Langford Area Community Foundation
Sustaining Community Pride

Founded in 2008 Giving Back to Langford
The Langford Community Foundation (LCF) was established in December 2008 under the support of local community members and the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF). Through local grant making, the Langford Community Foundation will provide funds through this permanent endowment to carryout projects that can build and sustain the communities of Langford, Pierpont, and Claremont.
LCF Mission:
Sustaining Community Pride
LCF Vision:
Whatever we do today, will bring progress to our hometown's future.
The Langford Community Foundation is all about the future. By raising capital dollars today, we will ensure that future projects, activities and all the special things that make our communities so great will be able to be perpetuated.
- Scott Amundson, LCF Board Member

Start the process to request funding from the Langford Area Community Foundation. Our volunteer board of directors will review applications and fund projects and programs doing good for the communities of Langford, Pierpont, and Claremont.
Complete the Grant Application to begin.
Grant Guidelines
The following criteria are areas of importance to the Langford Community Foundation in awarding grants to the communities of Langford, Pierpont, and Claremont. Please use this guideline to determine the eligibility of your proposed project. Click here to view.

“Use the bang board!” was a common phrase bellowed by Clark Larson from the bleachers and heard throughout the gym at Langford’s basketball games. Clark Larson passed away in May 2014 and had been an avid Langford sports fan cheering on the Lions for nearly seven decades. Clark knew the game and dutifully cheered on his sibling, his sons, his grandchildren, and many other Lion athletes over the years.
In order to carry on Clark’s memory and his love of Langford Lion sports, Clark’s twin brothers, Dale Larson and Dennis Larson, established the Clark Larson Legacy Endowment Fund as a sub-fund of the Langford Community Foundation. Each year, the endowment fund will select a Langford Area High School graduating senior that participated in Lion athletics. The recipient will receive a $500 scholarship in memory of Clark and his love of sports.
“What’s neat is that with one initial investment, the scholarship fund will support a Langford senior athlete forever,” stated Dale Larson. “Clark enjoyed watching sports, especially the Langford Lions. It’s an honor to know that even though Clark won’t be with us at the games, he will forever be supporting the Langford Lion athletes.”
“I’m grateful that Dale and Dennis chose to utilize the Langford Community Foundation (LCF) to honor Clark,” stated LCF President Mark Nelson. “I like the fact that if a family is looking to set-up a legacy fund, it can support any non-profit organization in our communities or a designated scholarship fund.” Anyone interested in establishing a legacy endowment fund in honor of a loved one should contact Mark Nelson or a LCF board member.
Langford will definitely miss Clark this basketball season, but the legacy endowment fund will be a great yearly reminder of the wonderful memories Clark has left behind.
Our Contributors
We are so grateful for all of the generous donors who have helped build a sustainable asset for the Langford area communities. As the fund grows, so will the amount available for projects and programs. Thanks to everyone who continues to support the work that we do!
Scott & Deni Amundson
Aaron & Tiffany Carlson
Roger Carlson
C. Kevin & Betty Carson
Dave & Lisa Carson
David Carson
Kevin Carson
Raymond Carson
Raymond & JoAnne Carson
Ryan Cunningham
Claudia (Likness) Dempsey
Jay & Cheryl Dwight
Don & Dorothy Erickson
Hazel Erickson
Imogene Erickson
Joel & Karen Erickson
Leslie & Charlene Erickson
Robert & Marcia Erickson
Darryl & Mary Feterl
Neil & Shannon Foote
Ralph & Anna Jean Foote
Robert & Jane Foote
Yvonne Gibbs
Chad & Jakelle Hardy
Pete & Marlys Hardy
Blair & Yvonne Healy
Sharon Heil
Butch Heinz family
Rose Hill
Diane Hoines
Donna Hoines
Mark & Faye Hoines
Kevin & Jessica Holler
Douglas & Janet Hupke
Charles Jakober
William Jarman
Daren & Paula Jensen
Jan Jensen
Caroline Johnson & Vollie Ann Williams
Audery Johnson
