Irene Area Community Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

Founded in 2006 Giving Back to the Irene area

The Irene Community Foundation was formed in 2006 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Irene area at the recommendation of a local Board of Directors. It is also in place to act as a vehicle of charitable giving for anyone who would like to give back to the community of Irene. 

A subdivision of the Irene Community Foundation is the Sherman and Kimiko Petersen Promise scholarship fund.  Sherman was a 1945 graduate of Irene High School.  The Petersens recently passed away, but their gifts will continue to Irene-Wakonda High School graduates.  We have been informed that this fund has been remembered in their will.


As the Irene Community Foundation grows, so will our ability to give grants to the community.  Since inception, over $82,000 has been given to support charitable work in Irene.  Sherman and Kimiko Promise scholarships have totaled $135,000.

Our Contributors

Our generous supporters have given $182,000 to support long-term resources for the community of Irene. Sherman and Kimiko Petersen have donated $212,000 to the scholarship program to date.

As the funds grow, so will our ability to give back to important projects and scholarships.

Bob & Carol Hansen
Bob & Lori Sutton
Burf's Blue Rhino
Carol Hansen
Cleo Waters
Cleo Waters
Damon & Audrey Jorgensen
Darlene Lee
Darrell & Marlene Hansen
David & Jerilyn Hansen
David & Linda Bak
David Bak
Derby's 1 Stop
Derby's One Stop, Inc.
Edla Aune
Elton & Sharon Hinseth
Geraldine Olsen
Gregg & Beth Davis
Hansen Funeral Home
Harriet Hansen
Helen Bak
Imperial, Inc.
Irene Area Community Foundation
Irene Centennial
Jacqueline Petersen
Jay Swensen
Jerald Bratberg
Jerome Andersen
Jimmy & Gloria Storgaard
John & Alice Diefendorf
John & Cheryl Koch
John & Janelle Brockmueller
John & Sheila Healy
Marian Gunderson
Marlene Scandrett
Martha Soeth
Mary Slowey
Maynard Loe
Maynard R. Christiansen
Miriam Nelson
Odin & Hazel Stutrud
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Quad State Distribution, LLC
Ralph & Helen Gregg
Richard & Flo Jensen
Rita Bak Guild family
Robert & Barbara Satter
Ruth Drugley
S. Howard & DeLoris A. Jensen
South Dakota Community Foundation
Steve & Jean Brockmueller
Steven & Joann Anderson
Steven & JoAnn Anderson Family Fund
Sunset Manor Avera
The Family of Sanford Hinseth
The Svarstad family
Todd & Vicki Knodel
Todd & Vicki Knodel
Travis & Jorcee Hansen
Tri County Propane, Inc.
Veryl & Donna Paulsen
Village Floral & Gift Shop
Wayne & Gillian Anderson
Wells Fargo Foundation

Bob & Carol Hansen
Bruce, Leone & Karman Brockmueller
David & Linda Bak
Elton & Sharon Hinseth
Hansen Funeral Home
Jimmy & Gloria Storgaard
Mary Slowey
Palmer & Janice Erickson
Palmer & Janice Erickson
Paul & Pam Erickson
Robert & Barbara Satter
Ruth Drugley
S. Howard & Deloris Jensen
Star Publishing

Bob & Carol Hansen
Damon & Audrey Jorgensen
Darrell & Marlene Hansen
David & Jerilyn Hansen
David & Linda Bak
Derby's One Stop, Inc.
Dick's Country Butcher Shop
Edla Aune
Elton & Sharon Hinseth
G & S Siding & Contracting
Geraldine Olsen
GM Skogen Company, Inc.
Imperial, Inc.
Janice Olson
Jeffery & Rhea Erickson
Jerald & Tricia Hinseth
John & Janelle Brockmueller
Justin Christensen
Marlene Scandrett
Martha Soeth
Mary Slowey
Palmer & Janice Erickson
Paul & Pam Erickson
Quad State Distribution, LLC
Robert & Barbara Satter
Roger & Carol Hansen
S. Howard & Deloris Jensen
Scot & Vickie Brockmueller
Shirley Jensen
Steven & JoAnn Anderson Family Fund
Thomas & Heidi Healy
Travis & Jorcee Hansen
Tri County Propane, Inc.
Tri County Transport
Tri-County Apartments, Inc.

Bob & Carol Hansen
Brendon & Sarah Hansen
Class of 1957
Darlene Lee
David & Linda Bak
G & S Siding & Contracting
George & LoAnn Kjeldseth
Gregg & Beth Davis
Hansen Funeral Home
Martha Soeth
Mary Slowey
Merchants State Bank
Paul & Pam Erickson
Robert & Barbara Satter
Roger & Carol Hansen
Scot & Vickie Brockmueller

Bob & Carol Hansen
Brendon & Sarah Hansen
David & Linda Bak
George & LoAnn Kjeldseth
Geraldine Olsen
James & Lori Jones
John & Janelle Brockmueller
Justin & Erin Christensen
Mark & Patty Anderson
Mary Slowey
Murra family
Palmer & Janice Erickson
Quad State Distribution, LLC
Robert & Barbara Satter
Robert & Carol Hansen
Roger & Carol Hansen
Scot & Vickie Brockmueller
Steven & Joann Anderson
Sunset Manor Avera
Tri County Propane, Inc.

Bob & Carol Hansen
Brendon & Sarah Hansen
David & Linda Bak
Deborah Lamb
George & LoAnn Kjeldseth
Irene Class of 1957
Miriam Nelson
Robert & Barbara Satter
Robert & Carol Hansen
Scot & Vickie Brockmueller

Meet Our Advisory Council

These are the leaders volunteering their time to make Irene a better place. A great group!

Bob Satter, President

Carol Hansen, Secretary

David Bak, Treasurer

John Brockmueller

Gregg Davis

Amy Anderson

Josh Huth

Support the Irene Area CSA Help Irene thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 154
Irene, SD 57037

Phone: 605-263-3383

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.