South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) recently awarded a $4,000 South Dakota Fund grant to the Sturgis Public Library. Funding will support the purchase of equipment to expand the current Coding Club. This expansion will open a range of opportunities for educational programming.
"We have the deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation for the incredible news of the grant award. We want to thank our project partners as well as the South Dakota Community Foundation for their encouragement for positive change, and we look forward to making our community and the foundation proud with the outcomes of our Coding Club project,” said Sierra Frazier-Riggs, Youth & Adult Services Program Coordinator, Sturgis Public Library.

For over 100 years, the Sturgis Public Library has empowered area residents through literacy, education, reference service, community connections, and more. Library programming has become a significant resource for connecting library services to the community. This funding will assist with coding programs following curriculums set through Girls Who Code, Code.org and Tinker.
“This grant will further assist the Sturgis Public Library Coding Club and increase their number of participants,” says Ginger Niemann, SDCF Senior Program Officer. “We are happy to partner with them on this project.”
SDCF is a public non-profit organization established in 1987. SDCF, with offices in Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls and Aberdeen administers 1,200 funds benefiting hundreds of charitable organizations annually. The Foundation distributed nearly $30 million in grants in 2022 which made a tremendous difference in communities statewide. This would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors. If you have a specific cause you would like to support or would prefer to give for the general good of our state, please visit https://sdcommunityfoundation.org/giving to learn more or call 1-800-888-1842.