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Anson E. & Sheron M. Chapman Fund
To provide financial support to charitable & nonprofit purposes in Huron, SD at the recommendation of the Huron Community Foundation Advisory Council.
SDCF Elects New Board Members
South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) held board member elections at the Fall 2023 board meeting in Sioux Falls this past month. SDCF welcomed three new members - Carla Gatzke of Brookings, Cynthia Mickelson and Greg Sands of Sioux Falls.
Building Tomorrow: Leadership SD
A flourishing community relies on a strong foundation. A strong foundation of growth, commitment, and collaboration cannot become a reality without strong leadership.
William K. Kingdon Charitable Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in Huron, SD and the surrounding area at the recommendation of the Huron Community Foundation Advisory Council and the executor of the estate of William K. Kingdon, Richard "Dick" Kingdon.
Georgia Henrichsen Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to graduates of Wessington Springs High School.
Pruszinski Family Foundation - Day County Fund
To provide financial support for area youth activities at the recommendation of the Day County Community Foundation Advisory Council.
Pruszinski Family Foundation - Sisseton Area Fund
To provide financial support for area youth activities at the recommendation of the Sisseton Area Community Foundation Advisory Council.
Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity Affordable Home Ownership Designated Fund
To provide financial support to the Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity as designated by the donor.
Dr. Greg & Katie Hanson Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to graduates of South Dakota High Schools pursuing attending dental school.
J&C Morrison Charitable Giving Fund
To provide financial support for charitable purposes at the recommendation of the donor.