Problem-Solving Initiatives… | South Dakota Community Foundation

Problem-Solving Initiatives Receive $600,000 in Beyond Idea Grants

August 20, 2024 // Beyond Idea Grants, Grants

On Monday, July 22nd, seven Sioux Falls area nonprofits received over $600,000 from the South Dakota Community Foundation’s (SDCF) Beyond Idea Grant (BIG) program. Offered in partnership with the Bush Foundation, the BIG program supports community-based problem-solving efforts in South Dakota.

The following organizations received their grant awards in a presentation held at the Augustana University Welcome Center:

  • Eat Well Sioux Falls Mobile Market – Sioux Falls – $50,000
    • Eat Well Sioux Falls will test how a mobile market can help alleviate urban food deserts in Sioux Falls.
    • Statement from Michelle Erpenbach, President, Sioux Falls Thrive: “The Eat Well Sioux Falls Mobile Market is a new community asset – meaning it belongs to the entire community of Sioux Falls. The proceeds from this Beyond Idea Grant will make the final payment on the most important equipment for a grocery store on wheels: the trailer itself and the truck that pulls it. As Sioux Falls grows, so does the need for more affordable groceries in neighborhoods where access is limited. And as this big idea grows, Mobile Market supporters envision more vehicles and not just in Sioux Falls but across South Dakota. We're incredibly grateful for the opportunity to prove this concept can be successful, even in a small rural state like ours.”
  • Helpline Center – Sioux Falls – $95,000
    • Helpline Center plans to implement a collective impact model of coordinated care to better support families and individuals in poverty across social determinants of health.
    • Statement from Janet Kittams, President, Helpline Center: “The Helpline Center is thrilled to receive a Beyond Idea Grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation. This grant will allow the Helpline Center to address poverty across the state by utilizing the proven collective impact model of Transition to Success. This model provides standards of care to treat the condition of poverty by coordinating care across the social determinants of health. And most importantly the Transition to Success model promotes addressing poverty as a treatable condition rather than a character flaw. This care model has demonstrated statistically significant results in alleviating poverty in multiple studies across the United States.”
  • Lost&Found – Sioux Falls – $100,000
    • Lost&Found will expand upon their initiative to develop and implement a mobile application to provide preventative mental health support across the state.
    • Statement from Erik Muckey, Executive Director & CEO, Lost&Found: “The support of the South Dakota Community Foundation is fundamentally changing the landscape of mental health services in higher education in South Dakota and setting a new standard for peer support services. With the completion of the ReachU mobile application, South Dakota’s college and university students will be able to access peer mentorship and localized community resources while creating connections with a trusted peer. Put simply: the BIG Grant is a gamechanger.”
  • Midwest Street Medicine – Brandon – $90,000
    • Midwest Street Medicine will provide direct health support to individuals who are unhoused, testing an idea that has shown improved health outcomes in other parts of the country.
    • Statement from Shannon Emry, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Midwest Street Medicine: “South Dakota Community Foundation's thoughtful and generous grant funding for Midwest Street Medicine and the unhoused population will transform lives by providing not only medical care but a foundation for hope, stability, and a brighter future.”
  • South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault – Sioux Falls – $100,000
    • The network will focus on coordinating efforts to respond to and prevent sexual assault across the state.
    • Statement from Krista Heeren-Graber, Executive Director, SD Network Against FV & SA: “The SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault will utilize these funds to implement and collaborate to provide prevention efforts for high-risk populations. This project will coordinate and not duplicate efforts to address sexual violence and will hopefully start to change the social norms to address "consent" and stop the revictimization of victims of sexual violence/abuse. Thank you to the SD Community Foundation for their commitment to the protection and safety of SD families.”
  • Straight Up Care – Volin – $100,000
    • Straight Up Care plans to invest in digital tools to advance peer support of substance use/addiction and/or mental health in South Dakota.
    • Statement from Dr. Melissa Dittberner, CEO, Straight Up Care: “The continued impact of this grant will be immeasurable as we extend our support to those healing from addiction and mental health challenges."
  • The Legacy Foundation – Sioux Falls – $82,350
    • The Legacy Foundation seeks to expand their medical device lending library, Owen’s Outfitters, which loans medical devices to those in need for free.
    • Statement from Eleanor Turner, President and Co-Founder, The Legacy Foundation: “The founders and staff at The Legacy Foundation are honored to have been selected for a Beyond Ideas Grant by the South Dakota Foundation. The vision we have of expanding our medical equipment lending library across South Dakota will no longer be just a dream, but now become reality as we serve communities across the state. Owen's Outfitters will soon be coming to a town near you!"

SDCF has awarded nearly $3.6 million dollars from the Beyond Idea Grant program in since 2022. Interested organizations can visit to review the grant guidelines and application instructions. SDCF will offer the BIG program again in 2025, with more details to be announced later this year. In order to qualify, a nonprofit must be IRS Publication 78 verified or have a fiscal sponsor.

SDCF is a public non–profit organization established in 1987. SDCF, with offices in Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls and Aberdeen administers 1,200 funds benefiting hundreds of charitable organizations annually. The Foundation distributed nearly $31 million in grants in 2023 which made a tremendous difference in communities statewide. This would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors. If you have a specific cause you would like to support or would prefer to give for the general good of our state, please visit to learn more or call 1–800–888–1842.

The Bush Foundation invests in great ideas and the people who power them. Established in 1953 by 3M Executive Archibald Bush and his wife Edyth, the Foundation encourages individuals and organizations to think bigger and think differently about what is possible in communities across Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the 23 Native nations that share the same geographic area.