Herreid Community Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

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Herreid Community Foundation

Learn about the CSA in Herreid, SD.

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Founded in 1999 Giving Back to Herreid

The Herreid Community Foundation was started in 1999 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Herreid community at the recommendation of a local Board of Directors.

The Foundation began in December 1999. The South Dakota Community Foundation challenged the community of Herreid to raise $50,000 in order to receive $12,500. Thanks to the leadership of their local board, a $50,000 donation in 2001 from Professor Clayton C. Wiest, which is managed by the Herreid Community Foundation Board of Directors, and commitments from residents and area businesses, they completed that challenge in less than two years.

The Herreid Community Foundation accepted their second challenge in 2008. This time, they would raise $45,000 for $5,000 from the SDCF in five years. Again, the community showed their support for this great cause.

The most recent challenge involved Herreid donors Clyde and Donna Schoeck, Vern and Ethel Ochsner, Gordon and Mavis Klaudt, and Bruce Brandner who started the challenge with a combined $10,000 donation. They challenged the Herreid community to raise $40,000. Having met the challenge in approximately two years, the SDCF and the Campbell County Bank each contributed $10,000.

Between the Clayton C. Wiest Fund and the local Foundation, the board manages almost $400,000 and has given back over $80,000 to nonprofit groups and organizations in Herreid.

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Start the process to request funding from the Herreid Community Foundation. Contact us to acquire a grant application. Our volunteer Advisory Council members will review applications and fund projects and programs doing good for the community.

Our Contributors

Our generous supporters have contributed over $340,100 to the Herreid Community Foundation allowing for over $81,000 in grants to be given back to the community. Future generations will appreciate your generosity! Thank you to the following supporters for making the Herreid Community Foundation a success.

