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Mark & Kristol McKie Family Fund
To provide financial support for charitable purposes at the recommendation of the Donors.
Central South Dakota (6th Circuit) CASA Fund
To provide financial support to Central South Dakota (6th Circuit) CASA.
Rosebud Concrete Employees Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in Tripp County at the recommendation of the Tripp County Community Foundation Advisory Council.
SDANA Future Fund
To provide financial support to second year nurse anesthesia student(s) attending an accredited program in the state of South Dakota who desires to provide anesthesia services within the state following graduation.
Jack & Donna Steele Family Fund
To provide financial support for charitable purposes as designated by the Donors.
The Salvation Army of the Black Hills Endowment Fund
To provide financial support to The Salvation Army of the Black Hills.
Tony & Jamie Farmen Charitable Fund
To provide financial support for charitable purposes at the recommendation of the donors.
A Legacy of Love and Generosity: Dennis and Linda Batteen
Dennis and Linda Batteen of Aberdeen, S.D. have built a life rooted in love, hard work and giving back. Dennis, a South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) board member, and Linda, his lifelong partner, are leaving a legacy through their estate gift to SDCF, ensuring future generations in South Dakota thrive.
Barry & Teri Mack Family Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Huron community at the recommendation of the Huron Community Foundation Advisory Council.
Selby Community Foundation Accepts $100,000 Challenge Match from Himrich Family Fund and SDCF
Selby Community Foundation Advisory Council has accepted a challenge to raise $100,000 within three years for a match of $150,000 from the Oscar M. and Edna A. Himrich Family Fund and South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF), a $1.25 match.