.

The Board may make an exception to any printed policy upon motion duly made, seconded and carried by 2/3 of the members present and voting. Motion must state rationale for the exception. Exceptions taken in one instance do not establish precedent for future grant decision.

How to Apply

To apply submit a grant request application to FCF at the address listed under contact information. You may download and print the application through the link, or you may pick up the application and guidelines at the Freeman Development Coordinators office, Merchants State Bank, or the Freeman Courier.

Freeman Scholarships Scholarships

In 2010, the Board of the Freeman Community Foundation established the FCF Service Scholarship. Each year, up to four $1,000 scholarships are awarded to students from either Freeman High School or Freeman Academy. It has been very exciting to see the evolution of this scholarship program. We have many creative young people in our community.

Scholarship Application Guidelines

Requirements for application:

Applicants must be a graduating high school senior
Applicants must plan to attend an accredited college, university, vocational technical school, or community college on a full-time basis before and after award of scholarship
Applicant should be able to demonstrate voluntary contributions to the social and/or economic well-being of Freeman
Applicant must complete application and all parts thereof in full be application deadline

Application Deadline: April 1 of graduation year

Freeman Community Foundation retains the right to decline all applications, if they are deemed unqualified.

How to Apply

To apply submit a scholarship application to FCF at the address listed on the contact page. You may download and print the application through the link, or you may contact the Guidance Counselor at either Freeman Academy or Freeman High School.

2019 - Andrea Wollman, Freeman Academy

Journey Mehlhaf, Freeman High School

Kailey Jacobsen, Freeman High School

Shay Saarie, Freeman High School

2018 - Brennen Haggerty, Freeman Academy

2017 - Erika Sage, Freeman High School

Levi Waldhauser, Freeman High School

Dane Allison, Freeman Academy

2016 - Tanner Rupp, Freeman High School

Ryan Haggerty, Freeman Academy

Bethany Wollman, Freeman Academy

2015 - Madysen Pravecek, Freeman High School

Cole Graber, Freeman Academy

2014- Cole Waldhauser, Freeman High School

2013- Elizabeth Sanchez, Freeman Academy

Grace Gering, Freeman High School

2012- Brittany Ries, Freeman Academy

Kaitlyn Stern, Freeman High School

2011-Lille Koerner, Freeman Academy

Tyson Lager, Freeman High School

2010- Dawson Waltner, Freeman High School


Since 1998, our generous supporters have donated over $780,000 to the Freeman Community Foundation. This has allowed for $167,300 in grants to be given back to the community, and has created an asset that will support the growth of Freeman forever. Thank you to the kind individuals and businesses who have made this possible.