Melvin & Eva Acherman
Ackerman Ranch
Ackerman Family Ranch
Eva Ackerman
Jami & Brooke Ackerman
Leo & Carol Ackerman
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Sandra Ackerman
Lacy Allbee
Rose Andersen
Jason Anderson
Daniel Arbach
Tom & Irene Badger
Matthew & Stacey Barnes
Rita & Susan Bartholomew
Baskets of Fun Fundraiser
Darlene Bates
Trista & Mark Bates
Mark & Trista Bates
Alton & Gladys Bauer
JoAnne Bauer
Paulette Bauer
Stanley & JoAnn Bauer
Stan & JoAnn Bauer
Tracy Beard
Lori Bechtold
Bo & Jennifer Beck
Chester Beck
Chester & Carol Beck
Floyd & Gladys Beck
Floyd Beck
Leland & Elsie Beck
Ruby Beck
Troy & Lisa Beck
Julie Bentz
Mark & Kathleen Bentz
Eleanor Berndt
Emma Berndt
Leland & Della Berndt
Lyle Berndt
Steven & Wanda Berndt
Bernie's Beefstro
Lyla Berreth
Harlan Bickel
Murlyn & Margaret Bickel
Jeff & Kristi Binde
Richard & Jauane Bleau
Daniel & Pamela Bollinger
Brandner Brothers
Bruce Brandner
Clement & Angeline Brandner
Dorothy Brandner
Idora Brandner
Christine & Mitch Brandner
Myron & Sheila Brandner
Nicholas & Danielle Brandner
Pete Brandner
Raymond & Sandra Brandner
Robert Brandner
Tim & Shelly Brandner
Toby Brandner
William & Julie Brandner
Bruce & Shelly Brockel
Kenneth & Marilyn Brockel
Marilyn Brockel
Victor & Barbara Brownell
Blaine & Yvonne Bucklin
Bull Drop Fund Raiser
John & Rochelle Burke
Campbell County Bank
Celebrating Home/Virginia Mitzel
Ruth Nolz Christenson
Class of 1985
Class of 2009
Class of 76
Everett & Janice Collins
Lorraine Collins
Community Action Group-Herreid
Corner Creations Candle, Co.
Country Cuts
County Cuts
Curl Up & Dye
Kent Cutler
Dakota Dreams
Dakota Rangers
Dakota Stainless Inc.
Nathan & Mary Dally
David & Shirley Dalueg
Paul Company Damberger
Days of 76 School Reunion
Deloris Deibert
Michelle Delzer
Janette DesCamps
Petra M Diorka
Craig & Janet Droog
Delmar & Matilda Droog
Tillie Droog
Adrienne & Steve Dupper
James & Faye Dupper
Russ & Patti Dupper
Delma Dyk
Rick Entwistle
Phyllis Eversole
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Jodi Feist
Wendy Feist
David & Sherri Field
Finance Office - City of Herreid
Bill & Connie Fischer
Edwin & Iola Fischer
Elaine Fischer
Larry & Elaine Fischer
Priscilla Fischer
Stacy & Lois Fischer
Fitness Center
Alvin & Bernadette Fjeldheim
Earl & Judy Fjeldheim
Kent Fjeldheim
Kent & Brandee Fjeldheim
Lonnie & Paula Fjeldheim
Rita Fjeldheim
Sandra Fjeldheim
Terrance Fjeldheim
Kathleen Flyger
Steven or Kathleen Flyger
Albertus Ford
Chad Fuehrer
M.M & K.E. Fuehrer
Troy Fuehrer
Roger & Gladys Giedd
Irene Goben
Goehring Construction
Goehring Inc.
Goehring, Inc.
Douglas & Nola Goehring
Justin & Kristie Goehring
Larry & Susan Goehring
Lester & Beverly Goehring
Marion Goehring
Ray & Lenora Goehring
Ted Goehring
Vanessa Goehring
Wanona Goetz
Good Samaritan Society - Herreid
Herreid Good Samaritan Center
Good Samaritan Society-Herreid
Grandmas Kitchen
Richard & Kathy Grassa
J. Tyler & Michelle Haahr
James & Lucinda Haak
Brenda Hague
Luke Hague
Rodger Hahne
Thomas & Myra Hahne
Hair Effects by Mindy
Hair Effects/Mindy Quaschnick
Stefanie Hall
Hartland Publishing
DeRae Hasper
J. Hasper
Jason Hasper
Peggy Hasper
Heartland Publishing, Inc.
Annette Heinle
Jacob A. Heinrich/Sons of the American Legion
Donna Heisler Revocable Trust
Donna Heisler
Theresa Heisler
Herreid Area Boosters
Herreid Area Boosters Community Foundation
Herreid Area Boosters Community Found.
Herreid Area Boosters
Herreid Baptist Teens for Christ
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Herreid Centennial
Herreid Community Foundation
Herreid Concrete
Herreid Dental
Herreid Economic Development Corporation
Herreid Economic Development
Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc.
Herreid Livestock Market
Herreid Lumber, Inc.
Herreid Rummage Sale
Herreid School
Herreid School District #10-1 (Student Council)
Herreid School Reunion
Herreid Sporting Center
Herreid Students Council
Herreid Super Stop
Herreid Super Stop/WD Trucking
Herreid Valu Market
City of Herreid
Barbara Hieb
Frank & Ann Hilt
Darlean Hoisington
Jeffrey & Jodie Holm
Home Interior
Horner Enterprises
Ryan & Amanda Horner
Huber & Son
Bernie & Gloria Huber
Dennis Huber
Dennis & Ione Huber
George & Kay Huber
George & Kathryn Huber
Mike & Deb Huber
Paulette Huber
Chris & Colleen Huizenga
Marion Huseby
Bonnie Johnson
Brandon & Marci Jones
James & Patty Junkins
James & Elaine Kanable
David & Martina Kary
Della Kary
David & Martina Kary

A. & Dana Goehring
Brandner Brothers
Brian Weismantel
Bruce & Mardel Ochsner
Bruce Brandner
Campbell County Bank
Chester & Carol Sayler
Chris & Colleen Huizenga
City of Herreid
Clara M. Nolz
Corrina Beck Photography
Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier
David & Stacy Schumacher
Delmar & Matilda Droog
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Donna Heisler Revocable Trust
Dorothy Brandner
Earl & Judy Fjeldheim
Eleanor Berndt
Erika Larson
Floyd & Gladys Beck
Gary & Brenda Larson
Gary & Sandra Weismantel
Goehring Construction
Good Samaritan Society-Herreid
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Heartland Publishing, Inc.
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Herreid Community Foundation
Herreid Economic Devenlopment Corporation
Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc.
Herreid Lumber, Inc.
Herreid Super Stop
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
J. Tyler & Michelle Haahr
James & Faye Dupper
JoAnne Bauer
Ken & Marilyn Brockel
Kent Cutler
Kirk Quaschnick
Kroontje Law Office
Laurance & Reta Rossow
Maebel Nieuwsma
Mark Sanderson & Susan Randall
Mitzel & Sons, Inc.
Nathan & Mary Dally
Peggy Hasper
Penny & Aldine Mittleider
Richard & Holly Pudwill
Richard & Judith Volzke
Rick Entwistle
Rieker Electric
Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Roger & Naomi Rossow
Ron & Diana Mittleider
Ronald & Patricia Schauer
S & S Realty, Inc.
Sandra Ackerman
Sayler Farms/Sayler Seeds
Sayler Harvesting, Inc.
Sons of the Legion
South Dakota Community Foundation
Steven & Wanda Berndt
Tim Pudwill
Todd & Colette Pudwill
Town n' Country Gals
Trail Café
Troy Fuehrer
Vern & Ethel Ochsner
Virginia Mitzel
Weisbeck & Sons, Inc.
Weisbeck Precision Ag Solutions
William & Julie Brandner

