Warner Area Community Foundation
Learn about the CSA in the Warner, Stratford, Mansfield, SD community.

Founded in 2023 Giving Back to the Warner, Stratford, Mansfield, SD community
Welcome to the Warner Area Community Foundation website. Even though we are an agent of the South Dakota Community Foundation, we are able to accept and administer charitable gifts, give good grants to our local nonprofit groups and organizations, and also give scholarships to hopeful young people from our region. Our volunteer board members work hard to ensure funds are going to groups and organizations that need it most.
Money Raised Here, Stays Here
A Community Savings Account (CSA) offers you an opportunity to give a perpetual gift to the local community. The fund is invested by the SDCF and 4.5% of the average value is available to give back to nonprofits each year. As the fund grows, so does our ability to make a local impact. Our board of directors gives grants to support basic needs and enhance the quality of life within and around the area.
Giving Back to Our Area
Sometimes donors have questions about how to give back to their community. If you would like to give back to the Warner, Stratford, Mansfield, SD community, but are not sure where to begin, contact the SDCF.
Gifts may come in many forms:
- Cash
- Check (Make payable to Warner Area Community Foundation)
- Commodity (Grain, corn, cattle)
- Land (Offset capital gains tax)
- Automatic Bank Transfers
- Cars, Coins, Collectables
- Gift of Stock
- Gift of Insurance Benefits
- Gift of Retirement Benefits
- Remember your hometown in your estate
Our Contributors
We only exist thanks to the generosity of our faithful contributors and investors.
Ryan Ball
Derek & Lindsy Baum
Caycee Bertsch
Matthew & Amber Biegler
Leland & Bobbie Bierman
Dylan Binger
Lewis Borge
Sam Braun
Barb Breidenbach
Darcy & Amy Buechler
Jesse Cantalope
Deborah Dahme
Dykman Construction LLC
Titon Erler & Jessica Leyva
Brandon & Christina Flack
Michael & Samantha Haaland
Tyler Hanson
Brad & Amanda Heath
Cole & Jami Heinrich
Matt & Sheena Hill
Tyler & Rachel Hofer
Dustin & Kelsey Hunt
Jason Jung
Jason & Staci Kay
Ken's SuperFair Foods - Aberdeen
Keith & Shannon Knuppe
Kasey Larson
Mike & Kara Leidholt
Doug & Lori Leidholt
Matthew & Angela Mackner
Justin & Jill McCord
MMR Constructors Inc
Kari Nath
Bryce & Amanda Neiger
Dwayne & Claudette Rehfeld
RDO Equipment Company
Micah Rogers
Toby & Rachel Royer
William Rozell
Arlyn & Sarah Rusche
Andrew & Amy Scarborough
Tony Scarborough
Justin & Amy Scepaniak
Aaron & Sarah Schneider
Tyler & Jackie Schuchhardt
Steven & Sharon Schwan
Grant & Lori Seaman
Kipp & Shelley Shanley
Nathan & Alyssa Smith
Steger Lawn Care LLC
Supporters of Warner Area Community Foundation
Cody Tolvstad
Tres' Chic Hair Salon
Lance & Lyndsey Vilhauer
Christopher & Erin Vosika
Darin Wiedebush
Dan & Stephanie Wood
Keith & Shannon Knuppe
James & Deb Wood
Aaron & Nina Vilhauer
Brittany Schley
Kevin Nelson in memory of Leon Tobin
Richard & Michele Mikkelsen
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Bryce & Lona Krueger
Bryce & Amanda Neiger
Steger Lawn Care LLC- Jared Steger
Lance & Lyndsey Vilhauer
Landon & Cassie Reuer
Doug & Lori Leidholt
Christopher & Erin Vosika
Supporters of Warner Youth Tackle Football
Zac & Marissa Hook
Derek & Lindsy Baum
Corey & Leah Haaland
Levi & Valerie Jensen
Jeff & Jessica Evenson
Marne Neiger
Lyndell LLC – Keith & Shannon Knuppe
Tom Fischbach
Eide Bailly, LLP
Larry & Sharon Stroschein
Supporters of Warner Area Community Foundation
Stroschein Farm
Ryan & Logan Heilman
Lee & Bobbie Bierman
Ryckman Insurance Group- Jordan & Allie Ryckman
Wade & Jody Young
Ray & Shirley Knuppe
Kurt Hoeft
Johnson Inspection Services LLC- Roby Johnson
Corey & Leah Haaland
Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen – Missy Fipps
Bonnie Jark
Gaylon and Nichol Townsend
Melissa Gorecki & Jeremiah Maxfield
Monarch Steakhouse Inc – Ann Evangelisto
James Roth
Paula Hier
Charlean Fuhrman Croxton
Randy & Karen Kienow
Lewis Borge
Dwayne & Claudette Rehfeld
Shirley Morgan
James & Helen Jeanne Fischbach
Keith & Julie Kayser
Daryl & Anita Jung
Brady & Mandy Carda
Haselhorst Inc – Troy & Amy Haselhorst
John & Amy Wanous
Michael and Kari Bunke
Charles Seaman Family
Michelle Leach
Barb Breidenbach
Larry Robinson
Ellen Welke
Dale Browning
George Hansen, Jr.
Barry & Tricia Marcuson
Loren & Julie Rozell
Larry Littrell
Grant & Lori Seaman
Dan & Irene Roberts
Fred & Kathy Marnette
Darin Wiedebush
Randy & Carol Wiedebush
Jon & Paula Damaska
Kevin & Aimee Anderson
Glen & Pamela Armstrong
Kevin & Becky Roth
MMR Constructors Inc
Stratford-Warner Lions Club
Mark & Pamela Lane
Marlin & Rhonda Nilsson
Carey & Sonya Nilsson
William & Megan Rozell
James & Jakki Holm
Dylan & Megan Binger
Raymond Meserve
Spencer & Ashley Kienow
Jason Jung
Casey & Kayla Nilsson
Braun Joint Venture – John Braun, Jackie Braun, Staci Tuszka, Mark Tuszka, Lori Stouten, Paula Braun
South Dakota Community Foundation
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Leah Haaland
- Ryan Heilman
- Jason Jung
- Keith Knuppe
- Lona Krueger
- Staci Kay
- Will Rozell
- Grant Seaman
- Darin Wiedebush
- Dan Wood

Support the Warner Area CSA Help the Warner area thrive for generations to come.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.