Huron Community Foundation
Enhancing quality of life in and around the Huron area.

Our Mission Founded in 2004
Our mission is to support programs that enhance the quality of life in and around the Huron community. With the unexpected pandemic of 2020, the HCF made a decision to focus funding efforts this year on programs that provide resources during these unprecedented times. Basic needs such as food, shelter, and financial stability were prioritized in an effort to help those in our community who were impacted by COVID 19. The Huron Area Senior Center Nutrition Program, The Salvation Army Food Pantry, and The Heartland Region Backpack Program were among programs receiving funds. The foundation also provided funding for the Housing Rehab Program, Beadle Covid Rental Assistance Program which has helped over one hundred individuals with rent payments this year, and the Small Business Recovery Loan Program which has helped 29 local businesses. The foundation also donated and delivered 4,000 face masks to area non-profits with the assistance of community partner, People’s Transit.
We appreciate the many donors who make this possible and Craig Matthesen, the Wheeler, Entwisle, Mencke and Schiltz Families for creating the sub funds under the auspices of HCF. For more information about the foundation or creating a family fund please contact Steve Gohn at 605-354-1118.
What is the Huron Community Foundation?
Huron Community Foundation (HCF) is a tax-exempt organization formed in April 2004 to create a community savings account which will grow and benefit everyone in Huron for generations to come.
HCF offers donors many opportunities to grow the fund through various fundraising events, as well as, one-time contributions, multi-year pledges, estate planning, and gifts of assets such as stock, real estate, or life insurance. The funds are deposited with the SDCF which invests the dollars and returns earnings to the Huron Community Foundation for grant distributions.
Named Fund Option under the umbrella of the Huron Community Foundation
Individuals, families, and organizations can establish their own named fund under the umbrella of HCF with the minimum of a $100,000 deposit. Currently there are several named funds that are a lasting legacy to these donors. Donations can be made to any named fund by any donor by contacting HCF.
Established named funds can recommend to HCF of their desire for future grants.
How to apply and past grants awarded Huron Community Foundation Grants
Applications for HCF grants are accepted February 15 thru March 15 each year. The HCF Grant application is available by using the link below, or from the Huron Chamber and Visitors office at: 1725 Dakota Ave S, Huron, SD. HCF grant guidelines are also available by clicking that link below. The guidelines help applicants understand HCF’s granting priorities and process. More information is available by contacting a HCF board member or by emailing
If your organization is an IRS verified organization and has a Federal Tax ID Number, your organization will be able to receive a direct HCF grant distribution. If your organization is not an IRS verified organization, it can still be eligible for a HCF grant but may require some additional documentation upon approval.
Organizations that are awarded grants must complete a brief "Grant Review Form" within 60 days after expenditure of grant funds. A link to that form is below. Failure to submit the Grant Review Form may negatively impact future grant applications.
Please download and save the grant application to your computer and fill it out completely. When completed, email is the preferred method of grant submission, however mailed applications will be accepted if email is not possible. Email the HCF Grant Application to, or send by US Mail to: HCF Grant, 1725 Dakota Avenue S, Huron, SD 57350.
If submitted by mail, send only one copy of completed application. Applications must be RECEIVED via email or regular mail not later than March 15th. The HCF is not responsible for lost, delayed, or misdirected mail or emails.
Beadle County Dive Team | $ 3,220 |
City of Huron Parks Dept | $ 2,690 |
Connecting Cultures | $ 650 |
Cornerstones Career Learning Center | $ 1,300 |
Dakotaland Museum | $ 2,000 |
Heartland Region Backpack | $ 8,000 |
Hitchcock Community Fire Dept | $ 1,000 |
Hope House | $ 1,227 |
HRMC Foundation-Dialysis Clinic 2of3 | $ 25,000 |
Huron Area Senior Center | $ 4,000 |
Huron Destination Imagination | $ 1,000 |
Huron HOSA Chapter | $ 3,000 |
Huron Junior Athletics | $ 5,000 |
Jan Manolis Family Safe Center | $ 1,500 |
Leadership Huron-Class of 2024 | $ 10,000 |
Norby Center for Recreation | $ 13,535 |
Peoples Transit 2024 | $ 9,733 |
SD CEO WBC/BHSU Foundation | $ 1,200 |
South Dakota State Fair Foundation | $ 32,500 |
City of Huron Parks Dept-Derksen Bike Path | $ 25,000 |
Huron Community Foundation | |
Beadle County Dive Team | $ 3,036.00 |
Huron Area Senior Center | $ 11,150.00 |
Huron Christian Ministerial Ass’n. | $ 5,000.00 |
Huron Housing Rehab Position | $ 2,500.00 |