Leonard Alberts family
Scott Amundson
Alan & Dorothy Ask
Lois Carson
Michael Carson
Lyle Cutler
Jay & Cheryl Dwight
Eden 5K Run
Robert & Marcia Erickson Foundation
LeRoy & Mavis Erickson
Paul Erickson
Robert & Marcia Erickson
Malm & Cole Farms
Ralph & Anna Jean Foote
Yvonne Gibbs
Pete & Marlys Hardy
Blair & Yvonne Healy
Orville Helgeson
Hewitt Insurance
Diane Hoines
Douglas & Janet Hupke
Jensen Auto Service
Daren & Paula Jensen
Herb Jensen
Caroline Johnson & Vollie Ann Williams
Mark & Audrey Johnson
R.A. & J.L. Johnson
Roger & Judy Johnson
Ken Jones
Dale & Bonnie Larson
Terry Larson
Carol Layson
Marjorie Liknes
Ryan Likness
Dexter & Shirley Meyer
Marty & Julie Micko
Evelyn Nelson
Mark Nelson
Matt Nelson
Gordon Amundson
Scott & Deni Amundson
Alan & Dorothy Ask
Rayburn Bauer
Arlan & Sheila Carlson
Amy Chen
Doug & Bonnie Cole
Tammy Darling
Merlene Dunlavy
Don & Dorothy Erickson
Imogene Erickson
Kent Erickson
Paul Erickson
Robert & Marcia Erickson
Doctor Feedlot
Steve & Lori Finnesand
Chad & Jakelle Hardy
Blair Healy
Blair & Yvonne Healy
Orville & Sharon Helgeson
Diane Hoines
Jim Houglund
Daren & Paula Jensen
Caroline Johnson & Vollie Ann Williams
Audery Johnson
Janet Johnson
Lance Johnson
Mark & Audrey Johnson
Marilyn Jondahl
Richard & Diane Kristofferson
Barbara Kuske
Langford Community Foundation
Dale & Bonnie Larson
Dennis & Shirley Larson
Duane Larson
Duane & Jane Larson
Terry Larson
Douglas & Brenda Lesher
Leo & Darcey Lesher
Marjorie Liknes
Craig Likness
Marjorie Likness
Ryan Likness
Denis & Karen Mikkelson
Mark Nelson
Mark & Marlene Nelson
Matthew & Michelle Nelson
Mike & Mark Nelson
Michael & Marlene Nelson
Wayne & Jean Nelson
Donnell & Suzanne Ogren
Ehlert & Joyce Ogren
Keith & Patty Ogren
Alice Olson
Donald & Jane Olson
Harlan & Karen Olson
Mernie Olson
Milo & Connie Olson
Norman Olson
Terry Osborne
Trevor & Sharon Osborne
Virginia Pulfrey
Orlin & Amy Punt
Evelyn Reints
Paul & Marcia Reints
Thomas & Angela Sannes
Schuller family
Matthew & Audrey Schuller
David & Ava Sigdestad
Carla Smith
South Dakota Community Foundation
Glen & Leon Stave
Ilene Stave
Kenny & Dorothy Stillson
Jeannine Swanson
Kevin & Jeannine Swanson
Steven & Michelle Swanson
Clarence & Thelma Swearingen
Dale Swenson
Mike Swenson
Robert & Joan Thompson
Jennings & Ruth Tobin
Rodney & Evelyn Tobin
Scott & Kris Tobin
Virginia Tobin
Mike & Terri Traxinger
Bud Villalpando & Carol Erickson
Larry & Leona Wattier
Leona Wattier
Wayne Wegeitner
Wayne & Karen Wegleitner
Rogert & Regina Williams
Bob & Gina Williams
Robert & Regina Williams
Roger & Robyn Williams
Vollie Ann Williams
Daren & Paula Jensen
Bernita Jerome, Alyssa Anderson & Anita
Audery Johnson
Donnell & Donna Johnson
Mark & Audrey Johnson
Brandon & Lana Jones
Richard & Diane Kristofferson
Barbara Kuske
Dale & Bonnie Larson
Dennis & Shirley Larson
Janice Larson
Terry Larson
Douglas & Brenda Lesher
Leo & Darcey Lesher
Marjorie Liknes
Montfred & Carol Liknes
Ryan Likness Agency, Inc.
Bruce & Jean Likness
Wallace Loe
John & Mary Ann Luoma
Evelyn Nelson
Mark Nelson
Mark, Mike & Marlene Nelson
Matthew & Michelle Nelson
Michael & Marlene Nelson
Russell & Mona Nickelson
Arlyce Ogren
Donnell & Suzanne Ogren
Alice Olson
Donald & Jane Olson
Milo & Connie Olson
Norman Olson
Trevor & Sharon Osborne
Gwen Planteen
Evelyn Reints
Paul & Marcia Reints
Thomas & Angela Sannes
Schuller family
Scott & Carla Smith
South Dakota Community Foundation
Randy & Sue Stanley
Adelaide Swanson
Steven & Shelly Swanson
Steven & Michelle Swanson
Robert & Joan Thompson
Jennings & Ruth Tobin
Rodney & Evelyn Tobin
Scott & Kris Tobin
Larry & Leona Wattier
Donald & Becky Wegleitner
Rogert & Regina Williams
Vollie Ann Williams
Vic Zweber

Meet Our Leaders
- Mark Nelson - Chairman
- Patty Ogren - Secretary
- Fallon Deutsch - Vice Chairman
- Chad Hardy - Treasurer
- Stephanie Hupke - Pierpont Representative
- Mike Frey - Claremont Representative
- Dale Larson
- Ryan Likness
Student Representatives
- Jonathon Harmon
- Molly Hanse
- Sami Wika
- Addy Taylor
- Madeline Reints
- Trey Jensen
- Madisyn Nelson
Advisory Board
- Paula Jensen
- Vollie Ann Williams
- Bob Williams
Support the Langford CSA Help Langford thrive for generations to come.
Contact Information
P.O. Box 141
Langford, SD 57454
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.