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Jim & Vicki Lust: Philanthropic Legacy
Jim and Vicki Lust of Aberdeen have partnered with SDCF for their charitable giving since 2012, starting with the Jim and Vicki Lust First Foundation to support St. Mark's Episcopal Church.
Elkton High School Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to graduates of Elkton High School, Elkton, SD.
Bright Future Haakon County Schools
Established in 1902 as Philip Independent School District, Haakon School District in western South Dakota includes Philip Elementary, Junior High, High School, and Milesville Country School.
Scott & Julia Jones Vision 35 Fund
To provide financial support for charitable purposes at the recommendation of the South Dakota Community Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Brookings Habitat for Humanity: Building Strength, Stability, Self-Reliance
SDCF is honored to work with nonprofits to build ongoing revenue support through our agency funds. We are grateful to partner with the Brookings Area Habitat for Humanity through this fund type. These funds are invested with SDCF to create a long-term funding source for the nonprofit’s mission.
Hoffman Family Fund: An Easy Way to Help
Through donor advised funds (DAF), SDCF works with families to allow maximum flexibility with their giving. Each year, donors recommend nonprofit organizations to receive grants. Donors can also name successor advisors to continue the giving tradition.
Jim & Sarah DeWitt: Joyful Giving
Most funds held with SDCF are permanently endowed. In recent years, SDCF has received requests asking for a nonpermanent option. To meet the needs of donors, SDCF added a more flexible option that allows donors to spend down funds during their lifetime. The DeWitts recently partnered with SDCF to take advantage of this option.
Hansen Scholarships: Opportunity for Achievement
SDCF helps families memorialize loved ones through scholarship funds, with over 300 established, enabling many South Dakotans to pursue higher education.
Future Leaders of SD
SDCF forms designated funds with donors, aiding chosen charities for generations. They've partnered with Leadership South Dakota for an endowment fund.
Herreid Community Foundation, Lasting Legacy
The Herreid Community Foundation (HCF) was started in 1999 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Herreid community at the recommendation of a local advisory council. With careful investment, their fund will continue to grow and enhance quality of life in the local area forever. This fund is one of 84 community savings accounts in partnership with SDCF.