First Interstate Lead-Deadwood… | South Dakota Community Foundation

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First Interstate Lead-Deadwood Community Fund

Learn about the CSA in the Lead-Deadwood Area

Lead Deadwood Boys and Girls Club grant check

Founded in 2010 Giving Back to the Lead-Deadwood area

Founded in 2010, the First Interstate Lead-Deadwood Community Fund is a non-profit organization designed to support area cultural, charitable, recreational, and educational organizations, as well as individuals living within the boundaries of the Lead- Deadwood school district. The local fund is administered by the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF). The LDAF is under the umbrella of 501(c) 3 status of the SDCF.

The Mission:

To support area cultural, charitable, recreational, and educational organizations, as well as individuals living within the boundaries of the Lead-Deadwood school district, through donations, gifts and grants.

The Challenge:

A $50,000 challenge was issued by First Interstate Bank in October 2009. The community was challenged to raise $10,000 annually to receive $10,000 from FIB. Upon receipt of $100,000 ($50,000 local, $50,000 FIB) the SDCF would match an additional $25,000. The LDAF’s volunteer board of directors and great donor base successfully completed the challenge in 2014. The partnership with First Interstate Bank and the SDCF has led to an opportunity to create a sustainable asset supporting Lead-Deadwood nonprofit projects and programs. As the fund grows, so will the amount given back in annual grants to the community.

How the First Interstate Lead-Deadwood Community Fund Works:

First Interstate Lead-Deadwood Community Fund is a permanent endowment fund held with the South Dakota Community Foundation. These funds are invested with a small percentage (4.5%) made available each year for the board of directors to distribute if they see fit. The LDAF advisory council meets once a year to review grant applications from cultural, charitable, recreational, and educational organizations as well as local individuals in the Lead-Deadwood school district. Organizations submitting grant applications must include matching funds (cash and in-kind).

Lead deadwood banner


The LDAF has distributed over $93,308.81 back to the community since 2010. As the fund grows, so will our impact on projects and programs making our community a better place. Complete the form below to apply for funding. For more information, please contact the advisory council.

Lead-Deadwood Area Fund Grant Application

Our Contributors

Generous supporters have contributed over $277,600 to the LDCF since 2009. Thank you to those who believe in creating a long-term asset for the Lead-Deadwood communities. 

Bob & Lori Sutton
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Dan Leikvold
Deadwood Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau
Deborah Thorp
Duane & Phyllis Sander
Eagle Sales of the Black Hills, Inc.
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
First Interstate Lead-Deadwood Area Fund
Francis Toscana
George & Lynnette Milos
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Homestake Mining Company
James & Laura Gehner
Jennifer Hammerbeck
Kiwanis Club of Lead
Lead Area Chamber of Commerce
Michael & Melissa Johnson
Michael & Melissa Johnson
Michael Trump & Angela King
Neighborhood Housing Services of the Black Hills
Pamela Luecke
Paul & Amy VandeVelde
Paul & Mary Kopco
Philys Reller
Ralph & Glennis Palmer
Reid & Lindsey Stone
Ron & Teah Homsey - Pray
Ronald & Sherry McGrath
Samantha Childress
Shannon & Michelle Percy
Tamara Sellars
Thomas & Nyla Griffith
Thrifty Drug Stores, Inc.
Todd & Heidi Williams
Travis & Suzanne Rogers
Vincent & JoAnne Coyle
Wharf Resources, Inc.

Ainsworth-Benning Construction
Albertson Engineering, Inc.
Dakota Graphics "Since 1975"
David Snyder
Eugene & Jeneen Mack
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
Galyardt Architects, Inc.
General Service Construction & Painting, Inc.
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Honeywell, Inc.
John & Brittnie Ainsworth
Koala Electric, Inc.
Reid Stone

Allen & Wendy Janke
B. Colleen Nevin
Bill, Sr. & Marjorie Stork
Bruce & Mary Ann Oberlander
Christine Coolidge
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
First Interstate Lead-Deadwood Area Fund
Francis Toscana
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Greg Klein
Homestake Mining Company of California
Jacqualyn Fuller
James & Elizabeth Dunn
James & Susan Holloway
Jeanette Larson
Jody Wright
Kevin & Faunille Cummings
Larry & Jacqueline Groll
Lead Area Chamber of Commerce
Les & Cheryl Roselles
Mathew & Francy Pike
Northern Hills Dental
Pat, Anne & Scott Roberts
Paul & Mary Kopco
Peterson, CPA, P.C.
Rapid City Regional Hospital
Ronald & Karen Everett
Stone Land Services, LLC
Thomas & Karen Carr
TJ's Services
Tom Nelson
Tony Sentovich & Phyllis Fleming
Tracy Island