$ 21,686.00 | |
Matthesen Fund | |
HRMC Foundation-Dialysis Clinic (1 of 3 yrs) | $ 25,000.00 |
Huron Destination Imagination | $ 1,000.00 |
Beadle County Chapter of IWLA | $ 10,000.00 |
Huron High School Post Prom | $ 2,000.00 |
Huron Hockey Association | $ 5,000.00 |
Huron HOSA Chapter | $ 1,000.00 |
City of Huron Park & Recreation | $ 9,285.50 |
Huron School District Foundation | $ 5,000.00 |
Nordby Center F/Recreation | $ 10,000.00 |
SD State Fair Foundation | $ 15,000.00 |
$ 83,285.50 | |
Wheeler Fund | |
Boy Scouts | $ 1,000.00 |
Huron Concert Assn | $ 1,000.00 |
Destination Imagination | $ 1,000.00 |
HRMC Foundation-Dialysis Clinic | $ 1,000.00 |
Madison 2-3 Center | $ 1,000.00 |
GHDC City Clean Up Post cards | $ 500.00 |
$ 5,500.00 | |
Entwisle Fund | |
Huron Hockey | $ 1,000.00 |
HOSA | $ 1,000.00 |
Backpack Program | $ 2,000.00 |
Believe Fest | $ 2,000.00 |
$ 6,000.00 | |
Schiltz Fund | |
Huron Hockey | $ 1,000.00 |
Habitat for Humanity | $ 2,000.00 |
Believe Fest | $ 1,760.84 |
$ 4,760.84 | |
Mencke Fund | |
Huron Senior Center | $ 1,000.00 |
Dakotaland Museum | $ 1,000.00 |
Jan Manolis Family Safe Center | $ 2,000.00 |
$ 4,000.00 |
- HRMC Foundation-$1,466.32
- Huron School District-$$2,000
- HRMC Foundation-$5,0000
- First United Methodist Church-$2,000
- Horizon Health Foundation-$1,849.34
- Centennial Stone Church-$10,000
- Forward Huron, Inc.-$15,000
- Centennial Stone Church-$5,000
- HRMC Foundation-$533.58
- Forward Huron, Inc.-$9,000
- Community Development Foundation-$15,000
- HRMC Foundation-$10,000
- South Dakota State Fair Foundation-$71,347.55
2020 HCF Grants
- Salvation Army - Huron $2500.00
- Huron Area Senior Center $2500.00
- Community Development Foundation $15000.00
- Community Development Foundation $15000.00
- Salvation Army - Huron $3000.00
- HRMC Foundation $10000.00
- Huron Community Campus -$5000.00
- Huron Community Campus $5000.00
- Huron Public School District 2-2 $3000.00
2019 HCF Grants
- Huron Community Campus $5000.00
- Community Development Foundation $2653.66
- Huron Public School District 2-2 $5000.00
- United Way of Huron 5000.00
- Huron Area Concert Association $250.00
- HRMC Foundation $10000.00
- Junior Achievement of South Dakota $1200.00
- Cornerstones Career Learning Center, Inc. $3000.00
- People's Transit $2724.83
- Huron Public School District 2-2 $8300.00
- Huron Public School District 2-2 $499.00
2018 HCF Grants
Huron Chamber - $2,500
PA System & Video Projector
Cornerstones Career Learning Center - $2,000
Telephone and Voice Mail System
Beadle County Dive Team - $5,000
Water Rescue Equipment
Huron Community Campus - $2,500
Masters In Education Programming
Heartland Rodeo - $10,000
Shade Shelter and Picnic Area
HRMC Foundation - $10,000
Nursing Education Program
Huron Hockey Association - $2,000
Hockey Team Jerseys
Huron School District - $5,000
Video Equipment to Broadcast Athletic Events
Karen Association of Huron - $2,500
Equipment to Open Association Office
Huron Post Prom - $1,000
Supplies for Post Prom Activities
SD State Fair Foundation - $10,000
Bleachers for Activities on Fairgrounds
Washington 4-5 Grade Center - $499
Wobbiegongs Swim Team - $8,000
Timing and Scorekeeping Equipment
Huron Area Backpack Program
Food Program for At-Risk Children - $3,400
SD State Fair Foundation
Bathroom Renovations - $5,000
United Methodist Church
BelieveFest - $2,400
Huron Little League
Memorial Baseball Park - $5,000
Huron Community Campus
Masters Program - $2,000 - 3rd payment
Nordby 4-H Exhibit Hall
New Exhibit Hall - $10,000 - 2nd payment
Workforce Development Council
Workforce Project - $5,000 - 2nd payment
--- Wheeler Family Fund ---
James River Royal Family KIDS Camp
Sponsor Camp - $2,400
Huron Area Backpack Program
Food Program for At-Risk Children - $1,600
United Methodist Church
BelieveFest - $1,600
Huron Area Packpack Program
Food Program for At-Risk Children $3,400
SD State Fair Foundation
Bathroom Renovations $5,000
United Methodist Church
BelieveFest $2,400
Huron Little League
Memorial Baseball Park $5,000
Huron Community Campus
Masters Program $2,000 - 3rd Payment
Nordby 4-H Exhibit Hall
New Exhibit Hall $10,000 - 2nd Payment
Workforce Development Council
Workforce Project $5,000 - 2nd Payment
----Wheeler Family Fund Grants for 2016----
James River Royal Family KIDS Camp
Sponsor Camp $2,400
Huron Area Backpack Program
Food Program for At-Risk Children $1,600
United Methodist Church
BelieveFest $1,600
Dakotaland Museum
3 Historic Educational Outreach Programs $750
Cornerstones CLC
Remove Walls From Smaller Offices to make a Large Classroom $2,200
Huron Senior Center
Purchase an Automatic Defibulater $1,186
Huron School Weight Room
Improve Weight Room Equipment $2,000
People's Transit
Bus Replacement $5,000
Huron Hockey
Zamboni Replacement $5,000
Nordby 4H Exhibit Hall
New 4H Exhibit Hall $10,000 - 1st Payment
Huron Community Campus
Masters Program $2,000 - 2nd Payment
Work Force Development Council
Work Force Project $5,000 - 1st Payment
----Wheeler Family Fund Grants in 2015----
American Legion Aux.
