Ipswich Area Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

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Ipswich Area Foundation

Learn about the CSA in Ipswich, SD.

Woman outside looking into a field

Founded in 1999 Giving Back to Ipswich

The Ipswich Area foundation was established in 1999 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Ipswich area at the recommendation of a local Board of Directors. Since inception, over $207,000 has been donated to the foundation allowing for $40,600 of grants to be given back to the community. We are proud to support the groups and organizations working to make Ipswich a better place.


Since inception, the Ipswich Area Foundation has given $40,600 back to community projects and programs. For more information about grants from the Ipswich Community Foundation, please contact our advisory council members.

Our Contributors

Our generous supporters have contributed over $207,000 to support the future of Ipswich. As our fund grows, so will asset we have to support the future growth of Ipswich. Thank you all for your support!

Alvina Bartels
Blake & Marcia Hoffman
Carla Bloemendaal
Catherin Halgerson
Chet Groseclose
Class of 1956
Class of 1978
Cynthia Geditz
Darrell & Sylvia Davis
Darwin Petersen
David & Kristeen Williams
David Geimain
Dean & Judy Coddington
Deb Gillick
Delores Ginsbach
Dennis Morris
Donald & Donna Petersen
Donna Wempe
Double L. Investments, LLC
Duane Holsing
Dwain Gibson
Earle & Fern Crissman
Earle Crissman
Ed & Deb Gillick
Elizabeth Holdhusen
Estate of Ronnie Kienow
F D Mitzel
Family & Friends
Florence Hoerner
Gail Ledward
Gary & Kathy Adam
Gary Wietgrefe
Gramm Funeral Home
Harlan Heitz
Helen Gross
Hillside H Holsteins
Ila Davis
Ipswich Area Community Foundation
Ipswich High School Reunion
Ipswich State Bank
Ipswich Wrestling Booster Club
J. Brian & J.O. Thomas
James & Melissa Pond
James & Sharon Engler
James Engler
James Sitter
Jane Bowman
Janice Glanzer
Janice Green Class of 1964
JoAnne K. Schlekewy
Jody Bolinske
Joetta R. Williams
John W. & Carolyn Bloemendaal
Judy Waldman
Karen Tobiason
Katherine DeLa Pena
Katherine Moen
Kenneth & Camille Wolff
Kenneth & LaVerne Braun
Kenneth Holm
Kenneth Wolff
Kilber Building Service
Leo Hammrich
Marian Crissman
Maris & Connie Williams
Marna Hagen
Mary A. Lent
Mary Alice Gillick
Mary Hewett
Mary Kub East
Mary Mead
Mel Tuscher
Mick Thares
Mike & Shirley Williams
Modern Woodman of America
Mybra Williams
Nancy Bloemendaal
North Central Farmers Elevator
Price Funeral Chapel Inc.
Richard A. Coddington
Richard Marko
Richard Weigel
Robert & Shirley Bloemendaal
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg
Roger & Constance Mohr
Roseann Lemberger
Sandra Kay Luetjen
South Dakota Community Foundation
Susan E. Geyerman
Susan Klang
Sylvia Davis
Ted & Kim Mead
Thomas McConnon
Tom Holdhusen
Twila Ruden
Valley Telecommunications
Vaughn & Julie Beck
Vernon & Gladys Rohrbach
Wayne & Joanne Schlekewy
Wayne & Sonja Hughes

Darrell & Sylvia Davis
David & Kristeen Williams
Dr. Bill & Lynn Bloemendaal
Earle & Fern Crissman
Harley & Sharlene Hoffman Family Fund
Ila Davis
John W. & Carolyn Bloemendaal
Louis Michalek
Nancy Bloemendaal
Oliver & Goldy Dawson
Robert & Shirley Bloemendaal
Ron & Charlotte Kost

Shirley Bloemendaal
Ferne Crissman
Leslie Jr. & Deborah Holland
Dennis & Lillian Denholm
Judy & Mike Steen
Carolyn Bloemendaal
Corinne Jameson
Ferne Crissman
John Maynes
Kristeen Williams
Bob & Lori Sutton
Ferne Crissman
Vaughn & Julie Beck
Earle Crissmann memorial
Connie Williams
Harlan & Lynette Heitz
Laurie & Kathy Gerdes

Meet Our Advisory Council

  • Vaughn Beck-President
  • Harlan Heitz
  • Sylvia Davis
  • Deborah Gillick
  • David Penfield
  • Judy Steen
  • Angie Kulesa

Support the Ipswich CSA Help Ipswich thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 36
Ipswich, SD 57451

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.