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Sioux YMCA Designated Fund
To provide financial support to the Sioux YMCA in Dupree, SD.
James & Jeanne Arneson Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to graduates of Wilmot High School who display an aptitude in creative writing by authoring a short story. This fund was created to honor Jim and Jeanne Arneson, who were relentlessly encouraging to all of their children. Jim 's grandparents, Oscar and Caroline Olson moved to the United States from Norway and spent many years in Wilmot. They 're buried in Wilmot Cemetery.
Jacob Dahl Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support for scholarships as recommended by the Board of Directors of the Castlewood Education Foundation.
Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center Designated Fund
To provide financial support to Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center.
Deadwood BPOE #508 Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.
John & Delice Gleysteen Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to graduates of Castlewood High School pursuing a degree in music, music education and fine arts.
RASDak Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.
Gropper Clement Legacy Fund
To provide financial support to graduates of Huron, James Valley Christian, Kadoka and Miller High Schools.
Outlaw Ranch Designated Fund
To provide financial support to Outlaw Ranch at Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota as designated by the donor.
NESODAK Endowment Fund
To provide financial support to NESODAK at Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota as designated by the donor.