Dictionary For Third Grade Students $570
Huron Public Schools Pre-School Partnership
Preschool Partnership for Immigrant Children $2,500.00
Tennis, Everyone!
New Tennis Complex $2,300.00
SD State Fair Foundation
4-H Exhibit Hall $10,000 - 1st Payment
Beadle County 4-H
New Sound System $1,500
Leadership Huron
Prospect Park Shelter/Bathroom/Warming House $5,000
Huron Community Theatre
Acoustic Upgrades - Microphones $2,300
Nordby Center for Recreation
Additional Basketball Baskets For Hohm Courts $5,000
Huron Community Campus
College Classes $2,000
Munce's Math Nights
Middle School Math activities after school $1,000
Huron Middle School Drama
Missoula Children's Theatre $1,000
Beadle Co. Dive Team
Training $2,250
American Legion Auxiliary
Students Dictionary $360
Helping Hands
Shelving $1,000
Fence Replacement $3,500
----Wheeler Family Fund Grants in 2014----
Centennial Stone Church
Replace Storm Window $2,000
Tennis Everyone
New 12 Court Tennis Complex $1,000
Huron Community Theatre
Acoustic Upgrades - Microphones $1,500
Riverside Cemetery
Road Improvements $500
Huron Adult Day Care
Brochure & accounting program $1,000
Huron Area Community Theatre
Update sound system and acoustical tiles $2,000
Huron Community Campus
Offer 3 additional remedial courses $2,000
Huron Little League
Batting net system & safety equipment $1,000
Huron Parks & Recreation Wobbegongs Swim Team
Purchase lane timer & reader board $4,000
Ravine Lake Park Project
Ravine Park - gazebo park bench, bathhouse park bench & sun umbrellas $2,000
James Valley Housing
Pre-home education counseling course $2,000
YWCA of Huron
New flooring project $3,000
Splash Central Water Park
Final payment of three year pledge $10,000
----Wheeler Family Fund Grants in 2013----
Nordby Center for Recreation
Replacement of scoreboards $4,600
Splash Central Waterpark
2nd payment of three year pledge $10,000
Huron Hockey Assoication
Compressor replacement $4,000
Jan Manolis Family Safe Center
Pathway to peace program $2,500
Beadle Co. Humane Society
Finish dog park entrance, signage, seating etc. $2,000
Hope Ranch
Safety equipment for riders $2,000
Huron Little League
Canopies for spectators seating area $2,000
American Legion Post 7
Resurrect Safety City Program and Bike Safety for 4 & 5 year olds $1,500
Huron Backpack Program
Week-end nutritious food $1,000
Splash Central Waterpark
1st payment of three year pledge $10,000
South Dakota State Fair Foundation
Leadership Huron State Fair playground project $2,000
Huron Little League Inc.