Betty Fink
Bill & Jacqueline Pearson
Bill, Sr. & Marjorie Stork
C. & Mandy Knight
Catherine Laurenti
Chapter L P.E.O.
City of Deadwood
Cruisin Easy
Dan Leikvold
Dawn Burns
Deadwood Resort, LLC
Denise Parker
Douglas & Leatta Mathis
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
First Interstate Bank
G. & F. Foral Pike
G. & F. Foral Pike
G. & F. Foral Pike
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Heith & Dusty Pinske
Homestake Mining Company of California
James & Robin Dirksen
Jim & Rhonda Van Den Eykel
Joan Irwin
Jody Wright
John Teupel
Joshua & Lenessa Keehn
Ken & Julie Gardner
Kip & Tera Mau
Lead-Deadwood Community Foundation
Leon & Shanna Sandidge
LeRoy & Janet Lanphear
Les & Cheryl Roselles
Letti Lister
Linda Sperlin
Margaret Norris
Michael & Rachel Headley
Northern Hills Dental
Paul & Mary Kopco
Peter & Jacqualyn Fuller
Rapid City Regional Hospital
Richard & Romona Tinker
Ronald & Karen Everett
Stacey Ross
Steven Rice
Stone Land Services, LLC
Thomas & Karen Carr
Thomas Templeton
Tim & Becky Kosters
Wharf Resources, Inc.

Black Hills Pioneer
Constance Walter
David, II & Melanie Cromes
Deadwood Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau
Dennis & Jean Bauern
Douglas & Leatta Mathis
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc.
First Interstate Bank
Foundation for Health
G. & F. Foral Pike
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Historic Homestake Opera House
Homestake Mining Company of California
James & Ruth Nelson
Joan Irwin
Julie Stone
Kayla Klein
Keene Realtors, Inc.
Lawrence & Schiller, Inc.
Lead Area Chamber of Commerce
Lead-Deadwood Community Foundation
Les & Cheryl Roselles
Lynn Larsen
Marlo & Debra Heupel
Matthew Klein
Michael & Reesa Stahl
Misty Robinson
Northern Hills Alliance for Children
Northern Hills Event Wedding Specialist
Osborne & Catherine Enderby
Peterson, CPA, P.C.
Rapid City Regional Hospital
Real Estate Center of Lead-Deadwood
Richard & Romona Tinker
Ronald & Karen Everett
South Dakota Community Foundation
Steven Rice
Stone Land Services, LLC
Thomas & Karen Carr
Timothy Johns
TJ's Services
Tracey & Amanda Heaton
Tracy Island
Vicki Johnson

Alexis Lemmel
Amundson family
Black Hills Central Reservations
Black Hills Pioneer
Century of Pride
City of Deadwood
Constance Walter
Dan Leikvold
Deadwood Lodge Elks
Diana Mathisrud
First Interstate Bank
Francis & Kathy Toscana
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Historic Homestake Opera House
Homestake Mining Company
Homestake Mining Company of California
Jacqualyn Fuller
James & Elizabeth Dunn
James & Ruth Nelson
James Wefso & Cameon Jacobson
John & Terry Keene
Keene Realtors, Inc.
Lead Area Chamber of Commerce
Lead-Deadwood Community Foundation
Les & Cheryl Roselles
Matthew & Kayla Klein
Michael Steinmeyer & Kalli Charlson
Peterson CPA, PC
Richard & Romona Tinker
Shane & Marta Artz
Steven Rice
Terry & Lori Frederick
Timothy Johns
Timothy Johns
TRL Properties, LLC
Wharf Resources, Inc.

Lead Deadwood CF booth annual chili feed

Meet Our Advisory Council

  • Deb Heupel-Chair
  • Marty Ann Apa
  • Oz Enderby
  • June Reiling
  • Jasmine McCauley
  • Julie Gardner
  • Janette Sprenger
  • Kevin Wagner
  • Marlene Todd

Support the Lead-Deadwood Area Fund Help Lead-Deadwood area thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

PO Box 399

Lead, SD 57754


Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.