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Oglala Lakota College Calvin Jumping Bull Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to students attending Oglala Lakota College. Oglala Lake College selects recipients for this scholarship. Scholarship funds are deposited directly into the selected recipients' student account.
Frank Fools Crow Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to students attending Oglala Lakota College. Oglala Lake College selects recipients for this scholarship. Scholarship funds are deposited directly into the selected recipients' student account.
John Around Him Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to students attending Oglala Lakota College. Oglala Lake College selects recipients for this scholarship. Scholarship funds are deposited directly into the selected recipients' student account.
American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas Fund
To provide financial support to Camp Judson in the Black Hills as designated by the donor.
Anne Carlsen Center for Children Fund
To provide financial support to the Anne Carlsen Center for Children as designated by the donor.
Calvary Lutheran Church Fund-Irene, SD
To provide financial support to Calvary Lutheran Church in Irene as designated by the donor.
Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-James Valley Christian School
To provide financial support to graduates of James Valley Christian School.
Wheeler Family Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Huron area at the recommendation of the donor.
Huron Youth Leadership Council Fund
To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.
Lampe-WINGS Foundation Fund
To provide financial support to the WINGS Foundation as designated by the donor.