New batting cage netting at Kasa Little League complex $2,000
Community Development Foundation - Design SD
Downtown Huron redevelopment study $2,000
Community Development Foundation - Pheasant
“World’s Largest Pheasant” restoration project $1,000
Huron Backpack Program
Provides at risk children with nutritious weekend food $1,000
Friends of the Huron Public Library
Equipment for City Library $1,000
Huron Public School District Wellness
Wellness Committee for adolescents in Huron area $1,000
Huron Public School District Preschool
Preschool Partnership Program $1,000
Huron Public School District Middle School
Middle School Teens Against Tobacco Use $750
Cornerstones Career Learning Center
Adult basic education and employment training programs $1,500
Huron Optimist Backpack Program
Provide at risk children with nutritious food for weekends $1,000
Huron Community Campus
Redesign website for enhanced future marketing $1,000
Dakotaland Museum
Required roof repairs to maintain quality of exhibits $1,500
Habitat for Humanity
Build next home for qualified family $2,000
Jan Manolis Safe Home
Security system for shelter $1,000
Huron Area Arts Council
Acquire risers/portable staging to be used at Fine Arts Center $2,000
Huron Wellness Team
Help reduce obesity and promote wellness for adolescents in Huron area $2,000
Munce’s Monday Math Nights
Middle School Math activities after school $1,000
Roof repair for family violence shelter in Huron $1,000
Junior Achievement
Teaching area students about financial responsibility $2,000
Huron Downtown Promotion
Replace plants in existing planters and adding colorful planted pots in core downtown area $2,000
State Fair Park
Repairs to ticket booths and gate houses at State Fair $1,000
Leadership Huron
Beadle County Humane Society Shelter project $1,000
Leadership Huron Class 2008-2009
State Fair Signs $1,000
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota
Financial management classes $2,000
James Valley Christian School
Replace outdated and marginally safe playground equipment $1,000
MAGA TA-HOHPI friends Group
Bring hands on museum exhibit to Huron $1,000
Huron Area Community Choir
Contemporary books to use for music $2,000
Munce’s Math Nights
Middle School Math activities after school $1,000
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Computer for office/senior tax service $1,000
Huron Optimist Backpack Program Program
Provide at risk children with nutritious food for weekends $1,000
Huron Community Campus
Market new programs offered through HCC $2,000
South Dakota Farmers Union
Jr. (REAL) Rural Economic and Leadership development program $1,000
South Dakota State Fairgrounds
Shade structure at the Freedom Stage $1,000
Huron Housing & Redevelopment Authority
Establish a Homeless and Eviction Protection Fund $1,000
Huron Area Community Theater
Tools and materials for theatre shows $1,000
Community Counseling Services
Violence and Bullying Prevention Program $1,000
Beadle County Dive and Rescue Team
Purchase Sonar Scanner $1,000
Huron Area Arts Council
Fine Arts Theater lighting, curtains and sound system $3,000
Huron Community Campus
Eqiupment for distance learning lab $3,000.
Disabled American Veterans Transportation
Ttransport Veterans to VA Hospitals andClinics $1,500
Huron Adult Day Services
Assist elderly and handicapped in the Huron community $1,500
Pyle House Museum
Preservation and restoration work to the Pyle House Museum. $1,000
Special Olympics South Dakota
State Equestrian Competition and State Softball Tournament
Community Counseling Services
Laptop computers for working at off site locations. $1,000
Huron Chamber and Visitor Center
Informational display centers at visitor center $1,000
Ravine Lake Recreation
Equipment for Ravine Lake Park $1,000
Huron Symphony Orchestra
Host a guest ensemble $1,000
Junior Achievement
Teaching business and economics $3,000
Nordby Center for Recreation
Summer youth camps and provide child care options $3,000
Cornerstones Career Learning Center
Promote education and employment services in this area $1,200
Huron Music Parents
Electronic sign at Huron High School $1,000
Leadership Huron
Demonstration kitchen in the Women’s Building $1,000
Habitat for Humanity of Beadle County
Part-time director for organization $1,000
Munce’s Monday Math Nights
Middle School Math activities after school $1,000
Huron Little League
Establishment of Huron Little League endowment. $1,000
DWU Nursing Program-Huron site
Equipment for the nursing laboratory $2,000
Friends of the Library
Spanish speaking and bilingual materials $1,500
Huron Chamber Mural Committee
reservation of existing murals $1,500
Huron Area Senior Center
Shuffle board equipment at the Senior Center $1,500
Huron Symphony League
Host guest soloists and ensembles for an anniversary performance $1,500
Beadle County Risk and Resources
Meth Education Awareness program and Mentoring Mothers program. $500
Huron Rising
75 Huron Residents “Reimagine Our Future”
The Huron Community Foundation (HCF) hosted 75 members of the community at “Huron Rising – Reimagine Our Future” on Sept. 12, followed by a meeting on Sept. 19 to present an Executive Summary of the results.
The purpose of the visioning session was to identify community priorities that were used to create a roadmap for the Foundation, elected officials, and other Huron nonprofit organizations to prioritize funding for future Huron projects.
Click to read the Executive Summary of the meeting.
Click to watch a video of the Executive Summary meeting.
The Story of Huron Rising
Steve Gohn, President of the HCF, believes hearing the community’s diverse needs and wants is essential to making any future investments in Huron a success. “Huron continues to grow and its needs as a community are evolving more rapidly every day,” notes Gohn. “We we want to be sure that we have a clear understanding of what the community values and how we can enhance the community to make it more desirable and livable for years to come.”
In addition to invited community leaders and elected officials, the public was highly encouraged to register for Huron Rising. “This event was only a success because we were able to bring all different segments of our community together to share their diverse and innovative perspectives, ideas, and concepts for making Huron better,” said Gohn.
