Montrose Area Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

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Montrose Area Foundation

Be Part of Our Future

Valley Road scenic

Founded in 2008 Giving Back to Montrose

The Montrose Area Foundation was established in 2008 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Montrose area at the recommendation of a local Board of Directors. In September of that year, the board of directors accepted a challenge from the South Dakota Community Foundation to raise $100,000 for their fund. They completed this task in 2013 prompting a matching gift from the SDCF in the amount of $25,000.

Montrose logo

Because of these fundraising accomplishments, the Montrose Area Foundation is now able to financially support community events and improvement projects using interest earned on the Community Savings Account. To read about projects this fund has supported with your grant dollars, view our Facebook page at:

Mail Contributions to: Montrose Area Foundation / 45110 250th Street / Montrose, SD 57048.

2016 Correnes Court


Montrose Area Foundation presented a check for $1,000 to Correne's Court in 2016. The recreation area is located next to the swimming pool.

To be considered for a grant from the Montrose Area Foundation, please complete the application below. Be sure to review the grant guidelines below before completing the application.

Grant Application

Our community appreciates the ongoing support provided by the Montrose Community Savings Account.

Ideal project would involve enhancement of the Montrose community or area. Grant applications for individual financial assistance are not eligible. Purpose of the project should fulfill a community/area need and preferably involve tangible, measurable items, or projects.

Seed Grants:
Applications requesting start-up money are encouraged to supply feasibility numbers indicating the need for the project.


Projects involving significant and continuous community volunteer support will be favorably considered.

Applications from agencies offering services exclusively to one gender, age group, or race will be closely scrutinized for discriminatory practices.

Challenge or Matching Grants:
The Montrose Area Foundation encourages, but does not require, matching funds from grant applicants. For some projects, funding may be contingent upon acquisition of the required matching money.

Operating Expenses for Governmental Entities:
No funds will be awarded to subsidize operating expenses for governmental entities.

Grant Review Process:
Applications will be accepted until May 30th. Applications that do not meet the grantmaking guidelines outlined here will be eliminated. The Montrose Area Foundation will respond to all applicants in a timely manner. The full board of directors, consisting of area residents, will review grant applications and announce recipient(s) at the annual meeting on the first Wednesday of June at the Community Hall.

Final Evaluation Report:
A final evaluation report should be submitted to the Foundation following project completion.


Supporters of the Montrose Area Foundation have contributed more than $150,000 toward a lasting asset that will give back to the community forever. Because of these fundraising accomplishments, the Montrose Area Foundation is now able to financially support community events and improvements.

As the fund grows, so will our ability to give grants to projects and programs making Montrose a better place. If you are interested in making a contribution to the Montrose Area Foundation, click "Donate Now" on our homepage, or mail contributions to: Montrose Area Foundation / 45110 250th Street / Montrose, SD 57048

You may also contact one of our advisory council members.

Alfred & Carol Morgan
Arline Mustar
Barbara Donelan
Betty Ordal
Bill Smith
Bonnie Reynolds
Bridget Flannery
C. Loren & Lovonne Norberg
Carol Donelan & Shannon Spahr
Cecelia Healy
David & Carla Jesse
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Debra O'Daniels
Diane Rollag
Dr. Bernard & Mary Jane Donelan
Elden & Betty Garrett
Eugene Struck
Eugene Struck
Family & Friends of Milt & Clara Holland
Florence Wheeler
Gerald & Mary Ellen Garrett
Gordon & Virginia Keating
Hobart & Rose Peterson
James & Kathy Cleveland
James & Tamara Boom
James DeVries
Jeffrey & Marcia Anderson
Joan Even
John & Mary Knox
John or David Bies
Joseph & Jaimie Bartmann
Larry & Bernetta Carlson
Laverne & Carole Raap
Lisa Bare
Marvin & Patricia Hoek
Mary Gayle Rush
Montrose Veterinary Clinic
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Urban Healy
Pat Wheeler
Patricia Waechter
Paul & Bonnie Smith
Paul & Joanne Stoneberg
Raymond & Lenice Wingen
Richard & Corrine Robinson
Robert & Denise Erickson
Roger & Sandra Moeller
Sheryl Keup
Terry & Carol Eisenreich
Tony & Irma Armagno
Vincent Healy
Walter Zimmer
Weber Farms
William & Connie Smith

Arline Mustar
Bonnie Reynolds
Clair & Diann Wuebben
Clinton & K. Patricia Knox
Dan & Terri Smith
Dr. Bernard & Mary Jane Donelan
Elden & Betty Garrett
Evelyn Muller
Family & Friends
First Dakota Nationl Bank
Fred & Cheryl Zimmer
John Griffith
KKT Valley Farms, LLC
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Lois Griffith
Marcella Bartmann
Mary Jacobsen
Montrose Veterinary Clinic
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zimmer
Robert & Marilyn Zimmer
Tara Okeson
Vincent Healy
William & Connie Smith

