Loren J. Ammann Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

Loren J. Ammann Foundation

Learn about the CSA in Wilmot, SD.

Happy couple watching the sunset

Founded in 2013 Giving Back to the Wilmot, SD area

Some say Wilmot will never be the same without Loren. Others value the legacy he left and the loyalty he showed to the small community. Many are unaware of just how great Loren J. Ammann’s legacy will become.

As a prominent “lifetime” member of the community, Loren wore many hats and served in many capacities. When he passed away on December 5, 2012, Loren wanted his estate to give back to the community of Wilmot forever. His sister, Beverly, partnered with the South Dakota Community Foundation to establish a designated fund managed solely for the benefit of Wilmot and its residents. With a gift of over $830,000 the Loren J. Ammann Foundation was formed.

Loren ammann


The Loren J. Ammann Foundation board of directors has distributed over $28,000 to nonprofit groups and organizations in Wilmot.

2015 Grants

  • Central United Methodist Church $2,732
  • Wilmot Care Center $10,000
  • Wilmot Community Club $3,642
  • Wilmot Community Foundation $4,500
  • Wilmot School District 54-7 $4,500
  • Zion Community Church $2,732

Our Contributors

Thanks to Loren's generosity, the Wilmot community has an asset that will give back forever. If individuals want to join in Loren's efforts, they may make additional gifts to the fund to help it grow. As the fund grows, so will the amount available to distribute in the future. Contributions may be sent to:

Loren J. Ammann Foundation
P.O. Box 296
Pierre, SD 57501

If you would like to consider an estate gift, like Loren did, please call the South Dakota Community Foundation at 800-888-1842.

Meet Our Advisory Council

Here are the community leaders who have volunteered to help Loren make Wilmot a better place.

  • Beverly Schultz
  • Stacey Deboer
  • Duane Steege
  • Marlee Lindal

Support the Loren J. Ammann CSA Help Wilmot thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

14122 Valley Road
Corona, SD 57227

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.