Registration was limited to allow round-table work groups to dive into all areas of Huron’s future. Those unable to participate in person were encouraged to submit their ideas via email to The public took advantage of that opportunity and submited a large number of well-developed ideas to be shared during the event.
“Opening up the event to community groups, as well as members of the entire Huron community, helped us understand where we can make the best investment of our time and resources as a Foundation,” said Gohn. “Asking the whole community to be part of these sessions helps us know what sort of action, new partnerships, and even funding sources might be available to make the ideas and vision we gather a reality.”
The listening and design session was facilitated by Dr. Bill Anderson. Bill, who lives in Vermillion, is the Chief Experience Officer for the First National Bank in Sioux Falls, and is a Huron native.
“We invited Bill to be part of this effort because of his expertise in working with communities and because of his deep love for the Huron community,” said HCF board member David McGirr. “Huron Rising is a ‘hand-in-glove’ fit for his talents and background,” said McGirr.
“I’m delighted to help with Huron Rising,” notes Anderson, “and if the event can cast a vision for improving the quality of life in Huron, I’m excited to do that.”
Anderson said he believes in Huron, its people, and the way that it’s continued to invest itself economically, socially, and culturally over the past decade. “Huron matters to me – my wife and I are fortunate to call Huron our hometown, our families still enjoy living and working in Huron, and our children love visiting any chance we get.”
Following the session, the results were pulled together into an Executive Summary and shared with the participants and the community on September 19th. The results are now being used to guide Community Foundation investment and fundraising efforts, as well as shared with other nonprofit and governmental entities.
“We were excited to get Huron’s best thinking so we can use our resources – and seek out new partnerships – to improve Huron’s quality of life,” notes McGirr. “We can’t do it without the people who love and value Huron and see its potential as a growing, thriving community.”
The Huron Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed in April 2004 to create a community savings account that will grow and benefit everyone in Huron for generations to come. Questions about the Foundation or the Huron Rising event should be directed to HCF President Steve Gohn at 354-1118 or
Creating a legacy for Huron Named Partner Funds
Individuals, families and organizations can establish their own named fund under the umbrella of HCF with a minimum $100,000 deposit. Donations can be made to any named fund by contacting HCF.
William P. and Judy M. Bartholow Family Fund
The Huron community received a boost, when longtime residents Bill and Judy Bartholow donated funds to establish the Bill and Judy Bartholow Family Fund. That donation, according to Huron Community Foundation council chairman Steve Gohn, creates the tenth such fund created in the past few years.
The new family fund joins donations that set up the Doug and Rhonda Kludt Fund; the Anson E. and Sheron M. Chapman Fund; the Entwisle Family Fund; the William K. Kingdon Charitable Fund; the Steve and Karen Marcus Fund, the Craig Matthesen Fund; the Mencke (Jerry and Sandy) Family Fund, the Schiltz (Terry and Nancy) Family Fund and the Wheeler Family Fund.
Read their story.
Anson E. and Sheron M. Chapman Fund
Anson and Sheron Chapman are lifelong residents of Huron.
“Gene and Sheron Chapman are a great example of giving back through their lifetime,” said Steve Gohn, HCF President. “Huron Community Foundation is grateful to partner with them in honoring their commitment to Huron. They have a personal belief to pay it forward during their lifetime and will accomplish this through their newly created fund.”

Entwisle Family Fund
The Entwisle Family Fund was established by retired Huron business owners Bob and Emily Entwisle. An initial donation of $250,000 to the HCF was used to establish the Fund. In addition to their initial gift, the Entwisles also set up a trust that will be added to the Entwisle Family Fund at a later date.

The Entwisle Family Fund was established by retired Huron business owners Bob and Emily Entwisle. An initial donation of $250,000 to the HCF was used to establish the Fund. In addition to their initial gift, the Entwisles also set up a trust that will be added to the Entwisle Family Fund at a later date.
The Foundation is honored that the Entwisle family has recognized the work of the HCF and will be making an everlasting impact on improving the Huron community through their donation. The fund is permanently endowed within the HCF, with interest earnings distributed annually with guidance from the Entwisle family.
Bob and Emily Entwisle are well known Huron area business owners, having owned and operated Welter Funeral Home for over 40 years. The family has been very active in community service throughout their lives, and contacted the HCF wanting to expand their passion for Huron on a permanent basis by creating an endowment.
According to Bob, the donation was one of the easiest decisions they ever made. “Emily and I are so lucky to have moved to Huron; the community has been a wonderful place to work, live, and raise our family,” said Bob.
Sharing this sentiment, Emily added, “We owe this community so much for welcoming us, supporting our business, educating our children, and allowing us the great privilege to have helped area families through the difficult times surrounding the loss of a loved one.”
The couple said they have been very impressed with the impact made by the Huron Community Foundation. “We can see where they are really making a difference for dozens of organizations and countless people across the community; that was important to us,” said Emily. “By making this gift now, rather than in our estate planning, we can see the beginning fruits of this gift while Bob and I are still living to see the impact for Huron residents.”