A. Edna Christensen
Aaron & Marcella Glanzer
Aid Association for Lutherans
Alfred Kleinsasser
Alice Fliginger
Alvin & Arlyss Ortman
Amos R. Kleinsasser
Arden & Sharon Schamber
Arden Deward
Betty Stahl
Brad & Marian Gering
Clarice Haar
Clifford Walters
Dale L. Strasser, PC
Darin & Julia Glanzer
Dave Vetch
Dean & Joan Dreessen
Delmer & Shirley Hofer
Delpha Graber
Dennis & Dorothy Epp
Dennis & Dorothy Walter
Dennis & Linda Schrag
Dennis Graber
Doreen Wagenaar
Doug Haar
Douglas Clevenger
Dr. Lonnie Waltner
Duane & Julianne Stahl
Duane & Lavonne Schrag
Duane Ries
Edwin & Ardis Jantzen
Eleanor & Darrel Siebert
Emily Hofer
Evelyn Blum
Family of Otto & Vernell Stern
Florence Goertz
Floyd Fliginger
Floyd Graber
Fredrich Mayer
Freeman Area Veteran's Memorial Committee
Freeman Community Hospital & Nursing Home
Freeman Courier
Freeman Dorcas Society
Freeman Horseshoe Club
Freeman Lion's Club
Freeman Senior Citizen Center
Freeman Shopping Center
Gerhard & Darlene Schamber
Glenn Gering
Glenn Roth
Golden West Telecommunications
Goldie Groves
Golf Tournament Entry Fee
Harlan Dubs
Harlan Dubs
Harvey & Yvonne Schmidt
J Harold & Rosemary Moyer
Jean Ellwein
Jerry & Pam Ortman
Joan & Gullickson, Mark, James Borgwardt
Karen & Henry Goettertz
Kaufman Eye Clinic
Kenneth & Tonda Kirton
Kim & Gregg Uecker
Kite Festival
Koerner Construction
LaVerne & LaNae Waltner
Levi Wilde
Lions Club
Lowayne & Jackie Goosen
Lyle Rechnagel
Martha & Cordell Graber
Merchants State Bank
Merrill D Walters
Michael Schultz
Mildred Schrag
Mildred Wollman
Moses & Reva Glanzer
Neal & Bernita Preheim
Neva Claassen
Paint Raffle
Palmer & Marjorie Schrag
Penner Painting
Randy Penner Picture Raffle
Reuben Wollman
Richard & Jan Engel
Rita Graber
Robert & Grace Whitehead
Robert Haar
Rural Manufacturing
Rural Medical Clinics P.A.
Ruth & Joe Hofmann
Schwartz Family Living Trust
Sharon List
Shirley Waltner
Ted & Cindy Hofer
Ted & Delores Pidde
Timothy & Mary Waltner
Valley Electric
Virginia Frank
W.D. & LaVerna Friesen
Wayne & JoAnne Dalke
Wilbert & Selma Hieb
William M Gering
Willis Wipf
WL Morfeld
Wollman Pharmacy
Woltman, Kutz Compancy, P.C Pfeiffer
Wyona E. Hofer
Yankton Surgical Association

Aaron & Marcella Glanzer
Dale L. Strasser, PC
Dean & Joan Dreessen
Dennis & Berneda Koller
Dennis & Connie Nelsen
Dennis Nelsen
Derrold & Peggy Waltner
Donna Waltner
Dr. Lonnie Waltner
Emily Hofer
Eric & Laura Hortness
FHS Reunion Committee
Fred Haar Company, Inc.
Freeman Academy
Freeman Community Development Corporation
Freeman Community Foundation
Freeman Horseshoe Club
Freeman Lion's Club
Freeman Regional Health Services
Friends & Co-workers-Merchants State Bank
James Kautz
Jill Aanenson
John Walz Estate
LaNae Waltner
LaVonne Schrag
Merchants State Bank
Merrill D Walters
Moses Glanzer
Pam Tieszen
Shirley Waltner
Ted & Cindy Hofer
Timothy & Mary Waltner
Todd & Marcia Smith
Wayne & JoAnne Dalke
William & Janet Haupt
William M Gering
Wyona E. Hofer

Jason & Jill Aanenson
Loren & Carol Tschetter
Marian Gering
Merchants State Bank
Stewart Hofer
Ted & Cindy Hofer
Timothy & Mary Waltner
William & Janet Haupt

Carroll & Mary Anne Vizecky
Dale L. Strasser, PC
Dennis & Connie Nelsen
Dennis & Connie Nelsen
Jason & Jill Aanenson
Nathan & Janett Walter
Timothy & Mary Waltner

Allen & Mary Schmidt
Betty Stahl
Dale L. Strasser, PC
Dennis & Connie Nelsen
Dr. Lonnie Waltner
Emily Hofer
Kenneth & Tonda Kirton
Loren & Carol Tschetter
Merchants State Bank
Shirley Waltner
Steve & Julaine Waltner
Steve & Penny Jo Smidt
Ted & Cindy Hofer
Timothy & Mary Waltner
Wyona E. Hofer

Barry & Lori Uecker
Dale & Ruth Strasser
Delayne & Rita Graber
Diana Randall
Donna Waltner
Emily Hofer
Nathan & Janett Walter
Sam & Linda Sorensen
Stewart Hofer

