Making a Lasting Impact with Key Club Member Patrick Goetzinger

Philanthropy has a lasting impact on many lives throughout South Dakota. South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) works to simplify philanthropy and help charitable donations leave a legacy within our state. One way we do this is by partnering with professional advisors who comprise our Key Club.
The Key Club recognizes and thanks professional advisors who have inspired their clients to give back and improve the lives of their fellow South Dakotans. Earning the trust of donors and partnering with SDCF staff, these advisors promote philanthropy through legacy building.

SDCF President & CEO Stephanie Judson recently joined Key Club member Patrick Goetzinger for a conversation about his work in estate planning and the charitable conversation. Patrick (Pat) is a partner with Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson, & Ashmore, LLP, in Rapid City, South Dakota, where he leads the firm's Business and Estate Planning Group and serves on the Executive Committee. He practices in Business and Estate Planning, focusing on family-run businesses, affluent individuals, business transactions and real property law.
Pat has worked closely for many years with SDCF on behalf of his clients, who wanted to leave a legacy for generations to come. He is especially thankful for the resources the Key Club offers to advisors.
“The Key Club [SDCF] helps me be a better advisor on philanthropic topics,” said Pat, “And they are a great collaborator when the time comes to fulfill philanthropic objectives for my clients.”
Pat has partnered with SDCF to make many clients’ philanthropic dreams come true, but some especially memorable clients to work with were Fred and Luella Cozad. Fred Cozad established the Cozad Law Office, where Luella served as secretary. The Cozad Law Office operated as a steadfast main street practice in the Martin, South Dakota community for 65 years, where Fred served in many capacities, including judge and state’s attorney.
Pat grew up in Martin and counts Fred and Luella Cozad as longtime friends and mentors. Pat’s career took him into Fred’s office many times to discuss the practice of law, and to seek advice on anything from philanthropy to family from the seasoned lawyer. Pat was honored when Fred and Luella asked him to be their advisor in estate planning.
“Other than my parents, Fred and Luella were incredibly influential in the career path that I chose in life,” “shared Pat, “I wanted to be the kind of person and lawyer that would make Fred, Luella and my parents proud.”
For Fred and Luella, philanthropy was a central part of life. In 1997, Fred and Luella established the Martin Community Foundation alongside a dedicated group of people with a desire to create a sustainable asset for the community of Martin. Over $173,000 has been donated to the fund allowing for $73,000 in grants for community projects and programs, making Martin a better place.
Fred and Luella knew when it came to establishing their estate plan, giving back to the community was going to be a strong priority. With Pat’s guidance, the Cozads partnered with SDCF to establish several endowment funds, planned through the Cozad’s estate.
Fred Cozad passed away in 2017, and Luella in 2019, and since their passing these funds have gone on to benefit multiple charities they cared for. The organizations that have felt the impact of Fred and Luella’s philanthropy include the South Dakota Bar Foundation, Martin Community Foundation, USD Foundation, Lindsey Memorial Presbyterian Church in Martin, Westhills Village Foundation, Cornerstone Rescue Mission, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Martin, St. Katherine’s Episcopal Church, FCA and the Black Hills Playhouse.
“In their personal life and their professional life, Fred and Luella have had a profound impact on people throughout South Dakota,” said Pat, “not just in Bennett County, and not just in South Dakota, but nationally.”
Learn how your clients can partner with SDCF to achieve their charitable goals.