Grants Awarded
Huron Hockey Association
Huron Housing Partnership
Heartland Rodeo Association
Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau-Leadership Huron
People's Transit
William K. Kingdon Charitable Fund
Because of the late William “Bill” Keith Kingdon’s generosity, local nonprofits will benefit for years to come through the William K. Kingdon Charitable Fund, a sub fund of the Huron Community Foundation (HCF) held with the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF).
Bill attended Jefferson School and Huron High School graduating in 1963. He graduated from the University of South Dakota in 1967 with a degree in music education. “He always wanted to return to Huron,” said his older brother, Dick Kingdon. “He very much loved the community.”

Douglas & Rhonda Kludt Fund
“We feel so good about doing this for the community that has given so much to us and to our children,” said Rhonda Kludt. “The HCF is a prudent way to leave a legacy for all the good happening in Huron. We have witnessed firsthand the many positive programs and enhancements that have occurred since the inception of the foundation, and we want to do our part to assure that will continue.”
Doug added, “I was born and raised in Huron and have worked here for most of my professional life. Huron has given me most of what I have. It’s time to give some of that back to the community that means so much to us. The Huron Community Foundation provides our small town a chance to thrive into the future.”

Rhonda grew up in Fort Pierre, attended SDSU and graduated from BHSU with degrees in Elementary Education/Early Childhood Development. She currently serves as Vice President for HCF and has been involved with the Student United Way-Huron Youth Leadership Council (HYLC) since it was restructured under the auspices of the United Way Heartland Region in 2017. A philosophy she has long believed is that the engagement of the next generation is pivotal to the vitality of any community. The HYLC recently received the SD Association of Fundraising Professionals Youth in Philanthropy Award and has granted over $40,000 toward youth leadership development projects since 2003. She has been actively involved in various community and state organizations working passionately to advance opportunities for children. She taught Kindergarten for 20 years and helped to establish the Huron Preschool Partnership Program and serves on the Statewide Family Engagement Center Advisory Council.
Doug, a graduate of USD and USD Law School, is a recently retired attorney. He was on the initial board of the Huron Community Foundation working with other like-minded Huronians to establish the foundation. He has served on numerous boards and committees and was chairperson of the Middle School Expansion Project educating the community on the need for a new facility. He served on the Huron City Commission during the Covid 19 outbreak and with the mayor and other commissioners led Huron through a very difficult time. He serves as the chairperson for Heartland State Bank Board of Directors and represents the States Attorney’s Office in the Beadle County Drug Court Program.
The Kludts have two children. Rachel Kary is the Huron High School Librarian, and her husband Levi is the Executive Director of the Huron Regional Medical Center Foundation. They have two boys, Leo, and Connor. Their son Thomas lives in New York City with his longtime partner, Anna Friemoth. Thomas is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair.
Steve & Karen Marcus Fund
Steve and Karen Marcus were born and raised in the Huron area. They graduated from Huron High School as did their three sons. Jason is a custom home builder in Spearfish, Adam is a certified financial planner in Rapid City and Richard is managing director and head of equity sales at Oppenheimer living in Cary, N.C.
Over the years, they contributed personally and through business to deserving local causes. Now with the opportunity to team up with HCF, it allows them to know the projects have been researched and found to be qualified recipients. They also appreciate that there is an advisory council who oversees the fund and reviews applicants.
Craig Matthesen Fund
The Craig Matthesen Fund was provided for in his estate plan and was created at his passing in March 2016. Craig left appoximately $1 Million of his estate to benefit the Huron Community Foundation, and also set up a fund of an equal amount for students studying journalism and business at Chadron State College and the Chadron Youth Baseball Organization. The gifts are to be made in perpetuity and are expected to increase over time.

The Matthesen Family Fund is a permanent legacy created by Craig for the benefit of the community where he lived and worked. "Craig gave to three things he cherished: baseball, the Huron community, and South Dakota," said his brother Larry Matthesen. "He felt the S.D. Community Foundation was the best way to use the money."
Matthesen remembered that when growing up in Chadron, Neb., an individual left money to the community after passing away. With the gift, the town built a new baseball field for the entire community to enjoy. The concept of that selfless act stuck with Matthesen throughout his lifetime, and he decided to carry it on with an estate gift to the Huron Community Foundation to benefit the Huron community, Chadron State College and the baseball program in Chadron.
Matthesen owned and operated Freeze Frame Video in Huron, where he resided for about 15 years. He also had video stores in Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Matthesen poured himself into starting and making his business a success. He also actively gave back during his life by mentoring the young people he hired to work in his store. For many of them, working at Freeze Frame was their first job.
After moving from Huron, Matthesen lived in Las Vegas, Nev., and also owned a condominium in Hill City, S.D., at the time of his death at age 65.
Matthesen, a gifted photographer and journalist, majored in psychology and had a minor in sociology at Chadron State, and took News and Feature Writing as a senior in the spring of 1974, sparking his interest in journalism.