American Bank & Trust
Barbara Schmeichel
Barry & Lori Uecker
Becky Sayler
Brian & Ruth Weier
Carroll & Mary Anne Vizecky
Commercial State Bank-Wagner
Dale & Ruth Strasser
Dale L. Strasser, PC
Darrell & Joanne Hora
David & Rochelle Ebbers
Dean & Joan Dreessen
Debra Schultz & Lon Lemme
Delayne & Rita Graber
Dennis & Constance Nelsen
Dennis & Linda Schrag
Diana Randall
DNB National Bank
Edward & Kari Eckhardt
Emily Hofer
Farmers & Merchants State Bank - Employees & Board
Farmers State Bank Marion-Parker
First State Bank of Roscoe - Officers & Employees
Frederich Mayer Estate
Greg & Micki McCurry
Harlan & Fae Wiebesiek
Home Federal Bank-Freeman
Hugh Bartels
Independent Community Bankers of South Dakota
Jack & Gina Hopkins
Jason & Jill Aanenson
John & Cheryl Koch
John & DeeAnn Alverez
John Schultz & Jeff Schultz families
Josh & Emily Hogue family
Kelly & Colette Mutchelknaus
Kenneth & Susan Kessler
Kevin & Ashley Holzwarth
Kevin & Tiffany Hofer
LaMont & Sheila Sohler family
LeRoy Kaufman
Mark Blake
Mary Ann "Stormy" Reilly
Menno State Bank
Mike & Vicki Schultz
Modern Woodmen
Nathan Baker
Nathan Walter
Orville A. Waltner Estate
Rainmaker Advisors
Ray & Donna Smith
Reliabank Bank
Robert & Cheryl Korn
Robert & Jill Laird
Scott & Teresa Campbell
Shane Vetch
Shirley Waltner
South Dakota Community Foundation
Steve & LaDonna Speirs
Stewart Hofer
Sunrise Bank Dakota
Ted Hofer family
Ted Hofer memorial
Ted, Jr. & Marlene Pidde
Terry & Cindy Torgerson
Timothy & Mary Waltner
Todd & Marcia Smith
Travis & Diane Schnabel
Troy & Amy (Sorlien) Lee
Vining Sparks
Walter Brothers' Vending, LLC

FCF board group

The Freeman Community Foundation Board of Directors is comprised entirely of volunteers from within the Freeman community. It is the goal of FCF to be represented by as many diverse segments as possible to best represent the community at large. The duties of the board of directors include objectively evaluating grant applications based on their merits and the ongoing promotion of the benefits of the foundation to the community.

Advisory Council

  • Emily M. Hofer, President
  • Lori J. Hofer, Vice President
  • Diana Randall, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Diane Ellinger
  • Rudy Brockmueller
  • Courtney Unruh
  • Chad Knittel
  • Cheryl Korn
  • Brett Pidde

The following individuals have given their time to serve on the Freeman Community Foundation's Board of directors since its inception in 1998. Thank you for your dedication and efforts towards the success of FCF.

*Founding Board Member

Wade Lager

Barry Uecker

Stewart Hofer
Past President

Dennis Schrock
Board Member

Brett Pidde
Board Member

LeRoy Epp
Board Member

Pam Ortman*
Board Member
1998 - 2000 / 2003 – 2004

Kelly Mutchelknaus

Board Member
2000 – 2011

Glenn Roth*
Board Member
1998 – 2013

LeRoy Kaufman
Board Member
2013 – Present

Stephen Roussos*
Board Member
1998 – 1999

Barry Uecker
Board Member
2011 – Present

Phillip Svartoien
Past President
1999 – 2010

Harlan Dubs
Board Member
2000 – 2008

Jill Weber Aanenson
Past President
2005 - 2015

Dewayne Kieper*
Past President
1998 – 1999

Emily Hofer
Past President

2005 – 2015

Sharon Schamber*
Board Member
1998 – 2000

Nathan Walter
Past President
2008 – 2017

Ted Hofer
Board Member
1999 – 2010

Lori Hofer
Board Member
2016 – Present

Larry Horner*
Board Member
1998 – 1999

Stewart Hofer
2011 – Present

Moses Glanzer
Board Member
2001 – 2004

Ruth Strasser
Board Member
2008 – 2017

Jackie Goosen*
Board Member
1998 – 2005

Wade Lager
Board Member
2011 – Present

Brad Gering
Board Member
1999 - 2010

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Contact Information

P.O. Box 412
Freeman, SD 57029

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.