Curtis Marvin Hohn Endowment | South Dakota Community Foundation

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To provide financial support to South Dakota students attending an in-state institution of higher learning and that demonstrate a commitment to public service.

Scholarship Details

This scholarship was established to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Curtis M. Hohn, a prominent figure in South Dakota's water policy landscape, renowned for his service as a public servant, community activist, and leader. Curtis held several key positions, including serving on the staff of U.S. Senator George McGovern, directing the United Family Farmers organization, and managing the Oahe Conservancy Subdistrict. He played a crucial role in assessing the Oahe Irrigation Project and negotiating legislative settlements for alternative water projects. Moreover, Curtis led negotiations between the local Oahe Subdistrict with Congress, and the U.S. Department of the Interior. Notably, he played a pivotal role in the implementation of South Dakota's first major pipeline project utilizing Missouri River water.


This statewide scholarship is available to any South Dakota high school senior who exhibits a dedication to public service. Applicants should reflect on the values that characterized Curt Hohn’s life. These traits may include but are not limited to, personal integrity, individual character and courage, leadership in school and community, involvement in civic affairs, participation in organizations that shape school and community, leadership in reforming policies that benefit the public, a strong work ethic, and an interest in national and global issues impacting the public interest and humanitarian concerns. Preference will be given to students pursuing studies in history, political science, or water resources (such as water conservation, water quality, hydraulics, water systems management and operation, or environmental studies). Please share with the selection committee your interests in your career goals and any personal values and experiences that support your career and personal goals.


Participation and volunteer work in high school and/or college extracurriculars, community events, as well as any honors, awards, and leadership roles.


March 10

Applicable Institutions:

Any college, university, or technical college