He was an avid sports fan who played baseball from Little League through the American Legion level as a youth. He also coached the Chadron Junior Legion teams. As he was nearing graduation from college, he was the sports editor of the Chadron Record. Later, he was a sportswriter for the Scottsbluff Star-Herald and an editor for newspapers at Tekamah, Neb., and Dickinson, N.D.
Matthesen retired in 2000 at age 50 and frequently traveled during his 15 years of retirement. He visited Europe, attended the weddings for his niece in New York and nephew in California and major league baseball games in Boston and New York, primarily to watch the Yankees, his favorite team. In addition, he and lifelong friend Kevin Donohue attended several postseason college basketball tournaments.
Grants Awarded
Community Development Foundation
Heartland Rodeo Association
Huron Community Campus
Huron Parks & Recreation Wobbegongs Swim Team
Huron Public School District
Izaak Walton League
Pheasants Forever
Jerry and Sandra Mencke
Jerry and Sandra Mencke of Huron recently established the “Jerry & Sandra Mencke Family Fund” under the umbrella of the Huron Community Foundation, according to Foundation President Steve Gohn.

Jerry and Sandra Mencke of Huron recently established the “Jerry & Sandra Mencke Family Fund” under the umbrella of the Huron Community Foundation, according to Foundation President Steve Gohn.
“The Mencke’s have quietly funded projects on their own over the years,” said Gohn. “However, they decided to take the next step and set up a fund to give back to a community where they are lifelong residents.”
Jerry Mencke said they made the contribution because they wanted to belong to an organization that will help fund worthwhile projects. “We want to provide an example for our children and grandchildren so they can experience what they have done in being able to help others,” said Mencke.
Sandra Mencke added that they wanted to help address Huron’s community needs. “There are many important projects that do not get completed due to a lack of funds available,” said Sandra. “We wanted to help be a part of the solution and give our family a part in helping to select organizations to receive support from our fund.”
Gohn said the Huron Community Foundation is honored to have another sub-fund established that will benefit Huron for decades to come, as only the interest is used for grants. “The Mencke family will make the decision on where they want the funds to go when the grant requests come in for review,” said Gohn.
Jerry worked for International Harvester, later Olsen Implement, for 47 years. Sandra worked for USDA/Rural Development for 27 years. They have been married for 52 years. They have three grown children: Ken, a computer programmer in Minneapolis; Kurt, a colonel in the Air Force, and Kim (Jeff) DeVries of Huron, a Pharmacist. They have eight grandchildren.
The Huron Community Foundation (HCF) is a community savings account which benefits the Huron community. Individuals, families, and organizations can establish their own fund under the umbrella of HCF as a sub-fund. The HCF in turn invest the funds with the South Dakota Community Foundation, who handles the administration and investment management of individual funds around the state.
For more information about contributing to the Huron Community Foundation, or setting up a dedicated sub-fund, contact Steve Gohn at or 605-354-1118.
Grants Awarded
Huron Chamber and Visitors Bureau-Leadership Huron
Jan Manolis Family Safe Center
Terry and Nancy Schiltz
The Terry and Nancy Schiltz family of Huron has become the latest donor to the Huron Community Foundation (HCF), with a $100,000 gift announcement.
The donation will bring the HCF total to $3.5 million and joins the Schiltz Family Fund with other donors, including Jerry and Sandra Mencke, Bob and Emily Entwisle, the Wheeler Family and the Craig Matthesen Fund, under the HCF umbrella.

“We really feel that this is a good way to give back to the community,” said Nancy Schiltz at the Wednesday notification conference. “I like the approach that the Foundation has toward improving housing in the community, and believe that better housing leads to more people.”
Terry Schiltz said that after he and his wife had sold the final portion of their AgSense business in Huron, it was a way to give something back, while also leveraging funding for HCF, through the S.D. Community Foundation challenge.
“The S.D. Community Foundation extended a challenge to participating communities,” explained HCF board chairman Steve Gohn, “that if the local foundation could raise $200,000 of new donations, that it would match that with a $25,000 donation.”
“Steve contacted us and it just seemed like the right time,” Terry Schiltz said. “Huron Community Foundation is a good conduit for non-profits to get help with their projects in the community,” Nancy added. “You can see the impact that its work does.”
The 53-year-old Terry Schiltz said he is now retired, “Although my daughter pointed out that I am really unemployed!” he said. “We have a lot of different projects we are looking at and are seeking new opportunities as well.” Nancy, who is 52, said she looks forward to doing more volunteer work in the community. The couple has a son, Walker, who is a senior at Huron High School, and a daughter, Brooke, who is a junior.
The Schiltz Family Fund gift pushes the total of new donations to the HCF to $177,000, Gohn said. The challenge from SDCF is through December of 2021. “The challenge is that when you have raised $100,000 the local foundation receives $12,500,” Gohn said, “which we have received.”
