Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship | South Dakota Community Foundation

Job Posting: Front Office Administrator

To provide financial support to graduates of South Dakota high schools with preference to high schools within Clark and Codington counties.

Scholarship Details

The Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship has been established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing post-secondary education. First preference will be given to students residing in Clark County, with secondary preference given to students residing in Codington County.


For graduating seniors with first preference given to students residing in Clark County, with secondary preference given to students residing in Codington County who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. Applicants are asked to share what are your academic, career, and personal goals for the future and what personal qualities will help you reach your goals.


Participation and volunteer work in high school and/or college extracurriculars, church activities, community events, and work experience, as well as any honors, awards, and leadership roles.


March 15

Applicable Institutions:

Any college, university, or technical college

Four $5,000 renewable scholarships for a maximum of four years to students attending a college or university. Student must maintain and provide proof of a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) and enrolled as a full-time student. It will be the student’s responsibility to provide documentation proving requirements are met (transcript and schedule) for the scholarship to be renewable each year by June 1 to If you receive a four-year scholarship and then transfer to a two-year institution, you will no longer be eligible for the Evans Scholarship. However, you may transfer to another four-year institution and retain the scholarship.

Four $2,500 renewable scholarships for a maximum of two years to students attending a technical college. Student must maintain and provide proof of a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA (based on 4.0 scale) and enrolled as a full-time student. It will be the student’s responsibility to provide documentation proving requirements are met (transcript and schedule) for the scholarship to be renewable each year by June 1 to If you receive a two-year scholarship and then transfer to a four-year institution, you will no longer be eligible for the Evans Scholarship. However, you may transfer to another two-year institution and retain the scholarship.