“ My clients appreciate when I bring up the question of charitable giving.”
Rob Ronayne, Ronayne Law Office, Aberdeen
Aberdeen attorney and SDCF Key Club member Rob Ronayne of Ronayne Law Office “almost always” raises the question of charitable giving when discussing clients’ estate plans with them. “Sometimes the answer is no,” he says, “but many times they really haven’t considered it.” Advisors may sometimes be reluctant to raise the topic if the client doesn’t first, but he believes “it’s a real service to our clients” to help them understand the tax consequences of assets they might like to use for bequests. “Clients like to hear about those things.”
We are humbled to have Rob’s trust in assisting clients to craft their charitable legacy.
If you have clients with ties to South Dakota, the SDCF is a great place to start their search for charitable giving. We are immersed in the nonprofit sector of our state, and gifts can be given in any amount. Most importantly, we are a stable, committed institution of financial professionals that you and your clients can rely on.

Looking for a charitable giving partner?
Learn how SDCF can partner with you and your clients to meet their charitable goals.