Funds for the Huron Community Foundation are pooled with those of other communities in the state, under the management of the S.D. Community Foundation. Each year, interest from the HCF fund is available for grants to local non-profit organizations for the betterment of the community.
“We’re very grateful for the gift from the Schiltz family,” Gohn said, “and excited to see our donations increase toward the challenge.”
The Wheeler Family Fund was established by Wheeler family members residing in Beadle County to benefit the Huron community.
The Wheeler Family - Rick, Ron, Brian, Kirke and June - started the fund with an initial $100,000.00 contribution to the Huron Community Foundation. The donation establish the Wheeler Family Fund in memory of their parents - Kirke and Maurine Wheeler; grandparents - John and Leila Wheeler; and brother and husband - Dr. Jeff Wheeler.
The Wheeler Family has been part of Huron since the late 1800s when their great uncle Holland Wheeler started Wheeler Drug Store which continued in business under John Wheeler until his death in 1962. Kirke Wheeler then changed it to Wheelers, Inc. and sold office, school and janitor supplies.
It is from the hard work of their ancestors that the Wheeler Family is able to establish this fund. The Huron Community Foundation provides for the contribution to be retained forever, with the income each year being available for distribution to various Huron organizations.
The Huron Community Foundation Board of Directors oversees the fund and makes gifts each year with the guidance of representatives from the Wheeler Family.
The Huron Community Foundation appreciates this generous gift from the Wheeler family to establish the perpetual Wheeler Family Fund. It will have lasting future benefits to the Huron community.
Grants Awarded
American Legion Auxiliary
Centennial Stone Church Center
City of Huron
First Assembly of God
Huron Area Community Theater
Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau-Leadership Huron
Huron Public School District
Nordby Center for Recreation
Riverside Cemetery
Riverview United Methodist Church
Royal Family Kids James River
Tennis Everyone
United Way of Huron
- Huron Event Center Endowment Fund was established to provide future grant funds for Huron Event Center improvements. Grants are directed by the City of Huron.
What legacy will you leave? Planned Giving
You have worked hard and saved for your retirement, and your hard work has paid off. Now use your savings to create your legacy by making an IRA Charitable Rollover Gift.
If you are 70½ or older you can use your individual retirement accounty (IRA) to support your favorite charity. Making an IRA charitable rollover gift to the Huron Community Foundation will lower income and taxes from your IRA required minimum distribution this year.
The donation can be part of the Huron Community Foundation general endowment, or you can set up a donor advised fund where you, your family, or someone you choose can decide how the earnings on your investment will be used to make Huron a better place, year-after-year, for decades to come.
Benefits of an IRA Charitable Rollover
Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to our organization
Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts
Help further the work and mission of our organization
How an IRA Charitable Rollover Gift Works
Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us.
Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to our organization to help continue our important work.
Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction.
Please contact us if you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about an IRA charitable rollover gift, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have. Email the Huron Community Foundation at or call Foundation President Steve Gohn at (605) 354-1118.
Estate plan is vital to ensuring your wishes are carried out and can help you leave a lasting legacy. Let the Huron Community Foundation help you get started. The Foundation can refer to you expert attornies, CPAs, and SD Community Foundation estate planners that will help you reach your goals.
Topics that can be explored include:
- What is a Community Foundation?
- Estate Planning in the simplest terms.
- Named Partner Funds.
- The power of including charity in your estate plan.
- What are Living Wills and do I need one?
- What are Durable Powers of Attorney and do I need them?
- What if I die without a Will?
- What is Probate?
- An explanation of joint tenancies, tenancies in common and life estates.
- What is the role of beneficiary designations in estate planning?
- What is a revocable living trust??
- Gift Tax.
- Generation Skipping Tax.
- Valuations and the role of discounts in planning.
- Charitable Bequests/Gifts.
Protect your loved ones and create your legacy. Contact the Huron Community Foundation at 605-354-1118 or email
Meet Our Advisory Council
Terms Expires June 30, 2027
Houstyn Heinz..........................605-354-4257
Steve Charron..........................605-354-4716
Kevin Haber............................605-354-3166
Heather Burns-Huron Rising 2.0 Chairperson….605-354-1719
Kurt Johns..............................605-353-5600
Term Expires June 30, 2025
Steve Gohn - President.........605.354.1118
Mary Pearson - Secretary......605-352-4662
Teri Mack................. 605-350-2603
Spencer White-Treasurer......605-353-5830
Sau-Mei Ramos……………………..605-350-6109
Term Expires June 30, 2026
Rhonda Kludt-Vice President..605-354-4199
Jane Meekins.......................605-350-0349
Tarin Oyler..................... 817-578-1515
Nancy Schiltz...........................605.354-1501
New New Win……………………605-412-1466
Student Board Members
Charlie Bragg
Hailey Schoenfelder
Support the Huron CSA Help Huron thrive for generations to come.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.