Adam Smith
Alan & Janel Van Ruler
Arline Mustar
Bartmann Brothers
Betty Ordal
Bonnie Reynolds
Cecelia Healy
Central Farmers Cooperative
Central States Fire Apparatus, LLC
Clair & Diann Wuebben
Dale & April Johnston
Dan & Terri Smith
Dean & Tracy Kueter
DeLee & Mary Wiebersick
Dennis Struck
Donna Jorgensen
East River Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
Elden & Betty Garrett
Eugene Struck
Evelyn Muller
General Store
Gordon & Virginia Keating
Grandchildren & Great grandchildren of Doc Donelan
James Struck
John Kuyper
John Smith
Joseph & Jaimie Bartmann
Judith Donelan
Kinzley Funeral Home
Lank O'Lakes, Inc.
Laverne & Carole Raap
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Leon Struck
Lorraine M. Kappenman
McCormick Motors, Inc.
Montrose Busy Bees
Montrose Improvement Corporation
Montrose Veterinary Clinic
Nick & Julie Morrison
Nugen Energy, LLC
Pat Kappenman
Patricia Waechter
Patricia Waechter
Paul & Bonnie Smith
R. James Head
Ralph & Pat Weber
Randy & JoAnn Thompson
Randy Sabers & Associates/Eickman Insurance Agency, Inc.
Roger & Maureen Feterl
Ronald & Darla Shelburg
Ruste-Waul Unit #154
Scott & Benita Brady
St. Rita Court #390
Sterling Smith
Tony & Irma Armagno
Vincent Healy
Wieman Land & Auction Company, Inc.
William & Connie Smith

Alfred & Donna Gill
Anderson Publications, Inc.
Arline Mustar
Brenda Donelan
Carol Donelan & Shannon Spahr
Cecelia Healy
Dan & Terri Smith
Dan Smith
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dennis & Leona Vogel
Dr. Bernard & Mary Jane Donelan
East River Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
East River Engineering, LLC
Elden & Betty Garrett
Eugene Struck
Florence Wheeler
Frank & Carol Guenther
Hershley children
Hobart & Rose Peterson
Jeff Raap
John Kuyper
Ken & Rita Krouse
Kurt Donelan
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Lawrence & Patricia Donelan
Lyle Healy & family
Mary Barse
Mary Beth Donelan & Kate Weyan
Mary Steinauer
Matt & Susan Anderson
Mike & Michele Eichacker
Myron & Mary Ann Tuschen
Patricia Waechter
Patty Schaefer
Raymond & Lenice Wingen
Robert & Denise Erickson
Robert & Kathy Deters
Ruste-Waul Unit #154
Security State Bank
Thomas & Judy Gordon
Tom Zimmer
Vernon & Julie McAreavey
Vincent Healy
William & Connie Smith

City of Montrose
Clair & Diann Wuebben
Community Garden
Dan & Karen Streff
Dan Smith
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Donald & Mary Lee Nelson
Duane & Bonnie Struck family
Eugene Struck
James & Linda Kane
James A. Jones
Jerry Holland
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Matt & Susan Anderson
Michael Healy
Montrose All School Reunion
Robert Nelson
South Dakota Community Foundation
Steve Gordon
Vincent Healy
William & Connie Smith

Betty Garrett
Daktronics, Inc.
Dale Johnston
Dan & Terri Smith
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Donna Jorgensen
Doug & Debbie Snyders
Jeffrey & Martha Frohwein
Joseph Bartmann
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
MaryBeth Binford
Patricia Waechter
Tara Halbritter
Travis Miller
William & Connie Smith

Daktronics, Inc.
Dan & Terri Smith
Dan Smith
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Florence Wheeler
Garrett family
Gerald & Mary Ellen Garrett
Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home, Inc.
Jim, Ellen & Nancy Head
Joseph & Jaimie Bartmann
Judith Donelan
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Marcella Struck Irrevocable Trust
Mary Jacobsen
Mary Jane Donelan
Patricia Waechter
Tara Halbritter
William & Connie Smith


Jay & Colleen Cleveland
Joseph & Jaimie Bartmann
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dan & Terri Smith
William & Connie Smith

Joseph & Jamie Bartmann
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dan & Terri Smith
William & Connie Smith
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer


Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dan & Terri Smith
William & Connie Smith
Patricia Waechter
Raymond & Lenice Wingen
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer

Joe, Lee, Jeff, & Tara Halbritter
Tara Halbritter
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dan & Terri Smith
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer


Daktronics, Inc.
Joseph Bartmann
Tara Halbritter
Russell & Debra Healy
James Marvin & Lillian Healy Memorial
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Lounsbery Family
Dan & Terri Smith
William & Connie Smith
Patricia Waechter
Jack Zimmer Memorial

Bob & Audrey Cleveland and Families
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Roger Moeller
Dan & Terri Smith
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer

2017 MHS Scholarship Recipients
2017 MHS Scholarship Recipients

To donate to the Montrose Area Scholarship Fund or to learn more, please visit this link.

The Montrose Area Foundation created the Montrose High School Scholarship Sub Fund to support local graduates. Annual distributable earnings are used to provide scholarships to graduates of Montrose High School, as recommended by the Montrose Area Community Foundation board of directors or designated scholarship committee. If you would like your donation to go specifically for scholarships please indicate “Scholarship Sub Fund” on your donation. Contributions may be directed to:

Montrose Area Scholarship Fund
45110 250th Street
Montrose, SD 57048

Meet Our Advisory Council

We have a great volunteer Advisory Council working hard to make Montrose a better place to live, work, and play. Board Members welcome the opportunity to talk to you more about the Foundation and options to contribute and make a lasting difference.








Larry Zimmer-

Support the Montrose CSA Help Montrose thrive for generations to come.

Contact Information

Thank you for your interest in our Foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please contact one of our board officers:

Dean Kueter, President - 605-363-3871

Larry Zimmer, Vice President - 605-363-5103

Terri Smith, Secretary/Treasurer - 605-363-5234

You can also "Like" and comment on our Facebook page.

Thank you for your interest in our Foundation! If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities or eligible grant projects, please contact us today. Funds are dispersed annually at the June board meeting.

Banner image courtesy of Doze Photography

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.