Con Edison Development, Inc.
Esther Weisbeck
Tour of Homes fundraiser
Lydia Rueb
Lydia Rueb
Mark & Lisa Weisbeck
Mark & Lisa Weisbeck
South Dakota Community Foundation
City of Herreid
JoAnne Bauer
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Trail Caf?
Town n' Country Gals
Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle
Penny & Aldine Mittleider
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner
Maebel Nieuwsma
Barry & Deb Larson
Patti Pudwill
Richard & Judith Volzke
Todd & Colette Pudwill
Weisbeck & Sons, Inc.
Goehring Construction
S & S Realty, Inc.
William & Julie Brandner
Vern & Ethel Ochsner
Laurance & Reta Rossow
Tim Pudwill
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Campbell County Bank
Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc.
Herreid Economic Devenlopment Corporation
Mitzel & Sons, Inc.
Kroontje Law Office
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Sons of the American Legion
Herreid Lumber, Inc.
Good Samaritan Society-Herreid
Valley Telecommunications
A-1 Heating & Air, LLC
Ron & Diana Mittleider
Josh & Debbie Sayler
James & Faye Dupper
Chester & Carol Sayler
Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner
Gary & Brenda Larson
Dwight & Julie Wiest
David & Martina Kary
Tom & Mary Mitzel
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Linton Hospital
Dennis & Marlys Volzke
Herreid All School Reunion
Dennis & Marlys Volzke
Jerome & Violet Deibert
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Ron & Diana Mittleider
Ryan & Mindy Quaschnick
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Kroontje Law Office
Herreid All School Reunion
Ronald & Patricia Schauer
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Donna Wolff
Vern & Ethel Ochsner
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
JoAnne Bauer
Laurance & Reta Rossow
Sandra Ackerman
Chester & Carol Sayler
Larry & Susan Goehring
Casey Rossow & Shan Lehrkamp
Kirk Quaschnick
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Sandra Ackerman
Darlene Bates
Bill & Connie Fischer
JoAnne Bauer
JoAnn Volk
Jay Volzke & Nicole Meier
Tyler & Lisa Ochsner
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Ron & Diana Mittleider
Herreid Community Foundation - Progressive Supper
Leann Horner
Roger & Naomi Rossow

JoAnne Bauer
Mittleider Farms, Inc.
Town n' Country Gals
Herreid Super Stop
Kroontje Law Office
Jim & Mabel Nieuwsma
Todd & Colette Pudwill
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Casey Rossow & Shan Lehrkamp
Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner
Vern & Ethel Ochsner
Dick & Suzanne Werner
S & S Realty, Inc.
Weisbeck & Sons, Inc.
Goehring Construction
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
LCK, Inc.
William & Julie Brandner
Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Rieker Electric
Campbell County Bank
Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc.
Herreid Economic Devenlopment Corporation
Ryan & Amanda Horner
Mitzel & Sons, Inc.
Valley Telecommunications
Chester & Carol Sayler
Brandner Brothers
Sons of the American Legion
Good Samaritan Society-Herreid
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Josh & Debbie Sayler
Tim Pudwill
James & Faye Dupper
Roger & Naomi Rossow
Herreid Lumber, Inc.
Herreid Concrete, Inc.
Myron & Renee Rieker
Larry & Susan Goehring
Herreid Rummage Sale
Herreid Rummage Sale
Modern Woodman of America
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Laurance & Reta Rossow
Gary & Sandra Weismantel
Virginia Mitzel
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner
Penny & Aldine Mittleider
Jim & Mabel Nieuwsma
Sayler Harvesting, Inc.
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Tom & Mary Mitzel
Kirk Quaschnick
Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc.
Vaughn & Julie Beck

Ronald & Patricia Schauer
William & Julie Brandner
Casey Rossow & Shan Lehrkamp
William & Julie Brandner
Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Mittleider Farms, Inc.
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
Chester & Carol Sayler
Glenda Zimmerman
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner
JoAnne Bauer
Kirk Quaschnick

Meet Our Advisory Council

Support the Herreid CSA Help Herreid thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 173
Herreid, SD 57632

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.